The Love Horoscope For August 3 Brings Healing Energy To Each Zodiac Sign
It's time to receive the love that you deserve.

Part of the journey of the self is realizing that you don’t need to become someone different or even work to receive the love that you desire. You are worthy simply because you were born that way and because you are uniquely yourself.
Life can often make you feel like you need to change to receive love or hide the best parts of your authentic self. Yet, as the Leo Moon aligns with Lilith in Libra this Saturday, you will feel an awakening in your inner self. You will realize you deserve love and to be genuinely accepted for who you are.
It's time to let go of the need to change your personality, your likes or your appearance. Allow yourself to simply be loved for all you innately are.
Each zodiac sign's love horoscope for August 3, 2024:
Just because you’ve never felt genuinely loved for who you are, doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of it, Aries. There is a lot of uncovering right now that may have you realize one of the reasons a relationship never worked out was because you were always trying to change or water yourself down.
Try to accept yourself more fully and watch how that one choice can transform your romantic life.
You don’t have to pretend to be anything, Taurus, but only choose to let yourself be fully seen – vulnerabilities and all. You don’t need to act like you have it all together if you don’t or feel like you need to be the rock in the relationship.
Letting yourself embrace more of your humanity opens the door to receiving more of that reciprocal energy you’ve needed.
Dear Gemini, you are worthy of love in all of your complexities and simplicities. The person that is meant to be in your life is going to love you because of your unique way of seeing life or wanting to experience all that you can.
The love that is meant for you will also help you become more yourself, but you also must choose to stop trying to fit yourself into a box in order to have a relationship. When you can see all of your qualities as strengths and not weaknesses, then you also will finally let yourself be loved for all that you are.
While your emotionality is one of your greatest strengths, Cancer, you are more than just feelings and nurturing. You have a unique purpose in this life, and yet you have all too often in the past set aside your dreams for others.
You won’t have to sacrifice yourself or what you want for your life when you’re with someone that truly is in alignment with your soul. Try to follow more of your dreams, prioritize yourself, and then see who you attract into your life.
You can’t expect to attract a truly healthy fulfilling relationship, Leo, if you’re not being honest with yourself about what you really want or need. The first person that you need to own your authenticness to is yourself, otherwise you will continue to chase only illusions of what love is.
Try to hold space for what you dream of for love and let go of the idea that anything is a contradiction or that you won’t be able to achieve it. Accepting yourself is the key to having a lover accept your full self.
There’s a big difference between a love that looks right, dear Virgo, and one that actually feels right. But to receive what you genuinely desire, you need to let go of whether it looks perfect or checks any of those mysterious boxes you tend to have.
You need to go deeper within yourself and your relationship, but that is a journey that you must consciously choose. Remember your emotional needs can’t be met by just anyone, and so it would benefit you to start putting those first.
It’s time to break the mold, Libra — which means it’s also time to have a relationship unlike anything you’ve ever had in the past. This begins with you being honest about any dynamics or cycles that you see continuing, even if it’s simply hesitancy to speak your truth.
To change your romantic pattern, you first have to acknowledge it so you can choose to show up differently. Instead of waiting for your partner to change, make the choice to implement changes for yourself.
You get one life, Scorpio, which means it falls onto you to make sure that you are creating what you genuinely dream of. Try to let go of all the reasons why you can’t and start choosing yourself each morning.
The dreams that you have for yourself and a relationship are real, but you need to start seeing them as that. Be unapologetic in listening to your intuition, following your dreams, and doing what you need to do in order to know you are truly living your most authentic life.
You can’t talk yourself into commitment, Sagittarius, if that feeling isn’t naturally there. While a great deal goes into being ready to take that big step in love, if you constantly find yourself talking yourself into investing in your relationship, then you may not be in a connection that is truly aligned with your needs.
Try to give yourself space to understand why you’ve felt challenged in love, and most importantly let yourself follow your heart, regardless of where it leads.
Don’t be too quick to write off a particular relationship, dear Capricorn, especially if you may have been recently holding back. In order to know the purpose of any connection, you need to allow yourself to fully show up for it and to be clear about what you need.
Try to be more expressive of what a relationship means to you and ask for more of what you need. While you may need to be mindful of creating some quality time with your partner, it doesn’t mean you can just assume they already know what you need.
There’s no point in trying to hide how you feel, sweet Aquarius. Emotions are not the enemy. Regardless of if it is the blossoming of a new love, or the feelings of distance in your connection.
Try to hold space for your own emotions and be more forthright in how you address them with your partner. You don’t need to have a solution figured out before you share, but only make the choice that you are worthy of feeling all you do.
Just because you have a natural way of loving, Pisces, doesn’t mean you have to feel like you can’t have your moments of doubt, questioning or even fear.
Although you can’t let yourself make important decisions from this place, it would benefit you to honor them more and start sharing with your partner. Doing so doesn’t mean you’re not ready for love, but only that you are human and being vulnerable in this process will allow you to manifest a deeper love.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.