Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Week Starting May 27

Plan for success but be open to unexpected redirections from the universe.

woman, zodiac signs and calendar of lucky days Anh Henry Nguyen via Unsplash / 3DTampa7's Images, Gilmar Ozio from Pexels, Elmigora and SilKing from DK Ollin via Canva

To set yourself up for success is to plan for the unexpected, whether those surprise life redirections come from an outside source or within yourself. Making a plan for success means setting your sights on the goal but remaining open to the path that will take you there. 

This lets you know in your heart the kind of luck you want to manifest in your life while being open to receiving divine redirections from the universe and unexpected moments of good fortune. A plan is simply a framework, not something that should be set in stone so that when your moment of divine luck strikes, you will be able to seize it.


The week of May 27 brings a combination of energy that encourages you to reflect on what you need to do to create the life of your dreams. Jupiter in Gemini will be especially helpful in taking your life in an expansive direction. 

This week, it’s crucial to make a plan for success yet remain open to how you will achieve your dreams. As Mercury joins with Uranus in Taurus this week, they provide a powerful catalyst moment that could take your life in an unexpected direction. So, use the start of the week to create a plan and foundation to manifest your dreams. You can take and receive the luck necessary to achieve an even greater success—trust in your dreams and the process it will take to achieve them.


Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week starting May 27.


Luckiest Day: Friday, May 31

You deserve a divine turnaround, but you must be open to a new path, even if it may not appear to be what you had planned for. Harness your strong determination and fight to succeed, and let yourself take a risk as you deepen your trust that everything you want is already on its way to you. The more you can move with trust, knowing you deserve the best of everything, then the more likely you’ll be in the place to receive a divine redirection.

On Friday, May 31, Mercury and Uranus will unite together in Taurus, creating a powerful opportunity to increase your financial wealth. Mercury governs communication, but Uranus brings about the unexpected, so remain aware of offers or opportunities around this time that can help change events in your life for the better. The path you planned for may very well not be the one destined for you, so remain open to where you are directed at this time.


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Luckiest Day: Friday, May 31

Pluto recently stationed retrograde in your house of career, inviting you to begin reflecting on whether you are following your divine purpose or if power struggles or ego are interfering with the success that is destined for you. While this will be a longer journey meant to help you deepen your truth about the work you feel called to do and what you want to create in this life, there is a major breakthrough moment as Pluto retrograde in Aquarius aligns with Jupiter in Gemini on Friday, May 31.

Jupiter in Gemini will help you build greater financial wealth and feel more confident that you are worthy to live the life of your dreams. As Jupiter in Gemini aligns with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, you will feel an increase in your personal power as you commit to pursuing your dreams. Jupiter and Pluto create an energy of success that you will be able to reap the benefits of in your career; pay close attention to any new truths that come to the surface, as these will help you seize new opportunities.


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Luckiest Day: Monday, May 27

You are being given a chance to broaden your horizons and set off on a new beginning in your professional life. While you may have been reflecting and working on making changes to your work or considering changing companies, you are now gifted with a magical time in your career that can help you manifest all you’ve ever wanted.

On Monday, May 27, Jupiter in Gemini will align with Neptune in Pisces, helping you to feel optimistic and the support of the divine as you take the chance to expand your professional life. Jupiter in Gemini is meant to help you live bigger than you have imagined by giving you the green light to tune into your inner authenticity and self-validation so you can be confident you are manifesting the life meant for you. As Jupiter in Gemini aligns with Neptune in Pisces, there is a feeling of enchantment and magic as you feel drawn to take a chance on a new path in your professional life, which will bring the fulfillment and wealth you have been dreaming of.


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Luckiest Day: Thursday, May 30

Everything in the universe now urges you to seize the positive opportunities surrounding you. Your mindset and perspective can greatly affect what you can take advantage of. So, focus on positive affirmations and believing in the best possible scenario. You won’t want to miss the opportunities for luck that are being gifted to you by the universe.

The Last Quarter Moon in Pisces will rise in your house of luck on Thursday, May 30. The house of luck is deeply connected to matters of truth, understanding, spirituality and travel. With the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces, you are being guided to embrace greater clarity for what direction you should take in your life. While the Last Quarter Moon often depicts forgiveness or healing, it’s also a time of preparation for the upcoming New Moon, which will be on June 6 in Gemini. Take this time to focus on what you want and where you are being directed, clearing your path of distractions and setting an intention for greater abundance and joy in your life so that you will be prepared to take the divine chance when it arrives.


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Luckiest Day: Friday, May 31

Be ready to make major changes to your professional life as Mercury aligns with Uranus in Taurus on Friday — May 31 will highlight unexpected offers and developments. Mercury governs over matters of communication. You may be offered a new job, hear about a promotion, or start negotiating a pay raise. A significant project may start that could lead to greater success. However, Uranus works unexpectedly and rarely, if ever, delivers what you had anticipated, so go with the flow. Trust that the universe is working for your highest good so that when this pivotal offer or redirection arrives, you don’t hesitate to take it.

Your career has likely seen profound growth thanks to lucky Jupiter. Now that this planet is in Gemini, you can really show up as your best self at work. The universe responds well to you creating your own luck, and it will help you manifest your best life.


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Luckiest Day: Friday, May 31

There is never a shortage of new beginnings if you are open to receiving them. While you might look at your life and find so much gratitude for what you’ve been able to create and experience, it doesn’t mean that the best of anything is behind you. When you can look at life honestly, believing that the best moments are those you haven’t yet experienced, you can also remain open to the redirections and new beginnings the universe has in store for you.

In an incredibly lucky energy, Mercury and Uranus will unite in Taurus in your house of abundance, creating a catalyst for an incredible new beginning in your life. If you’ve been considering traveling, going back to school, or following that interest in taking an astrology course, you should be hearing positive news around this time that will let you have a new beginning in whatever you’ve been dreaming of. While you are skilled at making plans, especially for your life and success, it’s truly important to let yourself remain open to the unexpected path events may take. While you will be receiving news of a new beginning, with Uranus here, it won’t be how or in the area you had anticipated, so it’s important to let yourself take the risk when the universe presents you with a lucky new beginning.


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Luckiest Day: Friday, May 31

Many times, your best life won’t be found where you are. Whether that means relocating, career changes, or opening yourself up to develop a deeper understanding of your meaning, you will often have to break free from the status quo to manifest your desired life. Feeling confident in prioritizing your happiness or childhood dreams is essential in breaking free as you return to who you want to be before others tell you who you should be.

Jupiter in Gemini will align with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius on Friday, May 31, signaling a potent moment for expansion and redirection in your life path. To seize it, you must be prepared to follow your joy and that quiet voice within that has always known you were meant for more. Don’t be afraid to reimagine a different life or take a chance on your dream, as Jupiter in Gemini is set to help you manifest all you’ve intuitively known was destined for you.


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Luckiest Day: Monday, May 27

Although you have been dreaming of how powerful changes can help you transform your life in all the ways you desire, it doesn’t mean that there still hasn’t been some resistance or fear surrounding what that might mean. While it’s normal to feel some trepidation toward big phases of transitions, it’s also important to remain open, as you can’t reach your dreams if situations in life don’t change. Try to embrace surrender and show up as the self who is capable of achieving all you desire so that you can welcome in the waves of change that will help bring you to precisely where you have been dreaming of.

On Monday, May 27, Jupiter in Gemini will align with Neptune in Pisces, helping to create a feeling of increasing positivity and destiny in your life. This will help you embrace the process of transformation. Jupiter just shifted into Gemini, ruler of your house of transformation for the next year, so you must get comfortable with the change process as you trust it will lead toward lucky opportunities for expansion. Allow yourself to get excited about what’s to come, feel how the divine force of the universe is guiding you every step of the way, and let yourself move with the confidence that you deserve to live the life of your dreams.


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Luckiest Day: Friday, May 31

Create space for you to get in touch with your intuition while being honest about what you want from life. Don’t think about what seems logically possible, but what you feel in your soul you are meant to achieve. Whether this vision changes your career or daily routine, it’s important to create space to honor where your intuition is guiding you, as that is the sign that you’ve been asking to receive to know that it’s time to take a divine redirection.

Mercury and Uranus will unite in Taurus on Friday, May 31, shaking up your daily life and providing illuminating moments of inspiration for your dreams a reality. In Taurus, this can affect how you arrange and live your life as well as matters of work. As Mercury and Uranus connect here, you are being given the chance to see how you can follow the path of your intuition right into the abundant life you know was meant for you. Be prepared for some shock and awe moments as it will seem you can manifest even more rapidly with this energy. As long as you listen to your inner self, you can’t be steered wrong.


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Luckiest Day: Thursday, May 30

The Last Quarter Moon in Pisces will rise on Thursday, May 30, and will direct you to begin to focus on your emotional well-being and what you need to feel a sense of inner abundance. The Last Quarter Moon is typically a time for reflection, but in Pisces, it means that you will also need to begin to advocate for what you need or hold space to have important conversations with others. Before doing this, though, you need to ensure that you are prioritizing your needs and what you need to feel your most abundant self so that the energy you’re moving from is one of confidence and worthiness.


Use the energy of the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces to reflect on what you need from others or yourself to feel more fulfilled and abundant in your life. While you often are more focused on the external proof of success, like an extensive list of clients or financial wealth, this is your chance to make sure you truly give yourself all you need to enjoy what you have created. Don’t be afraid to stand up and voice what you need in your professional or personal life, as this will create the space for the new beginning of greater balance you’ve been searching for.

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Luckiest Day: Thursday, May 30

When you can take stock of what is most important to you, you have greater clarity on where to focus your energy in the future. Lean into reflecting on what defines the greatest value for you, whether it is the financial freedom to pursue your dreams, the relationships that matter the most to you, or the confidence to make the positive changes you seek. When you know what represents the highest value, you can be more selective about what you invest your energy into and what you will accept from others.


On Thursday, May 30, the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces asks you to take inventory of what represents the highest value in your life so that you can make important shifts in focusing on what is of true importance to the life you want to live. This may be a call to get your finances in order, reprioritize your time as you make space for important relationships, or give yourself a chance to participate in something that reinvigorates and energizes your soul. When you can take stock of your material or spiritual possessions and understand what is of the greatest importance, you can feel confident that it is what you will continue to build your life around.

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Luckiest Day: Friday, May 31

You have embraced a fantastic opportunity recently as you’ve begun to stretch yourself further into the world, letting your voice be heard and making your personal mark. This quest was intensified as Jupiter moved through Taurus, bringing luck and expansion to matters of publishing, social media, writing, or other projects centered around expressing yourself and your ideas. Although the planet of luck has since shifted into Gemini, you will receive an incredible moment of luck as Mercury unites with Uranus in Taurus on Friday, May 31.


Mercury governs matters of communication, so in this placement in your life, it will be felt especially strong, just as Uranus will be as well. As much work that you’ve invested in making the most of the energy while Jupiter was in Taurus before it shifted into Gemini on May 25, you are still in the process of making your dreams a reality — and are overdue for a divine reward for your efforts. Pay close attention to any offers or opportunities you receive around May 31, as it is connected to your previous work and your continued success. Remain confident in sharing your voice with the world, knowing that what is sown in dedication will be rewarded with abundance.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
