Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope Starting December 18 - 24, 2023

What treasures are hiding within you?

chinese weekly horoscope december 18 - 24 JaySi from Getty Images Pro and GeoImages both via Canva Pro

The energy this week, between December 18 - 24, 2023, is good and glorious! Do you feel it in the air? Under this influence, each Chinese zodiac sign is being urged to tap into their core self and find treasures hiding within. Don't make the mistake of comparing your treasures to someone else's!

The I Ching hexagram of this week is Mountain over Wind (#18), and it reminds us not to let tough situations and unfavorable circumstances bring us down. Sometimes, all you need to do is look within, and the answers will be waiting for you there. After all, everything seems impossible ... until it's not.


If you feel called to, spend some time this week journaling your feelings about your internal gifts and resources. Do you feel it's good enough? Why, or why not? A lot of important revelations await you on this journey. It will definitely help you seize your destiny once 2024 is here. Now, let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for December 18 - 24.

Chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope for December 18 - 24, 2023:


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

General Overview:

Rat, the energy this week has a ponderous feeling to it for you. You will benefit from turning inward and engaging in more introverted pursuits. Interesting revelations and ideas await you on these paths.


Lucky Day in Love: December 19

Your love life will be sweet and decadent this week. So, I look forward to some extraordinary times this holiday season. It will build up week after week.

Lucky Day in Friendship: December 21

Also, lean into nostalgia this week, whether it's through watching childhood cartoons, family-favorite holiday movies or something else. There will be an a-ha moment one of these days.


Lucky Day for Career: December 22

Some of you will benefit from being more proactive or decisive in your career this week. You have places to be and ladders to climb. There's no need to leave all the planning for the last minute.

RELATED: The 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs & Their Meanings, Explained


(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

General Overview:

Your hard work is about to pay off, Ox! Are you ready to reap the rewards? I look forward to great opportunities, extra cash and more this week. You absolutely deserve this!

Lucky Day in Love: December 23

In love, conserve your energy for truly meaningful things. So, instead of dating too many people at once, be more selective. Instead of swamping every day with couple's activities, do just one and make it memorable.


Lucky Day in Friendship: December 24

Your social life may bring you some new connections this week. Interesting opportunities and collaborations await through these partnerships. So step out of your comfort zone!

Lucky Day for Career: December 24

In your work life, be more diligent with the details. Ease away from workaholicism this week. You will squander your end-of-the-year blessings otherwise.

RELATED: Your Chinese Zodiac Sign's Lucky Number


(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, the energy this week is very introverted for you, but not exactly as you think. You are being urged to spend time with only those people who mean something to you. Giving in to the peer pressure to socialize with large groups will only be detrimental for you right now.


Lucky Day in Love: December 19

In love, try to strike a balance between romance and the other essential parts of your life. That's the basis for a partnership that truly works. The right one will not fault you for it because they have a life, too, with their responsibilities and dreams.

Lucky Day in Friendship: December 18

If your gut has been screaming at you to take a closer look at your social circle, take some time out this week to journal your feelings about the same. You may have outgrown your circle or have certain toxic people around you.

Lucky Day for Career: December 18

In your work life, listening over speaking is indicated for you as a good strategy this week. Now's not the time to seek the spotlight.


RELATED: The 5 Luckiest Chinese Zodiac Signs


(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

General Overview:

Rabbit, pay attention to the inspired ideas that strike you this week. Note them down when they come to you! You are about to be blessed with a gold-mine thought that will change your life in a meaningful way.

Lucky Day in Love: December 18

The energy around your love life is more relaxing this week. You will benefit from focusing on self-care instead of chasing after romance.

Lucky Day in Friendship: December 18

In social situations, give others the opportunity to take the stage and be the center of attention this week, even if you are the more interesting person in the group. Strong blessings await you if you can be more receptive now.


Lucky Day for Career: December 19

As for your career, the timing is not right this week for starting something new. It's the best time to take something that's in progress to the next level. Trust your skills and don't second-guess yourself.

RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Chinese Zodiac Compatibility For All Signs


(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

General Overview:

Dragon, your inner counsel is excellent. This week, the cosmic forces are urging you to be more mindful of advice from others and external knowledge gained from books, videos and podcasts. You will enter a new era of life soon and will benefit from this.

Lucky Day in Love: December 20


In love, don't jump to conclusions or get stressed if things don't go according to plan. Your and your significant other's ability to handle pressure, adapt to changing circumstances and be there for each other is being tested now. This applies to the person you are dating, too, if you are single.

Lucky Day in Friendship: December 21

You will be spoiled for choices in social interactions and fun activities this week. Let your inner child take the reins.

Lucky Day for Career: December 23

In your work life, be steady and continue to pace yourself. The time is not right to go fast, but don't slack off either just because it's the end of the year. You will win the marathon if you can strike the right balance.


RELATED: Chinese Zodiac Signs With The Best Marriage Compatibility


(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Love, in all its forms, is the area of focus for you this week, Snake. So pay attention to those relationships that are societally expected to be loving, whether it's your relationship with your parents, siblings, significant other, etc. Important revelations await you here.

Lucky Day in Love: December 24

You are also being urged to take a stand for what you truly want and not let anyone tell you that your standards are too high or your needs are unrealistic. They may not be the right person to give you what you want, and it's time to acknowledge that.


Lucky Day in Friendship: December 24

You will also benefit from looking for your soul tribe, whether online in Discord communities, Reddit forums and YouTube niches or offline in clubs, sports centers and more. Let the hunt begin!

Lucky Day for Career: December 20

Some of you need to relax and step off the pedal in your work life this week. You will learn more and build stronger relationships with your colleagues and teammates if you truly engage with them during coffee breaks and meetings.

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(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview:

Horse, important decisions lie ahead of you, and you are being urged to think carefully about your options this week. No one can tell you what is right or wrong. Only you can, depending on what's in your heart.


Lucky Day in Love: December 20

In love, you will have a lot of options this week and many people are showing interest in you. Don't ignore the red flags, but don't reject someone just because they don't fit an idea or ideal. You will be pleasantly surprised if you choose to discover more.

Lucky Day in Friendship: December 18

Your social life may or may not be interesting this week. It all depends on your priorities and the direction you decide is right for your life. Everything will add up eventually.

Lucky Day for Career: December 18

If things seem a bit slow in your career, don't get stressed. Work with the seasonal changes and be patient. Your time to shine will be upon you soon.


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(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview:

Goat, karma is on your side this week. You will suddenly realize (or be shown) why some of the more painful experiences of your past were actually necessary. Some of you may even laugh out in gratitude that you got removed from a toxic situation before it got worse.

Lucky Day in Love: December 18

In love, trust your instincts if you get into an argument with anyone. Some things appear petty on the surface but reveal deep-rooted problems and incompatibilities underneath.

Lucky Day in Friendship: December 21

Your social life may be a bit slow this week, but that's okay. Use this time to tune in with yourself and engage in self-care activities. You may also benefit from a relaxing ritual bath.


Lucky Day for Career: December 24

In your work life, something unexpected may happen this week. Take it in stride and rely on your intelligence and skills. You will successfully outmaneuver the problem if you do.

RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Chinese Zodiac Compatibility For All Signs


(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, you will be confused this week about whether to be solitary or seek the company of others. Neither will be appealing to you. Interestingly, if you seek the company of strangers, you will somehow find yourself at peace with zero expectations or obligations.

Lucky Day in Love: December 19

In love, you are being urged to take the reins of your love affair. If you want something specific, ask for it. If the other person is not the right one for you, you will know right away.


Lucky Day in Friendship: December 20

Despite the main energy of this week, you will benefit from seeking the spotlight in social situations, especially if you have dreams of being a stand-up comedian. How will you know how entertaining you are if you don't practice?

Lucky Day for Career: December 21

Your work life will be more chill this week and maybe even boring. For some, you may literally be on vacation right now. Don't worry about work. Just enjoy yourself.

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(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

General Overview:


Rooster, you are flipping the script on life at this time. Take charge of your destiny and don't second-guess yourself. The cosmic forces have got your back.

Lucky Day in Love: December 18

In love, pleasant conversations and striking intimacy await you. Whether the interactions will lead to something long-term or not cannot be said just yet.

Lucky Day in Friendship: December 18

If you feel called to, do a cord-cutting ritual to close chapters with people you no longer want in your life. How can you move forward with peace if those energetic ties remain intact?

Lucky Day for Career: December 23

In your work life, you are being urged to pay more attention to detail so you can stand out from the crowd in a good way. If you are on vacation, focus on de-stressing yourself so you can come back strong.


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(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, the energy this week is peaceful and loving for you. Spend time with your favorite people (and pets) and let things fall where they may. Serendipity will lead you to interesting adventures if you let it.

Lucky Day in Love: December 24

In love, focus on the long-term instead of flash-burn interactions. You will set yourself up for success that way.

Lucky Day in Friendship: December 21

Healing your inner wounds is also indicated for some of you as a good pursuit this week. Have you suffered an injustice and were manipulated into believing it was justice? Where else did gaslighting skew your perception and endanger your life? Journaling your thoughts will bring you important revelations.


Lucky Day for Career: December 18

In your career, take a methodical approach right now and pace yourself. The time to go fast will come soon, but you'll only succeed at it if you can pace yourself now.

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(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Love and luck are important areas of consideration for you this week, Pig. How has both affected your life so far? If you feel called to, do a gratitude ritual this week to let the universe know you appreciate the blessings that have come your way so far.

Lucky Day in Love: December 23

In love, you will feel fulfilled and at peace. Let your creative side take the reins this week. You will be in for a treat when you do ... and a few cosmic surprises.


Lucky Day in Friendship: December 24

Spending time with your inner circle is also indicated for you. Just make sure to focus on the quality of the interactions and not get distracted by your phones. You may even enjoy walking around the neighborhood and looking at the holiday decorations put up by other people.

Lucky Day for Career: December 23

Let things be slow and easy in your work life this week. Now's the time to engage with your family and friends and be merry. The time to be productive and super-focused on results will come soon.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
