Love Horoscopes For December 4 Restores Passion In Relationships

Don't bother trying to hide your love, when Venus enters Scorpio your desire is a dead giveaway.

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Venus in Scorpio brings our desires for love to the surface. We experience passion, purpose and a bit of jealousy at times. Find out what this means for all zodiac sign's and their love horoscopes beginning December 4, 2023.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Monday, December 04, 2023:



You long to feel safe, Aries, and that means having a loved one who is strong enough to handle every part of you, including your intimate secrets. Venus enters Scorpio, the realm of secrets and passion. This is a time when you begin to find honesty attractive, and that means a person who can handle you telling all without feeling insecure or threatened by your brazen foreclosures.

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Commitment? You may be thinking a bit more than usual about certain things ... namely the topic of marriage. With Venus entering your seventh house of marital partnerships and business partnerships, the idea of proposing can come up to you. If you're single and have not yet met 'the One' you'll be a bit more selective about who you date. Don't fall in love with just anyone. This is the time to be choosy.

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Are you doing love in a healthy way? it's always good to pace yourself. You don't want to seem anxious or even desperate.The energy of Venus entering Scorpio can. have you putting yourself out there a little more than you ought to do. For now, aim to be in the moment. Don't push things further than they are meant to go. Venus in your sixth house encourages healthy interaction, which can include taking these slowly even if you want to rush into commitment now.

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You're such a passionate soul, Cancer, so when Venus enters your house of pleasure, you want to enjoy every piece of romance that you can find. This is a time for joy and having fun. You will want to indulge yourself in music, delicious foods and a few romantic experiences. Go to the movies. Hold hands. Go for a walk through a park and take in all the beauty of nature. Let your heart be filled with love and light.

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You need to feel secure in order to fall in love, and when you sense a person is inconsistent it can hinder your ability to feel safe, nurtured and cherished. You crave more intimate moments where late-night conversations become bonding moments. Now that Venus enters your sector of home and family, you may consider getting pregnant, starting a family or moving in with a person you've been dating for some time.

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Deep conversations are on the horizon, Virgo. Venus, the planet of property, love and beauty will enter your third house of communication. This brings out your need for banter and a sense of knowing your partner better than anyone else. You want to be able to have open and honest discussions. You may feel like you're ready to share what's on your heart in the area of emotions and love. You may find it easier to write a letter or send a sweet text message or meme to encompass all that you hold in your heart over the next few weeks.

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You want what you want, and you're ready to go for it, Libra. Venus enters your money sector, and while money cannot buy you love, it can support your quest for happiness. You come into income and you're able to generate much more than you usually do. Debts get paid, and people who owe you money will come around to help settle their debt so you can move on.

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This is your Venus season, Scorpio. Venus will enter the depths of your zodiac sign where it will be until the end of the year. This is a wonderful time to establish your life and put things in order. There may be loose ends that need to be tied in your own life. You may find that your world has become in disarray and it's tough to bring things back around again. You will do it, but one day at a time.

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The past is behind you, but if you're hurt by something that happened between you and your significant other, you're not over it. It's not easy to let go of a slight or to be treated in a way that you feel isn't respectful .This is a wonderful time to settle a score and learn to be quick to forgive, enve if you're justified in not doing so. this month can bring you healing and wholeness, but you'll need to release ego to hold on to love.

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Good friends are so hard to come by, so when you meet someone you care for, you want to cherish them. The memories you've shared will last a lifetime, and you may find it hard to let go of the past to create new ones. The future in love is bright Capricorn, even if you're experiencing a breakup under the best of terms. During Venus entering Scorpio, focus on evolving professionally. Network. Meet new people ,mingle and see how things go.

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Love can be work, but when you put in the time and effort you take pride in what you've built with another person. If you've built years of friendship with someone, you may feel like it's only the beginning at this time. Venus in Scorpio encourages you to do the hard work of developing and cultivating a core identity that's part of a thriving and flourishing friendship.

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This is a wonderful time to study love and learn about all the things that a relationship can do for you. You will find it helpful and useful to study the language of relationships including communication.Read books on the subject; watch romantic films and listen to podcasts on the subject.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
