Love Horoscope For November 7, 2023 — Lilith In Virgo

We all have a dark side, and sometimes the wrong type of love just feels right.

love and relationship horoscopes for november 7, 2023 Sinu from Sinu P Sabu's Images | Canva Pro

Here is your love horoscope for November 7, 2023, during the dark Moon in Virgo, bringing our desires for things that we know aren't good for us, but our heart does not seem to care. Here's what this means for each zodiac sign in astrology.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Tuesday, November 07, 2023:



Passion helps to promote purpose, Aries, and a few things help you to fine-tune what you want in your relationship than falling in love. Today's Sun sextile Moon transit reminds you that you are only as healthy as your secrets. Tend to the things that are stopping you from experiencing healthy love. Romance is a manifestation of who you are on the inside, and what is within you is what comes out.

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Love is becoming more real to you these days, and romance is at the heart of the matter. The Sun in Scorpio elevates your relationship matters from business to personal to a higher level for others to see. This is a wonderful time to show the more tender side of your nature, Taurus. The Sun sextile Moon transit helps you ease into the creative process of love to bring out a sweetness that you will enjoy from the inside out.

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Relationship matters can bring out a more nervous side of your nature. This could be butterflies or jitters or a red flag that you should not ignore. Today, tap into the Sun's sextile Moon transit. Take a step back and lean on the things that are familiar to you. A little sensibility can go a long way when you're unsure what the future holds in love.

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You love showing your sentimental and tender side, and that is why words mean so much to you when the Sun is sextile the Moon. Read love letters written by famous writers or musicians. Watch Midnight Summer's Dream by Shakespeare and let your inner romantic get its fill of swoon-worthy moments. Who knows? You may find a new tattoo you'd like to get based on a romantic saying that resonates with your own heart.

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What's a home without love? Today, the best contribution you can make to the world is filling your home and family with tenderloving kindness. Someone may not deserve your forgiveness today, but during the Sun sextile Moon transit, your heart may soften in order to extend grace even to an enemy. This isn't a gift that only they experience. It's also a benefit you gift to yourself, too.

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You are a creative person, and today, what you want to create more than anything is the life you feel good about living. You have been working hard to remove obstacles to your joy, and today's Sun sextile Moon transit shows you that your efforts are working. Cutting out a bit of social media, exercising a little more consistently, and doing things that tend to your overall well-being are working. You're feeling positive! All this helps to attract the right people into your life and to reduce the chances of meeting the wrong ones.

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Money isn't the enemy of love. You often say that you would prefer to have love over money, but why not have both? You can start to appreciate what money does for your life and how it can help you shower lovingly on others. Find a balanced mindset when it comes to wealth. Since money is often the root of problems in relationships, learning to have a healthy relationship with wealth can only help your love life in the future.

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People see you as a powerful and mysterious person. Even when you meet someone for the first time, they can sense that you are an intriguing individual with lots to offer. Today's Sun in your sign speaking with the Virgo Moon makes it easy for you to meet new people. Today is the perfect time to have a couple's date or to go out with friends for a social event! Expanding your network is a great thing to do, especially if you're single. You may meet someone new on your level, and if you're in a relationship, it's great to mingle with like-minded individuals.

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12 Sun ⚹ Moon 10

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You can be so popular today that you'll almost wonder what happened overnight to draw so much attention to you online and in person. Today, you may be the one that people go to for advice or to get an expert opinion. Make time for it. Your labor of love and passion for others can be expressed by how you handle the people in your life who lean on you or depend on your expertise. A boost to your professional life is an attraction magnet. This energy can fuel a great evening out with your sweetie or a date with someone new!

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Love or self-respect? There doesn't have to be a compromise, Aquarius. In fact, these two often go hand-in-hand. You want to have both in your relationship. Today's Sun sextile Moon transit helps you to see how integrity and ethical choices impact the way other people view you. You may be letting your guard down too much and saying things you would never say to people you didn't know. Just because someone loves you doesn't necessarily mean they will agree with all your opinions. Some thoughts are best to mull over and not share. You may change your opinion tomorrow. Be sure that what you speak is the highest representation of yourself. Respect then will follow.

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You can't play the role of therapist to someone and have a mutual, balanced relationship. You may have picked a partner who loves you for how you help them, but their emotional problems make it difficult to enjoy the romantic side of love. This can be hard to navigate for you emotionally because you do love to help others. However, there's a risk factor here that you'll want to note during the Sun sextile Moon transit. When they grow out of their situation, you may have invested so much time in them and so little in yourself ... soon, they will outgrow you, too. Future proof your relationship. Find a balance so you can grow together!

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
