Daily Horoscope For October 18, 2023

The Moon is in Sagittarius all day.

horoscope for october 18, 2023 GeoImages, JaySi from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro

The Moon will be in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and the Sun is in Libra. Here's how the energies affect each zodiac sign's daily horoscope for October 18, 2023.


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Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Wednesday, October 18, 2023.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Are you ready for a mini-vacation or getaway. Venus in Virgo has you considering your mental health and wellness needs a lot more this week than usual. One way to embrace a more carefree lifestyle is to allow yourself to do things out in nature. Check out a local park. Go for an evening walk with your favorite human or furry friend. The Sagittarius Moon encourages learning all that you can about fitness and nutrition, too. Consider checking out the latest NYT Best Sellers for cooking or mental wellness topics.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


You can be open minded, Taurus, and today's Moon in Sagittarius invites you to explore your less inhibited side. Maybe trying something new can open your mind to a different side of life. Check out what restaurants with unique cuisine options have opened in your area. Maybe check out the newest release of the Exorcist, Haunted Mansion or Wolf Like Me Season 2. With the Moon in a square to Venus in Virgo, you may enjoy trying something off the beaten path on your own and flying solo.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


You are ready for love, and your desire to turn a house into a home peaks during today's Moon square Venus. Going through a few things on your own may lead you to think you'd prefer not to be single and on your own. This day may be the perfect time to start parsing back activities that project you out as unavailable if you're hoping to signal you're open to date. If you're currently coupled, this day is ideal for changing the dynamic of your relationship to move toward closeness and healing.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


We all have moments of contradiction in life, and you may find that it's hard to follow through on a promise you've made to yourself. During the Moon square Venus, your feelings of wellness are at odds with your actual choices. It's a good day to give yourself ample time to plan out what you will do and when. Consider your weak points and how to reduce them to maximize your success potential.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)


Dating can be tough during the Moon square Venus transit. When the Moon is in Sagittarius, you may want to just be honest and say when a certain restaurant or concert is out of your budget. Venus squaring the Moon pushes you to be honest with your potential partner, even if it's hard. Truthfulness can make you even more attractive to the right person.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


You love being a part of a family, but sometimes people can have agendas and want their own way, especially during the holidays. You may find the family dynamics tougher than usual during the Moon square Venus transit. So, rather than try to control people, places and things or get too heavily involved in the banter than comes with planning, consider stepping back and allowing everyone to figure their own situation out. You get to decide what works for you in the end anyway.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)


Being nostalgic only makes history seem bigger and ore important than it really is. The future is brighter and that's what you can focus on with intentionality. When the Sagittarius Moon activates your third house, your mind may realize lots of that were unclear or hidden before. This can be a time of discover and deep learning. You may even gain a few insights about yourself, but whatever you do during today's Moon square Venus, don't stay stuck in the past.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


You love nature, and with the weather finally turning into a true fall season, you may find it soothing to spend time outside a bit more in the evening. The Moon square Venus can help you to detach from material things and appreciate the freedom of nature and its simplicity. Nature helps you to put things into perspective and view life through a lens that its meant be viewed from.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


It's good to be honest with yourself, and when the Moon is in your sign that's all you truly want to do. You can't deny how you feel about the way you've been treated at work or by others when the Moon squares Venus. For those who have treated you well and with mutual respect, Moon square Venus brings out your generous nature. But, for individuals who may have undermined you or made you feel less than, it's going to be hard not to let your feelings show. Try not to give too much of a cold shoulder if you can.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


When the Moon is in your sector of hidden enemies, you may decide to cut ties from people who disappoint you or seem to be on a path that's opposite of your own. This Moon helps you to discover your personal limitations. You are going to look yourself in the mirror and embrace the truth about your relationships. It's going to be a day of purging on social media, your cell phone and it will feel good.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


it's a wonderful feeling when you can be open and honest with friends who love you and embrace you for who you are. Honesty is everything to you during the Moon in your friendships sector. It's a great day for intimate conversations or playing trivia games. If you have a friend whose going through something major like a divorce or loss of a loved one, this is a good day to show your compassionate nature.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


The Moon brings out your desire to pursue a career and vocation that resonates with your heart. You know that you're meant to do something big with your life. And, during the Sagittarius Moon you may decide to set out to do it. This day is wonderful for taking career and personality quizzes to see what fields may interest you the most. The Moon square Venus can help you get advice and wisdom from others who have done work that you'd like to do.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
