The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Saturday, February 18, 2023
Enter Pisces Season.

Today the Sun returns to romantic, loving, and dreamy Pisces casting a rose-colored glow over everything and initiating a brand-new phase within your life.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and so because of that it hosts qualities of the other eleven signs.
It is always a time for optimism, hope, forgiveness and to surrender to your inner dream world.
Pisces Season can often present the choice between your physical self and spiritual self, with the hope that you do not become simply stuck in the battle of the two.
This zodiac sign is depicted by two fish swimming in opposite directions which ties in the themes of the spiritual and physical world, but it also carries with it the meaning of your higher and lower self.
Pisces can be a zodiac sign that feels torn between one of two options, even if it is not a part of the bigger esoteric meaning of life – it still can be challenging for this sign to find balance.
Of course, that is because when it comes to water, you cannot achieve balance without going into it, which is where the surrender of this sign comes in.
Pisces season is a time to surrender to your heart, your dreams, your emotions, and most of all – to your soul.
This is the most spiritual of any zodiac sign and because of that your sense of intuition will be heightened during this season.
Pisces Season is about connecting with your inner truth, finding faith and confidence, and knowing better than to engage in any battle with your inner self.
The most difficult aspect of Pisces Season is to trust in that which you cannot see, yet it also perfectly demonstrates the themes of faith that arise during this time of year.
Today, as the Sun slips into magical Pisces, the Moon shifts into Aquarius, bridging together the dreams you have for the future and the power to create them.
It is going to be a particularly powerful season ahead as Saturn will transit into Pisces, beginning an entirely new era in your life.
To prepare for this induction into Piscean energy it is best to tune out the rest of the world, which is what this water sign does best anyway.
Get quiet with yourself so you can be clear on your thoughts and feelings.
Focus on your dreams and your heart and trust that the process ahead is one that will bring you even closer to your dreams.
Pisces represents an ending, a cumulative point to have reached because there is already something new that is beginning.
It might be only a feeling; a whisper that tells you soon the newness will wash over you, freeing you from everything that you never were so that you can become who you were always meant to.
More so than other seasons, something is truly ripping beneath the surface of your life as the Stellium in Aries peaks next week truly ushering you into a chapter full of healing – and brilliant blessings.
The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Saturday, February 18, 2023:
1. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
You can exhale now; you have finally made it back to the ethereal waters of Pisces. You are home and that means that as much as things might change and shift during this season, you feel at home which is meaningful as that has been an important focus for you over the past year. Mars, the planet of action, passion, and ambition, has been in Gemini since last summer which has been bringing a stronger focus to themes regarding home and family.
You have been considering what home even means and whether you should move, begin working from home or even expand your family This base of your life has been a central focus for you, and it will continue to be as Mars will soon transition out of this sign, hopefully leaving you better and more confident in what you are creating.
2. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
Pisces is your sister sign and the one that represents your romantic sector. During this season you can expect to see more action and developments within this area of your life. With the Stellium in Aries activating themes around intimacy and transformation you are looking at an incredibly loving and passionate time within your life.
Use this energy to deepen your romantic relationship, or if that is not where you are now, then use it to fall more in love with yourself and your life. Relationship energy is about connection and passion, so while this is a wonderful time to act in your life, if that is not where your focus is, you can still make the most of it by focusing on you. Last year Jupiter dipped in and out of Pisces and now as Saturn prepares to enter, it is time to look at what that big leap of faith represents to you.
3. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
Pisces energy rules your home and family life, so during times of planetary activity within this sign, you will see greater changes and activity in this part of your life. This year, it will be even more intense as the Aries Stellium is activating your marriage, children, and joy sector. But there is also a healing present, in all of this. And so, it is also a chance for you to look at how the more you heal, the more things change and develop in the ways that you have dreamed of.
Pisces Season is a chance to tap into your spiritual nature and let yourself feel the universal truth that commitment is what sets you free. While contradictory, it is the freedom that centralized focus allows which is what will help you get ahead. Today’s energy is all about showing you what happens when you finally decide to stop leading with fear and instead start leading with love.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.