The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Sunday, August 28, 2022

Happiness begins with the moment you decide that is your priority.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Sunday, August 28, 2022 Canva Creative Studio/ via YuriArcurs 

Post Virgo New Moon, the energy on August 28, 2022, turns serious as Venus in Leo aligns with retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, prompting you to decide what matters most to you.

The energy today is rather serious, asking three zodiac signs to implement some of those lessons that retrograde Saturn is bringing clarity to, and this improves their horoscopes today.

Even with Neptune in Pisces uniting with the Virgo Moon, there are themes of reality versus fantasy that are a part of the seriousness today. Post Virgo New Moon, there may have been a few bubbles of idealism that have popped.




Whether about your career, the romance or even how you are moving ahead on your own path, you are now seeing something that you previously missed or were not yet in the place to see.

It is often easier to find happiness if you live in your dream of what is or what will be. Still, inevitably it is not something that will last simply because it is not real.


Virgo energy prefers realness.

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Of course, it often likes things perfect too, but in this case, it needs to be able to dig down deep into the fertile earth and feel connected, grounded and stable.

This energy is only magnified by retrograde Saturn and a retrograde Neptune, both of which have been helping you see not just the truth but also the lessons behind those moments you chose not to.


As serious as the day can feel, it is also about recognizing that no event will take place which will bring you happiness or joy.

Happiness will never be found within the perfect job, relationship or even at the ideal stage of healing or health.

Instead, it is something that is cultivated within yourself no matter what else is going on around you.


This is not to say that certain situations will not make it more challenging for you to embrace that. Still, only the key to that feeling can never be found outside of yourself.

Later in the evening, a connection between the Virgo Moon and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn reminds you of just that as your mood lifts. You suddenly realize that no matter what is undecided or feeling restricted at this moment, you are still ultimately free to be happy.

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Use today to rise above whatever you have going on within your life and instead look for where your joy resides.

Make the choice to embrace your happiness regardless of anything else simply because you are worthy to enjoy life now, not just when things suddenly seem perfect.


To choose to be happy also means having faith that things will work out as they are meant to, and even if embracing the reality may be difficult, use it as a challenge to create the reality you can keep building with and not against.

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These three zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes on Sunday, August 28, 2022.

1. Virgo

(August 23 – September 22)

Today is your chance to reflect on that level of perfection or control that often comes up in life and in your relationships. As you move through today, think about how you have actually kept your own happiness at bay by being so focused on what does not seem perfect to you at the moment.


Control is something that leads to that aspect of perfection only by thinking that once everything is set outside of you, then everything within yourself will fall into place. Instead, see that the only thing you can control is yourself; the more you focus on parts of life outside yourself, the more you take away your own joy.

Try to allow yourself to see that beauty exists in every part, every phase of life. Look for lessons from Saturn that help show you just how amazing things can be when life goes in a direction other than the one you planned. Because this is what it truly means to be happy, recognizing that not having everything in your control is precisely why you should allow yourself to embrace your happiness at this moment.

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2. Pisces

(February 19 – March 20)


There may be some doors to walk through today as you start to put the pieces together of what the focus will be on your relationship and home life for the next seven months. Do not force yourself to see the whole picture or fill in the blanks if that is not happening naturally.

You are entering a phase where you will have things come together in your life. Changes will be happening, and you will be moving more towards happiness and a deep sense of freedom as you begin to live life in the way you have wanted to achieve for some time.

Whether it is the relationship that changes your life or life that changes the relationship, it is necessary to be flexible and move through days like this with that hope and optimism you are famous for. Even when it does not seem like it, everything always works out in your favor.


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3. Aquarius

(January 20 – February 18)

Saturn is moving through its last retrograde in your zodiac sign. Today, it aligns with the Virgo Moon causing a ripple effect within your life. Recently the current theme for you is all about intimacy and connection. This applies to yourself and the ones you share with others.

Saturn, the ruler of boundaries and karmic lessons, has much to do with this. The more you recognize that you have learned, the more you can be in the space to create something that is healthier and capable of the connection and intimacy that you require.


Today, it is time for you to celebrate how far you have come and how much you have also come out of your shell. Feeling like you have grown and healed more is also about you being in the position to step out into the world as yourself. No more hiding in the shadows for you. It is time to finally fly.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website
