The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On Saturday, August 27, 2022

All the things love is meant to be happens today.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On August 27, 2022 Canva Creative Studio/OlcayErtem via Pixabay/Sparklestroke Stories via Canva

The New Moon in Virgo has arrived and it appears to be bearing gifts. Are we the lucky recipient of those gifts, and indeed, what pray tell are those gifts?

Today, those who are lucky in love are able to hear something that they may not have been ready to hear before, and that would be confessions of real and true love.

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Whenever we have a New Moon, we are in a symbolic state of potential; we can take our thoughts any which way, and if we choose to direct them to the positive and the loving, we may end up with exactly what we want, due to Virgo's spin on the New Moon.

Virgo transits tend to ignite our intellectual side, which, in love, is a fairly good idea considering we usually understand love on an emotional level. Today brings us the opportunity to understand the person we are with, but more than that, we, too, will be fully understood by the one we love, the one we WANT to understand us.


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Because we are also in Venus square Uranus, there our love lives will be tested; what we'd ordinarily think of as a challenge will be something we easily and readily accept because we know how things are going to turn out because we are responsible for manifesting all the situations, as they are. Today, during the New Moon in Virgo, we will easily be able to deal with those challenges, knowing that whatever we go through, we will rise to the top of it all, thrive, to stay alive in our love.

Which three zodiac signs are the luckiest in love on Saturday, August 27, 2022?

Find out more if you're a Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius.

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)


Today offers you a choice: you can stay stuck in your old ways and see the love you have as a constant challenge, or you can look deeper at the person you are with to see that they are so much more than the sum of the things you've come to label them as.

In fact, today, during New Moon in Virgo, you'll be able to feel a bit freer in the mind, where it concerns this person, and this will make you happier. You forgot that the person you are with is this fantastic creature, as you feel you've gotten used to them by now and that their glamor has worn off on you.

And then there's today, which wakes you up and lets you know that you've been a fool to think you could ever know the extent of this person's greatness. Let yourself love them, Gemini. Don't get in the way of your own feelings. Let New Moon in Virgo do its positive energy work on your love life today.

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2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

You always get a very strong feeling during New Moon in Virgo, as transits like this one seem to stir up your innermost feelings about the people in your life. Should you keep this one, should you dump that one? You want to know that things are going to be alright in the future and you don't want to take a chance on being stuck with the wrong person.

Basically, all of this thinking is what's driving you crazy, and it would be great for you to take some time during this transit to clear your mind and assess what you know is real, as in, who do you love and are you going to stay with them, or leave them?

What you've come to figure out is that it's not that easy to 'leave' people and that you don't actually have to think of them as dispensable. People are here in your life to teach you lessons, and some of those lessons are quite good. Now it's up to you to see it that way, thus opening the gates for the chance at a better love life.


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3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

You feel as though you really don't want to waste time anymore when it comes to love, and that you've matured enough to be able to tell it like it is, to whoever might be your partner. During the New Moon in Virgo, you might feel inspired to state some important facts to the person you're either interested in, or are with, in a relationship at present.


While you're over there thinking that what you're saying is privileged info, what you don't realize is that the person you're saying all this to wants to know what you have to say and that they are totally down for working with you on all of your points.

You may see this romance as business, but you'll break down sooner or later and let your lovey-dovey side out. That's how New Moon transits hit you; they put you deep into your mind, however, this New Moon will show you a way out of your mind and into the present moment, where all is loving and accepting.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
