Each Zodiac Sign's Monthly Tarot Card Reading For September 2022

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Each Zodiac Sign's Monthly Tarot Card Reading For September 2022

Welcome each zodiac sign's monthly tarot card reading for September 2022. Looks like we've picked many tarot cards that are reversed today, and that means that there are deeper lessons available to us if we look closely.

The entire month of September will be dedicated to finding things out about ourselves.

If we didn't think we were capable of doing a certain thing, this month will bring us up close and personal with that which we had no idea we could do.


In essence, September is about fulfilling potential, and finding out that this potential is not only real but something we can be a part of.

As it always does, September comes back in with promise and workload. This month represents getting back to work, revamping one's lifestyle, and a general feeling of optimism for things to come.


The tarot cards show us that it's not going to be all that easy, but that everything we intend to accomplish will eventually come to pass. We will be working very hard this month at both overcoming obstacles and getting on with the life at hand.

One of the stand-outs for the month is the fact that we need to take things less personally. So much is going on, and we will be asked to help; this is where we have to think of the other person, rather than our own selves.

If someone approaches us, it is up to us to be there for them, without a hidden agenda. Selflessness will be our main test this month, and that is most definitely a tall order. Let's see if we can pass this test!

Each zodiac sign's monthly tarot card reading for September 2022.


(March 21 - April 19)


Tarot card: Page of Swords, reversed

Don't be surprised if September comes with its own version of espionage as you'll be in the mood to investigate something. You have it in your mind that you've left something incomplete and you won't feel comfortable until you know exactly what is going on.

This isn't to say that all of September is problematic; it isn't, but this tarot card implies that your mind will be obsessed with getting to the bottom of something. You will have success in this matter, and you will find out what you need to find out.

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(April 20 - May 20)

Tarot card: Five of Pentacles, reversed


You may end up ruining your chances during this month, simply because you are way over someone you work with, and you're about to blow them out of the water with your lack of patience.

You may be in the position of authority here; you are the one who calls the shots and in doing so, you may push someone out of your life only to find out that you shouldn't have gone as far as you did. This month begs you to stand back and become the witness; you may be the boss, but you don't have to be a tyrant.

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(May 21 - June 20)

Tarot card: Queen of Swords, reversed


You are going to show a side of yourself, this month, that maybe you should think twice about revealing. It seems you have a few problems with the way things are run, and you will decide to be very vocal about your issues.

What works the wrong way for you is that you are about to be very rude and extremely intolerant. Yes, you want your way, but you are also about to get it by hurting someone else. You are impatient to a fault during this time, and on some level, you just don't care anymore.

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(June 21 - July 22)

Tarot card: The Hierophant, reversed

What a fantastic card to receive, and it's going to work for you in terms of how you come to understand a situation that will arise during September.


Something important is about to happen, and you will handle it with ease and knowledge; you are in your prime right now —whatever it is that you need to do, you're able to do, and you can also do it with joy in your heart. Make yourself trustworthy so that those who come to you for guidance can know they've come to the right person.

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(July 23 - August 22)

Tarot card: King of Wands

Not a bad month at all, this September of yours you will be taking your acquired wisdom and putting it to good use during this time. What's great about you, Leo is that you learn from your mistakes, and this month will have you working on all the right moves.


You no longer feel the need to carry the burden of something you've held on to from the past, and it feels good to release that pain. You are now ready to be a shining example of what freedom and intelligence look like. This is a good month for you.

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(August 23 - September 22)

Tarot card: Knight of Cups, reversed

You will either bring bad news to someone, or you will receive it. What's important to know is that whatever this news is, it's best to take it in quickly, process it, and then prepare to move on.

Do not dwell on this 'bad' news for too long as it's only there to help you get to the next 'better' place in your life. If you are the one who must deliver this news, then do it with compassion and patience. By all means, use discretion with your words, and always know that hope is around the corner, always.


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(September 23 - October 22)

Tarot card: Death, reversed

Nothing to worry about with this tarot card, as it only implies that you might be feeling a little lazier than usual, and that might mean you won't get your usual hectic amount of chores done on time. You feel a bit rebellious this month, and you don't want to do what's asked of you.

You feel like telling the world that this life of yours is YOURS to do as you please. You just aren't up for the opinions of others, and even if you end up losing out on something important, you are fine with it because this is, after all, your life to live.


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(October 23 - November 21)

Tarot card: Seven of Cups, reversed

Nothing keeps you down during September of 2022, and this is because you know exactly what you want, and you have no problem whatsoever being able to manifest your intention from scratch.

You are fully charged and ready to go, and you are also filled to the brim with positivity and the ability to keep on going. You see both the present and the future as blissful situations, and you are able to accomplish every single thing you set out to do.

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(November 22 - December 21)


Tarot card: Two of Cups

All you know is love, sweet love, during September of '22. Whether it's the love of friends, a romantic partner or even the love of your own self, this month does not hold back. You feel exceptionally good about life during this part of the year, and nothing seems to get on your nerves, not as it once did.

You seem to have found the key to how to make yourself happy — an enviable condition, for sure — and the good part is that it's not going away. You have this key to work with now, for as long as you want it to.

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(December 22 - January 19)

Tarot card: The Chariot, reversed


While September tends to represent great change, you, too, will experience the rush of change coming at you, but it may be a little too much and it could potentially feel overwhelming for you.

You may have taken on too much responsibility, thinking you could accomplish everything you set out for, and yet, this month takes you down a notch as it might bring you some very humbling news.

You can and will succeed, Capricorn, but your successes will be hard-fought.

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(January 20 - February 18)

Tarot card: Four of Pentacles

September brings you something you knew was coming: inheritance and riches. Not a happy way to receive them, however, you knew this was coming.


This month has you coming into a fortune of sorts, and while you are no stranger to riches, this reception is bittersweet and means very little to you. While it's nice to feel secure, it's sad to think about how you got to this cushy place in your life.

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(February 19 - March 20)

Tarot card: Queen of Cups, reversed

Your best bet is to help the people in your life who ask for help but to avoid giving advice based on your own prejudices or opinions. You are a strong person and many people count on you for advice and guidance.

Do not take advantage of their trust; guide them as best you can, but do not manipulate people so that you can make them feel the way you do. This is important; do not try to use your influence to make people do your bidding.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.