6 Secretive Zodiac Signs Who Value Their Privacy

Being alone is what they do best.

woman holding sandwich halves above her eyes getty

Are you someone who treasures their privacy? Would you rather keep things to yourself than share them with the world? Do other people accuse you of holding back or being secretive?

There’s nothing wrong with being a private person, though sometimes people can take your need for privacy the wrong way. They may think you’re shutting them out, not that you don’t share the intimate details of your life with anyone.


The private zodiac signs value being alone. And it has a lot to do with their personalities set by astrology.

Who is the most private zodiac sign?

There's a small group of signs that value privacy. Virgo and Scorpio, specifically, are at the top of the list; each is the most private zodiac sign in their own way. 

Virgo values and cherishes their privacy so much that they sometimes don't even tell their best friends their secrets. Scorpios are secretive because they have difficulty opening themselves up, want to protect themselves, or fear what others might think.

But being secretive doesn't mean being quiet; that title belongs to Capricorn, Cancer and Taurus. They stay quiet because they enjoy listening, and want to keep their thoughts to themselves. This makes them trustworthy as well, since they can keep a secret.


When your secrets are shared or someone betrays your trust, you may not be very open. Or, if you grew up in a family where there were a lot of people who always wanted to get into your business, as an adult, privacy may be extremely important.

Sometimes, you don’t want to explain your actions or your thoughts, you just want to be left alone.

There are positives to sharing and being around people, but not having to talk to another person about everything going on in your life. Just being alone and decompressing is healthy and crucial for your mental health.

Here are the most private zodiac signs in astrology, and why they keep the personal details of their lives hidden.

1. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios have learned to be guarded because they've been hurt in the past. This Water sign is secretive and mysterious, keeping their secrets to themselves and not wanting to reveal too much. They're private, quiet people and it matters to them that others respect their privacy.


Scorpios have boundaries, especially emotional ones, and when those boundaries are crossed, they can get upset. They don't like it when people invade their space and ask intrusive questions. If Scorpio wants to tell you something, they will; don't try to force an answer out of them.

RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign

2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taureans are private people and prefer to handle their problems themselves. They're determined and able to be their own advocates, but have difficulty trusting people, so keeping things hidden is a must for them.

They don't enjoy when people don't honor their desire for privacy, or when others get into their business. Taurus is strong and smart, and if they won't help, they'll ask for it.


In the meantime, have faith that Taurus knows what they're doing. If they want to let someone in, they will, but only if the other person isn't too pushy about it.

RELATED: 12 Facts About Taurus You Should Know (But Don't), According To Astrology

3. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo is an Earth sign who treasures their privacy because it's often in those private moments where they feel the most like themselves. When they're alone, working or studying, and no one is there making demands of them, Virgos are at their happiest.

Virgos don't feel the need to share everything that's going on in their lives, and you have to earn their trust because they don't give it out easily. Virgos don't need to be with people all the time to be happy, but they do need their privacy. 


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4. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces need privacy to do their best work, to heal, and to feel at peace. They don't want to feel judged by others, so they may not let a lot of people in. They have an escapist nature and sometimes need to go off on their own without people bothering them or trying to interfere with their lives.

Pisces give so much of themselves to other people, so they enjoy the times when they're alone and only accountable to themselves. Having time to think and be creative alone is important,

RELATED: Pisces Dark Side: Bad & Negative Traits Of The Pisces Zodiac Sign


5. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Zodiac sign Cancer is very connected and aware of their emotions, which is great, but it can also make them vulnerable and open to getting hurt. Cancers need alone time to take care of themselves and make sure they're healthy enough to face a brutal world.

The symbol of Cancer is the Crab, which is fitting because they're inclined to retreat into their shell to heal. They treasure their privacy because it's a way to regroup and get healthy.

It's almost as if having private time helps them go into the battle of life well-rested and ready for whatever is thrown at them.


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6. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarians are extremely independent and really appreciate their privacy. They often have a lot of friends and family, and love being with people, but having alone time where they can think is also important.

If Aquarius has a problem, they're more likely to handle it themselves rather than depend on someone else to help them. They need privacy because that's when they feel the freest and most creative.

When Aquarius is in a private space, they do their best work and feel at ease.

RELATED: The 10 Best And Worst Personality Traits Of Aquarius + Their Perfect Love Match


Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and astrology lover. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or her Instagram.