Monthly Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign, March 2022

So accurate.

Monthly Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign, March 2022

The energy of your love horoscope for the month of March 2022 will be shifting to one which is more optimistic, hopeful, and open which will allow room for healing, new beginnings, and second chances.

With the Sun in Pisces being conjunct Jupiter and Neptune this will bring a vibe of compassion, acceptance, and love to the relationships and situations in your life which will allow you to turn things around.


Mars and Venus will be entering Aquarius on March 6th where they will be conjunct Saturn which will bring passionate energy to the surface, but it may also put some limitations on the growth of intensity of this passion.

How does your monthly love horoscope in March affect your zodiac sign?

This can be like a double-edged sword as Saturn will force romance to grow at a stable, slow, and steady pace so that things are not rushed, which allows you to really build stability. 

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Although this can also bring frustration and aggravation to the picture as you may find that you can’t act on the deep passion that Mars conjunct Venus brings, which can potentially snuff out that flame if patience is not brought in. When the Sun goes into Aries on March 20th this can bring a little more forward motion to romance.

So the best way to handle this month when it comes to romance is to be patient, consistent, and optimistic if you want your relationship to grow, as it can and will, but slowly and over a period of time.

Monthly love horoscope for March 2022 for each zodiac sign in astrology:

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Venus and Mars will be in your eleventh house of social networking and dreams which will bring an energy of passionate desire to your romantic connections. This can also help to motivate and encourage you to take risks when it comes to pursuing your life’s dreams and aspirations.


Your twelfth house of solitude will be highlighted as well which may call for you to explore your inner world and spirituality.

This time frame can bring you some clarity and understanding when it comes to what you need in a relationship and what makes you feel loved and appreciated. Once the sun goes into Aries on March 20th you may feel a desire to take action on the new values and understandings you have when it comes to love and how to turn your dreams into a reality. 

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Taurus (April 19 - May 20)

With Venus and Mars being in your tenth house of career you may feel very energized to take action on opportunities that will give you growth in this area of your life. With Saturn being here this will force you to be patient when it comes to taking charge so that you make sure you pursue the right opportunities. 


Your eleventh house of social networking and dreams will also be highlighted with the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune so this can bring you a lot of optimism when it comes to your friendships, romantic connections and dreams for your life.

Although when the Sun goes into Aries on March 20th you may find that you feel a sudden desire to go within and pull your energy back into yourself so that you can take some time to really go deep and reflect on what you truly want. This can put certain opportunities on pause for a bit in order to allow you to figure out if you’re on the right path.

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Gemini (May - June)

You may find that your main focus for the majority of this month is on your career and growing as an individual, as your tenth house of career and the ninth house of higher learning will be highlighted strongly. With the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune in your tenth house, this is giving you a chance to make your dreams come true when it comes to your career and general career path. 


Venus, Mars, and Saturn will be in your ninth house of higher learning and the “bigger picture”, which may change the way you see things in your life along with your values when it comes to these things.

This can have a profound impact on the way you view relationships, your values, and how you interact in those relationships. Once the Sun goes into Aries and your eleventh house of social networking on March 20th you may feel more secure in knowing what you want, which will give you the energy to move forward.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Both your eighth house of change and the ninth house of higher perspectives will be highlighted this month, which may be calling for you to undergo an inner transformation so that you can make the necessary changes to your life. With the ruler of your fifth house, Mars, being conjunct Venus in your eighth house, you may find that your needs and views around love and romance are changing.


This can be a time of uncertainty when it comes to love, as while your inner world is changing this may affect your needs in the physical world. So you may need to wait for this transformation to finish before you will feel more ready to move forward, as you may simply not know what you want until then.

The Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are in your ninth house of the “bigger picture” view and this will bring you a compassionate understanding and perspective of the situations in your life allowing you to potentially mend and heal certain relationships if you so choose.

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Leo (July 22 - August 22)

With Venus and Mars being conjunct Saturn in your seventh house of relationships you may feel a desire to passionately pursue romance at this time or open yourself up to it. Although with Saturn being involved here this can create restrictions and limitations when it comes to how fast you can move forward in this area of your life. 


This may be a time of great change for you, as your eighth house is being highlighted with the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune being in Pisces. So this can mean that Saturn, who is calling for you to take it slow in romance, is actually a good thing as with the changes you’ll be going through during Pisces season you may find that you have a change of heart when this transformation is complete.

Once the Sun goes into Aries on March 20th and your ninth house of higher learning, you may have a more solid idea of what you truly want and this will allow you to move forward with it.

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Virgo (August 22 - September 22)

With the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune being in your seventh house of relationships until March 20th, you may start to feel more optimistic when it comes to love and connecting with others in general. This energy can bring you new romance or more passion in your current partnerships or just a vibe of feeling open and hopeful in your heart space. 


With Venus and Mars being conjunct Saturn in your sixth house of responsibilities this may bring an energizing vibe to your routines, work, and general duties in life. With both of these houses being lit up, it can also bring you some new career connections and opportunities.

Although with Saturn being involved in your sixth house this may be a slower-moving process when it comes to completely securing opportunities and essentially getting the green light to move forward. 

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Libra (September 22 - October 23)

With Venus and Mars being conjunct Saturn in your fifth house of romance you may feel a desire to date, flirt, and generally have more fun in your life when it comes to romantic connections.


Since Saturn is involved though this may ask for you to really be cautious and slow in the way you pursue love at this time. Saturn will call for you to pursue love responsibly and to think through every action you take.

This can feel frustrating if you are wanting things to move faster, but it can also be something positive as it allows you time to really see your romantic interests in a truthful and honest light.

The Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are currently in Pisces and this is happening in your sixth house of responsibility so this can bring you joy and an optimistic outlook when it comes to this area of your life, which can bring you new work opportunities and even an exciting new lifestyle change for the better. 

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)

Your fifth house of romance and pleasure is being highlighted with the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune being in Pisces which can bring you new romance or increased love in your current romance.

This energy can be great for building a stronger emotional connection with your partner and bringing more intimacy to your connection. This energy can also bring you a lot of creative and spiritual inspiration which can bring more joy and pleasure to your life in general.

Your fourth house of family and home is also very active at this time with Venus and Mars being conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, and this can make you feel very motivated to focus on your home and stability at this time too.


You may be feeling a need to nurture your home life and the relationships with the people in your family, and with Saturn here this can actually be good for setting boundaries and keeping things respectful. With all of this being said this can mean that this is a good time for healing and reconnecting with people and for sparking up a new romance.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

With Venus and Mars being conjunct Saturn in your third house of communication, you may feel passionate about expressing yourself in your relationships with others. Saturn will bring a vibe of responsibility to the mix which will ask for you to express yourself in an honorable way, which will be good for building respect within your connections.


Your fourth house of family and home will be highlighted as well with the Sun, Neptune, and Jupiter being in Pisces, which can bring a loving and nurturing vibe to your home life. This energy is great for building even deeper connections with your loved ones and forging stronger bonds. Once the Sun goes into Aries on March 20th and your fifth house of romance, you may then notice more forward movement and clarity when it comes to love.

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Capricorn (December 21 - January 20)

Venus will finally be moving out of your sign on March 6th after being here for about three months, and Mars will be joining it as they move into the sign of Aquarius together which is your second house of finances. This will take some of the focus off of yourself so that you can now put it towards your material world and the new values that you may have developed while Venus was conjunct Pluto in your first house.


The Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are all in Pisces in your third house of communication where Mercury will also be entering on March 9th. This will bring you a vibe of opening up again to forming connections with others through compassionate, forgiving, and loving communication.

You may feel more able to forgive and forget certain things and not sweat the small stuff at this time which will allow you to heal certain connections if you so choose and be open to casual dating and interactions.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

With Venus and Mars being conjunct Saturn in your first house of self you may feel motivated to take charge in your life but in a moderated and steady way. This can affect all areas of your life including your relationships, so it can be a good time for forging new business partnerships, friendships, and romantic connections and for recommitting to your current partnerships.


The Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are all in Pisces in your second house of material possessions and this can be a great energy for increasing your income, finding new and exciting ways to generate income for yourself, and generally making purchases that bring you a sense of joy and fulfillment.

With all this being said it can mean that romance is not a huge priority at this time, as you may simply be more focused on pursuing personal and professional opportunities.

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Pisces (February 18 - March 20)

Your first house of self is active this month with the Sun, Jupiter, Neptune, and Mercury being here for a large portion of it. This can make you come across as being very generous, compassionate, and open towards others which can be great for making new connections and/or healing current or past connections. Although there is also a lot going on in your twelfth house of solitude as well with Venus, Mars, and Saturn being there, which can bring buried thoughts and emotions to the surface. 


This can be intense energy when it comes to your inner world and mental state, as it can create a desire to act or to regain control, although Saturn will force you to remain patient and think things through.

This can be a time of inner healing and transformation which can allow you to heal old wounds if you allow the process to unfold and you don’t resist the changes it will bring. Because of this romance may not be your number one priority.

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Tara Reynolds is an intuitive empath, tarot reader, astrologer, artist & priestess who discovered her love for spirituality and the spirit world as a small child. She specializes in love, career, spirituality, and past lives readings. For more of her work, visit her website.
