Daily Horoscope For December 8, 2021

Someone will finally remove a toxic person out of their life, for good.

Daily Horoscope For December 8, 2021

Your daily horoscope for December 8, 2021, is here with an astrology forecast for all zodiac signs on Wednesday.


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Daily horoscope for December 8, 2021:


(March 21 - April 19)


Beware of the green eye of envy from friends who smile in your face and then seem to compete with you behind your back. 

The Moon in Aquarius  brings focus to your friends and emotional attachments that complicate your life in ways that you will wish you could avoid. 

When Luna squares Uranus there's going to be some tension related to money and personal property, that may relate to a friend who always seems to need something from you like money, help or an ear to listen to their drama. 

As much as you might want to help, be careful. Some people may not want your help as much as they'd like to waste your time.


RELATED: Love is in the air this holiday season... Get a true psychic love reading today!


(April 20 - May 20)

This can be a confusing day for you. 

On one hand, you're going to do so well at work, but on the other hand, you'll want so much more from life and place extremely high expectations for yourself, perhaps some that you may be able to reach just not immediately.

You are an evolving human being, Taurus, and the pressure you feel now is meant to build you up, not tear you down or bury you beneath emotional pressure. 

When the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus, your identity conflicts with your public image and your inner thought-life for a reason. 


Let your interaction with the world reveal the areas of your life that need work, and the ones that you may not want to change because they are perfect as is now.

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(May 21 - June 20)

Everything happens for a reason, and that includes meeting people that ruffle your feathers, ruin your life and later regret that you ever got to know at all. 

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of hidden enemies, and these individuals may be some of the most unpleasant people you've ever had to meet, but your smart and curious nature can learn from the experience.


You will gain real world wisdom that deepens your awareness. Although you may not wish this on anyone  in the future, when you do meet a person who is going through what you went through, you'll have a shoulder for them to cry on and a lot of advice that is worth its weight in gold.

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(June 21 - July 22)

Don't you hate being the last person to know something? 

You may discover that people have been keeping things a secret from you, and even though they may have just excluded some information without trying to harm you, it's going to upset you that they did not think you could handle the truth. So, you were excluded. 

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of friends, and the disruption of your peace of mind will be startling you. 

RELATED: You have the power to change your life in 2022. Find out how with a Free Psychic Reading.


(July 23 - August 22)

You cannot be all things to all people, Leo, and when you try, you may be surprised at how this is a prescription for failure. You are at a cross roads right now. 

There are things your relationship is demanding of you, and then there are people at work who expect you to perform at the top fo your game. 

One of these two things will have to give, and you will find it hard to decide which one will have to take the back seat to the other.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of career and reputation, and so you may decide that it's your job who gets less of your attention and emotional energy. This is a tough call, but in the end, you have to live with yourself.

RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!


(August 23 - September 22)

You're doing so much for others, often putting your needs on the back burner, and yet at the end of the day you're going to find yourself wondering was it worth it? 

There may be some time left in the day to turn the ship around and do something small for yourself. 

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of beliefs, and this is where the energy takes a turn in a new direction. Start to believe that there's enough for you. Instead, of focusing all your attention toward a life that leaves you feeling empty inside.

RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today!


(September 23 - October 22)

Love can blind you, and sometimes when you think too much with your heart you can lose sight of the things that matter most. 

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of shared resources, and right now, emotions could be cloudy your clarity. You have to ask yourself if you're seeing things for what they are or the way that you want them to be. 

RELATED: Waiting for a sign? Reach out to a gifted psychic today!


(October 23 - November 21)

Having someone you trust in your corner is going to be an essential need this week, and knowing that you have people in your life that you can trust even more so. 

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of commitment, but sometimes your promise and resolve to keep them will be tested. You may be questioning everything, doubting all and asking yourself what more can be done. 

RELATED: You have the power to change your life in 2022. Find out how with a Free Psychic Reading.


(November 22 - December 21)

Communication is your strongest ability, and so the next few days are going to be like sharpening a skill that you already ace. 

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of daily duties, and you have a lot to share about how things need to be done, the best way to do them and who ought to do them (if it's not already you). 

You will come across tough as nails, Sagittarius, and for some too difficult to hear or be around. So, soften the blow if you can, and remember that delivery matters more than most are willing to admit.

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(December 22 - January 19)

Money invested well is worth while spending, Capricorn, so if you feel that a bit of change spent on your home or projects to make them esthetic is needed, then you ought to do it. 

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of creativity, and lucky for you the holiday season brings ample opportunity to add bits of color to your world, and to brighten your home in festive ways to show you're truly into the spirit of the season.

RELATED: Waiting for a sign? Reach out to a gifted psychic today!


(January 20 - February 18)

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of home, and for all it's worth you're going to try and push the envelope to break a few traditions and maybe some family rules. 

There's what you want from life and then there are the expectations others have placed on you for no reason at all other than to satisfy themselves. 

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(February 19 - March 20)

Selective hearing is going to help you get through the day, and when your gut tells you that someone is lying then you need to listen to your instincts.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of communication, and words can be skewed to say the least.

People may not even intend to be misleading on purpose but the end result can be the same, so it's up to you, Pisces to watch out for yourself and that includes discerning when advice or an opinion should not be taken at face value. 

RELATED: Love is in the air this holiday season... Get a true psychic love reading today!

Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Wednesday, December 08, 2021.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Beware of the green eye of envy from friends who smile in your face and then seem to compete with you behind your back.

The Moon in Aquariusbrings focus to your friends and emotional attachments that complicate your life in ways that you will wish you could avoid.

When Luna squares Uranus there's going to be some tension related to money and personal property, that may relate to a friend who always seems to need something from you like money, help or an ear to listen to their drama.

As much as you might want to help, be careful. Some people may not want your help as much as they'd like to waste your time.

RELATED: 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits & Characteristics Of The Aries Zodiac Sign


Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


This can be a confusing day for you.

On one hand, you're going to do so well at work, but on the other hand, you'll want so much more from life and place extremely high expectations for yourself, perhaps some that you may be able to reach just not immediately.

You are an evolving human being, Taurus, and the pressure you feel now is meant to build you up, not tear you down or bury you beneath emotional pressure.

When the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus, your identity conflicts with your public image and your inner thought-life for a reason.

Let your interaction with the world reveal the areas of your life that need work, and the ones that you may not want to change because they are perfect as is now.

RELATED: Why Taurus Is So Possessive


Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Everything happens for a reason, and that includes meeting people that ruffle your feathers, ruin your life and later regret that you ever got to know at all.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of hidden enemies, and these individuals may be some of the most unpleasant people you've ever had to meet, but your smart and curious nature can learn from the experience.

You will gain real world wisdom that deepens your awareness. Although you may not wish this on anyonein the future, when you do meet a person who is going through what you went through, you'll have a shoulder for them to cry on and a lot of advice that is worth its weight in gold.

RELATED: How A Gemini Shows Love Towards Other Zodiac Signs, Per Astrology


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


Don't you hate being the last person to know something?

You may discover that people have been keeping things a secret from you, and even though they may have just excluded some information without trying to harm you, it's going to upset you that they did not think you could handle the truth. So, you were excluded.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of friends, and the disruption of your peace of mind will be startling you.

RELATED: How To Tell If A Cancer Likes You, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Leo (July 23 - August 22)


You cannot be all things to all people, Leo, and when you try, you may be surprised at how this is a prescription for failure. You are at a cross roads right now.

There are things your relationship is demanding of you, and then there are people at work who expect you to perform at the top fo your game.

One of these two things will have to give, and you will find it hard to decide which one will have to take the back seat to the other.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of career and reputation, and so you may decide that it's your job who gets less of your attention and emotional energy. This is a tough call, but in the end, you have to live with yourself.

RELATED: How To Keep A Leo Madly In Love With You, Per Astrology


Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


You're doing so much for others, often putting your needs on the back burner, and yet at the end of the day you're going to find yourself wondering was it worth it?

There may be some time left in the day to turn the ship around and do something small for yourself.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of beliefs, and this is where the energy takes a turn in a new direction. Start to believe that there's enough for you. Instead, of focusing all your attention toward a life that leaves you feeling empty inside.

RELATED: What To Do When A Virgo Ignores You

Libra (September 23 - October 22)


Love can blind you, and sometimes when you think too much with your heart you can lose sight of the things that matter most.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of shared resources, and right now, emotions could be cloudy your clarity. You have to ask yourself if you're seeing things for what they are or the way that you want them to be.

RELATED: 11 Brutal Truths About Loving A Libra (As Written By One)


Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


Having someone you trust in your corner is going to be an essential need this week, and knowing that you have people in your life that you can trust even more so.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of commitment, but sometimes your promise and resolve to keep them will be tested. You may be questioning everything, doubting all and asking yourself what more can be done.

RELATED: How To Make A Scorpio Man Obsessed With You

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


Communication is your strongest ability, and so the next few days are going to be like sharpening a skill that you already ace.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of daily duties, and you have a lot to share about how things need to be done, the best way to do them and who ought to do them (if it's not already you).

You will come across tough as nails, Sagittarius, and for some too difficult to hear or be around. So, soften the blow if you can, and remember that delivery matters more than most are willing to admit.

RELATED: Why Are Sagittarius Zodiac Signs So Brutally Honest


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


Money invested well is worth while spending, Capricorn, so if you feel that a bit of change spent on your home or projects to make them esthetic is needed, then you ought to do it.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of creativity, and lucky for you the holiday season brings ample opportunity to add bits of color to your world, and to brighten your home in festive ways to show you're truly into the spirit of the season.

RELATED: What To Do When A Capricorn Ignores You

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of home, and for all it's worth you're going to try and push the envelope to break a few traditions and maybe some family rules.

There's what you want from life and then there are the expectations others have placed on you for no reason at all other than to satisfy themselves.

RELATED: 5 Reasons Why Aquarius Is So Fake


Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


Selective hearing is going to help you get through the day, and when your gut tells you that someone is lying then you need to listen to your instincts.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus bringing tension to your sector of communication, and words can be skewed to say the least.

People may not even intend to be misleading on purpose but the end result can be the same, so it's up to you, Pisces to watch out for yourself and that includes discerning when advice or an opinion should not be taken at face value.

RELATED: Why Are Pisces So Hard To Date?

Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.


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