3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On October 3, 2021
Often the simplest thing is also the most right.

We tend to overcomplicate life but under the Libra Sun and Virgo Moon today things seem to be simpler and with it so does our decision.
The Libra Sun dominates our consciousness, making us strive towards balance and harmony in our lives, yet now it is October that settles differently in our souls.
Libra Season of September is very different from that of October, leaving behind the cusp energy of Virgo and settling more into the depths of the true nature of this air sign before once again moving towards the deep waters of Scorpio.
Now, having begun a new month and settling into this energy feels somehow lighter. More like we’re able to finally just see things as they are without the cloudiness or confusion that are present when we’re focusing on our fears instead.
The Virgo Moon is assisting us with this as well, helping us feel clearer and organizing our thoughts so that we see things as they truly are.
While we need hope and the ability to dream in order to transition into different chapters within our lives, we also need to be able to feel like our thoughts are ordered and grounded.
The combination of the Sun in air energy with the earthiness of the Virgo Moon will help stabilize our mindset and allow us to communicate with others while also feeling more at ease.
After such an influx of air energy recently, having this balance of both air and earth will feel very different as we prepare ourselves for the Libra New Moon in just a few days.
The only transit that is occurring today is a trine between retrograde Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Aquarius which brings optimism and positivity but also a more balanced straightforward way of communicating.
If there are any conversations or even letters to have or send, today would be a great day to do that, especially if it has to deal with anything from the past or if it has to deal with a theme from a previous Mercury Retrograde.
We’re about halfway through our Mercury Retrograde which means that most of us should have settled into it more deeply and while it still may bring up lessons for us, we’re also now more comfortable in what the purpose of this transit is for our lives.
With this energy we are only days away from seeing planets start turning direct, so now is the time to enjoy simplicity because soon it will be time to take action on our dreams.
Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On October 3, 2021
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
With the moon in your sign today, you will be feeling lighter and more inspired than you have lately.
As an earth sign when we see so much air energy it can often lead you to feel overwhelmed mentally until eventually you shut down. But that won’t be happening today and in fact will likely find you wanting to socialize more than you have recently.
Sunday is really just about being able to feel like you can breathe again. Any anxiety you’ve been having will subside, conversations are easier to have, tasks become more manageable and generally you will feel as if things are going better.
This is part of the shift from feeling like nothing you do is good enough or the right choice to being able to see beyond the busyness or opinions of others so that you can see more clearly just how successful things are going for you.
There is definitely a renewal of hope coming in, and today is really just about feeling good, socializing, and remembering that the best parts of life are meant to be enjoyed.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
There is no denying that you’ve been going through a lot of energy recently, both within yourself and also the healing of wounds and triggers that you’ve been experiencing with others.
All of this may have been for the best and for the highest good, but it doesn’t mean that it was always fun or that it felt good. There is a reprieve for you though and today is part of that.
Thanks to the aspect that Jupiter currently in your sign is making with Mercury it means that you will feel more optimistic about the current standings in your life and the future that they represent.
The most important part of today’s energy is to be able to truly let your guard down when it comes to any important conversations or interactions that require your vulnerability and trust. Don’t wall yourself off from what it is you most want and need.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
It seems it’s been a tough go lately between all of the feelings that you’ve had and the ability or rather inability to express or process through them.
It seems we all know that expressing how we feel and talking about it is what brings us healing, closure and growth yet the reality is sometimes we really aren’t able to.
This is something you know about all too well right now as you have been struggling with what to do with all of your feelings.
Whether it’s because you can’t express them right now or you’re still trying to figure out how, it’s been a month it seems of keeping everything in.
While you still may not be able to speak on everything that you’re feeling, today does bring some peace and a little bit of clarity.
There is a level of acceptance that is coming in today which helps you feel as if things really are on the right track even if they superficially appear otherwise.
You will feel more confident, which will help with being able to breathe deep and accept things as they are rather than how you thought they’d be.
Try to take a break from worrying today or dwelling on what didn’t work and let yourself see that everything is actually how it’s meant to be at this moment.
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.