How To Celebrate Halloween This Year, By Astrology Zodiac Sign
What are your spooky plans this year?

How do you like to celebrate Halloween? Do you throw a party or compete in costume competitions?
With the winter solstice just around the corner, there will be parties and children aren't the only ones who get to play dress up.
Adults can return to childhood under the light of an October Moon, making the meaning of a starlit sky more meaningful than just zodiac signs and astrology.
What's more fun than a Full moon when you're dressed up like a witch or warlock? Did you know that Halloween is what's called a 'cross-quarter day'?
It lands right between the fall equinox and the winter solstice. There's a lot of ancient history associated with the spookiest holiday of the year that connects it to astrology.
I absolutely LOVE Halloween. It is my favorite holiday in the world and it also happens to occur in my favorite month during my favorite season of the year. Ever since I was little, I would get totally pumped for trick-or-treating.
Of course, I had to dress up every year, too, and I always made a point to never be in the same costume twice.
There was just something so exciting about figuring out how to do my hair, which pieces of clothing I needed to put together for my costume, and how to make fake blood look real with makeup.
As I got older, it was all about going to costume parties at college, getting drunk, and making out with someone who was dressed up as Beetlejuice or a police officer.
College parties can definitely get crazy, but it's also a lot of fun to see everyone dressed up in costume.
For some, getting drunk, going out to bars, and partying isn't what they consider fun on Halloween.
They much prefer to stay at home, pop in a movie, and hand out candy to all the little trick-or-treaters. That's a lot of fun, too.
As I said, Halloween is my favorite holiday, so every part of the night is exciting.
Halloween is a time when you can be whoever you want to be for a night, whether that means dressing up like a princess in her wedding dress or going totally over-the-top with something like sexy corn on the cob (yes, it exists).
It also means you can justify eating an entire bag of candy by yourself in one sitting without feeling guilty about it.
Hey, it's a holiday, you can do what you want! And yes, it's barely winter, but I can already feel fall in the air, which means Halloween is fast approaching.
If you don't have your costume and your plans ironed out yet, you might want to get moving on that.
I mean, Starbucks has ALREADY released their Pumpkin Spice Latte for fall, so they're certainly ready for the season.
But however, you plan on celebrating Halloween this year, make sure that you do something fun.
Every zodiac sign will be making plans, whether that's hosting a crazy party, going to the bars with friends, or staying home with a scary movie.
You should probably start thinking about your options now. Not really sure what you want to do? No problem!
Astrology can help you figure that out easy-peasy.
Keep reading to find out how your zodiac sign plans to celebrate Halloween this year, according to your horoscope date.
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
Aries is definitely hopping on the Gemini drunk-wagon this Halloween.
She knows that the only thing that matters on Halloween is how many specialty drinks you can down before you throw up on some poor stranger in the bar.
She wants to try the green drink, the one that's smoking like a cauldron, AND the one that comes with a mini-size candy bar.
You'll find her downtown at the bars, laughing it up with her BFFs until waaaaay past the time when everyone should be calling it a night.
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TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus may or may not decide that she wants to hit up a party this Halloween, but there's a good chance that she'll be home instead.
Hey, you can still have plenty of fun while you're at home, right? Right! This year, her room is the perfect Halloween party place.
She already has the orange twinkle lights up around her room, along with a stack of scary movies, her favorite takeout, and pumpkin beer.
She is NOT moving from this spot until she has overloaded herself on pizza and Freddy Krueger, thank you very much.
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GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini wants to party it up this Halloween. She might not put as much thought into her costume as other zodiac signs.
Chances are, but the end of the night, she'll be looking like a hot mess – but she is ready to blow off some steam.
Gemini's main goal on Halloween is to get crazy and wild. She's the one who will be party-hopping all night, even if she's not invited to half the parties she crashes.
Hey, as long as you show up in costume, it's totally cool, right? Follow her if you want to get way too drunk.
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CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer has been planning for Halloween for weeks now, maybe even months.
And yes, it IS hard not to eat all of the Halloween candy all at once when you've had bags of it in your house since September.
Cancer is most excited about handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters.
She'll probably pop on a classic horror movie for background noise, but she'll be too excited to see everyone's costumes to really pay attention.
You'll also find her in the kitchen making Halloween cookies. Yum!
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LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Leo is all about the party this year. She is the friend who will not only let you know that she's going to be hosting the best Halloween party in the city, but that she's already picked out matching costumes for the whole squad.
Leo plans on having a Halloween party that will rival anyone that celebs attend this year.
She'll have apple-bobbing, a costume contest, all-you-can-eat candy, and a killer playlist, complete with classic Halloween tunes and scary sounds. Leo is ready to paaaarty!
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VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
Virgo will be staying up and peeking through the windows to see when all of the trick-or-treaters will arrive.
She isn't that big into the crazy parties or getting black-out wasted, so she curls up with her favorite Halloween movie or scary book and drinks a pumpkin beer.
She likes handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters because it's something that doesn't last allll night.
If she decides to just shut her lights off and eat the rest of the candy herself in bed, she can absolutely do that.
Hey, isn't that what Halloween is about, anyway?
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LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
Libra absolutely loooves to dress up for Halloween. And you gotta give her credit, she is GOOD at her craft.
She's got the makeup-artist quality makeup down pat and every detail of her costume is perfect, down to the last sequin and stitch.
She might not really care to get black-out drunk, but she'll definitely be up for a party.
You'll find her surrounded by her BFFs at one of the best Halloween parties in the area (maybe Leo's?), flirting with a stranger that just so happens to be dressed up like her costume counterpart.
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SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpio will be another zodiac sign to hand out candy this year, but she's also really into this horror movie marathon that's playing on television.
She might go out with friends, but she's probably going to just stay in and chill out. People get crazy on Halloween!
For her, Halloween is a time to relax. She can have just as much fun at home, and just because she IS home doesn't mean she isn't doing anything at all.
She's most likely going to watch a horror movie that everyone says gave them nightmares for a week. Bring it on.
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SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarius does love a good party, you can bet your life on that.
She might not dress up – or if she does, it's not as over-the-top as Libra.
But, her main goal is to get drunk fast. She just wants to find that bar that sold pumpkin spice shots last year and gets wasted.
She'll also want to bust a few moves on the dance floor with her BFFs.
You've never seen anyone dance with moves like hers to the Monster Mash, but somehow, she makes it work.
She'll be the friend documenting the entire night on social media, so make sure you smile for the camera!
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CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorn isn't the kind of person to celebrate Halloween hardcore.
She might do the candy and trick-or-treaters thing or put on a scary movie, but honestly, she much prefers holidays that she can spend with her family.
I mean, yeah, she can invite her family over for Halloween, but that's so much work.
She's honestly probably already getting started on her menu for when she hosts Christmas dinner and making a list of all the presents she needs to get.
Winter is approaching, this girl is busy!
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AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius is pumped for Halloween this year. It doesn't matter how old she is, this the one day a year when she can let her freak flag fly AND her freak flag's freak flag.
She absolutely loves to dress up (and has been thinking about her costume since last year) and spending time with BFFs.
You will find her cultivating the perfect outfit, maybe one that will make her stand out from the crowd on her own or as part of a group costume with friends.
She might hit up a few bars or go by Leo's party and see what's going on (or both), but she'll also make time for a scary movie.
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PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces will also be spending her Halloween in her bedroom – or maybe in a Taurus' bedroom, you never know.
All she cares about is hunkering down with some comfy blankets, popping in a scary movie (or five), and gorging herself on candy.
And yes, I am glad you asked. Pisces DID go to the grocery store and buy Halloween candy just so that she could eat it herself and not give to trick-or-treaters.
She will also definitely invite her BFF to partake so that the two of them can have a super-fun sleepover afterward.
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Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. She's passionate about the environment and feminism, and knows that anything is possible in the right pair of shoes.