The BEST Sex Positions For Every Penis Size Because Size DOES Matter
You can still get off, no matter how BIG (or small) he is.

Any one who says that penis size doesn't matter is kidding. Or maybe just fooling themselves.
If you've got a penis, or you have sex with a penis, you've got to be aware of its size, shape, and peculiar tendencies, like getting inexplicably hard during Ricola commercials.
Once you're wise to your size, the way you have sex changes.
There isn't a right or a wrong size, nor a good or a bad.
But knowing you size can you help identify the best sex positions for you and your partner.
What works for a dude with a doodle for a dong might be the same as a guy rocking a camel schlong. (That totally rhymed. I should be named poet laureate.)
Here are the best sex positions for every penis size. Now go have fun, ya hear?
1. Average Sized Penis
Average dudes shouldn't coast with average sized skills. The world (and by world I mean the vast array of sex positions) are your oyster! Get creative.
An ideal pose for average Adams is the Crouching Dragon.
Wrap your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his middle while he squats into the human chair you've created. Let the sex commence. Intense! Bonus: it's good for your core, too. But this is just the tip (like the one guy in high school said) of all the possibilities.
2. Huge Penis
Oui, oui, Henri the huge! Big penises tend to know they're big. You know what else is big? A potato. But that doesn't mean I'm going to fuck it. If you've got a big penis, bring on the big moves. If you're worried about hurting her, start with all those fun her-on-top positions like The Cowgirl to figure out just how far you can go.
3. Small Penis
Cheers to the growers not showers of the group! Every tiny dicked dude I've dated has been great in the sack. Guys with less than six inches feel like they've got a lot to prove, and far be for me to try and stop said demonstration.
To really feel like you're going deep, try it from behind. Let her rest her head and shoulders on plenty of pillows and keep her thighs together. That added friction will transport you both to heaven.
4. Curved Penis
Some guys have dicks like crazy straws, and that's dope! More fun moves to sample and enjoy. Start with her laying on her back on the bed with you standing and experiment with which angle of entry feels best for her. Also, rock some confidence, bendy guy. We're into it!