5 Zodiac Signs Whose Lives Will Drastically Improve When Jupiter Goes Direct On December 30
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, gain, money and optimism and wherever it's transiting in your chart is where you can expect some luck.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, gain, money and optimism. Transiting Jupiter is always somewhere in your chart and wherever it is transiting is where you can expect luck and expansion.
Jupiter is in the sign of Taurus until May 25, 2024, when it enters Gemini. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus which is associated with love, money, values and social lives, all of which will come more into focus during this time. If you are an artist, singer or entertainer you should see a great deal of luck between now and May, along with those who are in careers that involve money or finance.
Jupiter turns retrograde every year and it began its four-month annual retrograde on September 4, 2023. When Jupiter retrogrades, its powerful rays are less expansive. Sometimes it may even feel as though Jupiter has turned his back on you, but the retrograde period is more about reflection and introspection than anything else. Jupiter’s retrograde is when we connect with ourselves on a more spiritual than material level and look at areas of our lives we can improve or correct.
Jupiter turns direct on December 30, 2023. When Jupiter turns direct it is as though the planet of luck and gain is waking up from a four-month nap and its beneficial rays will start to help us all again in some positive way. If Jupiter turns direct in any area in your chart you should expect luck and expansion in whatever area of the chart Jupiter is hitting.
The ‘stationary direct’ period of Jupiter can be very powerful if it is aspecting something in your chart. This year it turns direct at five degrees of Taurus, and the ‘stationary direct’ period will last from December 30, 2023 to January 15, 2024.
5 zodiac signs will benefit the most when Jupiter is direct.
Taurus or Taurus rising
Jupiter is in the sign of Taurus so this should be a good period for those ruled by planet Venus. If you were born between approximately April 23rd to 25th, Jupiter turns direct on your Sun, which should bring some luck and optimism. Maybe you are ready to launch a new project soon? Everyone born under the sign of Taurus or those with a Taurus ascendant will benefit at some point.
Cancer or Cancer rising
Jupiter forms a sextile to Cancer so Cancer should experience luck this year as well. Since Jupiter is transiting the 11th house in a Cancer chart this will bring luck with friends, organizations, and attaining your truest hopes and wishes. Your luck will feel instant if you were born approximately June 25th to 27th.
Virgo or Virgo rising
Jupiter forms a trine to Virgo which is a positive aspect. Depending on when you were born Virgo will benefit this year in the areas of travel, education, publishing, courts or just expanding your worldview in some way. If you were born approximately August 26th to 28th your change of luck will happen in January.
Capricorn or Capricorn rising
Capricorn will benefit from Jupiter’s direct motion in 2024 as Jupiter forms a positive trine with Capricorn. You should benefit the most in the area of love and friends. If you are attempting to enlarge your family, now will be the time and there is a strong possibility you will be successful. If you were born approximately December 26 to 28th your luck will arrive right away.
Pisces or Pisces rising
Pisces will benefit this year from Jupiter’s positive sextile to the Sun or ascendant. It will be immediate if you were born approximately February 24th to 26th; otherwise later this year. Your luck should fall in the area of ideas, learning, and immediate family members and short trips.
Jupiter in Taurus will benefit everyone in some way.
Even if you aren’t one of the above Sun signs or ascendants, it is transiting somewhere in your chart. If you have planets other than the Sun in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces you will experience luck when Jupiter aspects whatever planet you have in one of these signs. For example, if you have Venus at six degrees of Capricorn, Jupiter will trine your Venus which is excellent for love, social activities and money and so on.
One last note; even though Jupiter turns direct on December 30th, Mercury is still retrograde, so don’t start anything new until after January 2nd, when it turns direct!
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, or Zoom.