The Complete 2024 Sagittarius Horoscope, Broken Down By Month
The best life is the one that allows you to be your true self.

If there were one right way to live, it would be to do so honestly, authentically and in alignment with who you genuinely are. As the wild explorer of life, this is a task that the 2024 Sagittarius horoscope shows you will begin to embrace more radically as you feel an uncontrollable desire to express yourself and live as in alignment with yourself as you can. The era of dimming your light or trying to blend in with the crowd is now over, and all that's left is for you to become who you've always been destined to be.
Yearly Sagittarius horoscope 2024 highlights
Jupiter, the planet of luck, is your ruling planet, and in 2024 it will shift into Gemini, ruler of your relationship sector. While this may bring about a serious romantic commitment or marriage, it also is going to bring a change in the way that you approach life. Jupiter in Gemini will desire more commitment in every facet of your life. You must be wary of making decisions for the approval or esteem of others. While Jupiter in Gemini can help you become more focused in your romantic life and help you make your dreams a reality, you need to ensure you are only investing in what brings you joy — not the approval or applause of others.
Fortunately for you, the Nodes of Fate are going to be helping you with your journey. The North Node in your fifth house of marriage, commitment and joy will be creating an uncontrollable desire to be your full authentic self, while the South Node will be helping you become more independent and mindful of those you choose to surround you.
You are being set up to find your inner voice and realize that the approval of others means nothing if you are the one suffering or simply unsatisfied. This gives you a voice when it comes to the decisions you make, which is also what Pluto's new journey in Aquarius will assist with as it occurs in your third house of communication.
There is nothing better than moving through life confidently. You are honoring your desires, and in 2024, that is precisely the journey you will begin embarking upon.
Best day: Wednesday, January 13
2024 begins with a foundation of Capricorn energy as you work to instill within yourself the self-worth that will help you step more into your authenticity in the coming year. Pluto is just finishing up its decade-long stay in this earth sign, so it's something that you've been working on. Now, you must take the step from being in progress to having the courage to declare to the universe what it is you deserve from life and even those that surround you.
Mercury, the planet of communication, shifts into Capricorn just as Pluto prepares to move into Aquarius, highlighting a need for important conversations. Capricorn also rules over your finances, so spend January revising your budget, taking care of any debts and learning to never compromise on what you know you are worth. This will help you create a solid foundation that you can then spend the rest of the year building your new life upon.
Best day: Tuesday, February 13
February brings an aura of Aquarian energy, which governs your third house of communication and is an area of your life that will be a gradual but central focus for the next two decades. Pluto, the lord of the underworld, just shifted into Aquarius at the end of January and will be joined by three more planets by mid-month, making it a powerful stellium in this area of your life. Aquarius rules over your self-talk, the conversations you have with others, and what you agree to. With Pluto here, you're going to be reflecting more, thinking outside the box and having an intense need for the truth.
The Aquarian energy of February will assist you with advocating for yourself in your relationships with others and those areas of your life where you feel held back.
One important aspect to be mindful of, though, is that Pluto in the third house can also increase anxiety. So, if you feel yourself struggling, you can try meditation, breathwork or find a trusted counselor to move through some of the lessons this aspect will bring up.
Best day: Monday, March 11
March brings a focus to your home, family and healing sector as the calming waters of Pisces begin to wash over your life. Pisces' energy governs where you live and with whom, but it also represents your birth family and any childhood wounds that you may have experienced. As Venus, the planet of love, finances and home, moves into this water sign, it's important to focus on what brings you joy and where you might need to extend greater love. Part of your work this year is to learn to speak and live your full truth, which means you may also need to spend some time healing the reasons why this has been so challenging for you.
The first of the eclipses will occur at the end of March as the full moon lunar eclipse in Libra brightens the evening sky.
This will activate the South Node in your sector of the community. So you may realize that no matter how long you've had someone in your life, if they are draining your energy and not truly helping you, then it may be time to rethink the relationship. Full moons tend to bring situations to light, so you may have to decide between the comfort zone of what you've always known or what you know you are worth.
Best day: Monday, April 8
April is all about the Aries energy, which activates the North Node and your house of marriage, commitment and joy. While this is an area of your life that predominately rules long-term relationships, for you, April is more about choosing and being committed to how you want to live your life than necessarily romance. As part of the work that began in March, you may also realize that you need to get back in touch with your inner child and what you dreamed of for your life. Spend some time reflecting on the dreams or career paths your seven-year-old self had, and then note how many of those are something that still resonates with you.
The solar eclipse new moon in Aries will rise in April and will provide an incredible moment of growth for you on your journey. Solar eclipses tend to bring about sudden events. In this area of your life, you need to make sure that you are using that uncontrollable desire for freedom of self to create what you genuinely want and not just rebel against those who have conditioned you to accept less. While rebellion is often an important part of any new path, you need to make sure you're making decisions in the best interest of the future you want to live.
Best day: Tuesday, May 7
May is the month to focus on yourself, your well-being, and your mental, emotional and physical health. Taurus energy rules this sector and can help you ground yourself in new practices that will help you continue to grow into your best self. Jupiter, your ruling planet, is also wrapping up its year in Taurus, so you may find that many things you've been considering over the past year are now ready to be put in place, especially if it's about you taking care of yourself. This emphasizes the energy of the North Node in Aries, and to become more independent, you also need to learn how to care for yourself.
Utilize the energy around the Taurus new moon to create a plan and intention for well-being. Taurus can also help you become more determined to find success on your path this year, so you can also tap into that as you determine what it is you need for yourself to feel and become your best. Looking at your eating habits, signing up for a life coach, getting outside more and ensuring you are getting enough rest will all be important themes in May.
Best day: Monday, June 3
June brings love your way as Jupiter shifts into Gemini along with the Sun, Mercury and the New Moon.
Gemini rules your house of romance, love and relationships, so it will help you open yourself up to dating or reinvest in your relationship if your focus has been elsewhere. As you reflect on what you need in your romantic life, it's important to make sure that any choices you make are those that reflect what you truly want and need. While this is always an important factor in relationships, with the South Node in Libra this year, it means this is a focused lesson that you will be moving through.
Gemini energy needs a mental connection to truly feel connected, so while focusing on exploring a new connection or nurturing an existing one, make sure that you're letting yourself become vulnerable and expressive. The North Node in Aries is going to help you become more expressive, while Pluto in Aquarius will assist you with speaking your truth. You just need to remember that you should never be afraid of being honest with someone, especially in matters of the heart. Your truth will give you confirmation that a particular person is for you or that they're not, but either way, it is clarity.
Best day: Friday, July 5
July encourages more transformation and risk-taking than the first half of the year involved as the energy shifts into Cancer season. Cancer can help you embrace and surrender to themes of transformation while also bringing about the possibility of inheritances or sudden cash flow. If you have been single, July can also bring the possibility of a new life partner, which could have a significant impact on your life.
You've already seen the different ways that you want to change your life, but now you are being given the opportunity to start making headway toward those dreams. Just be mindful that there is a Mercury retrograde, which begins this month in Virgo (your house of career), which means while the reflection may be helpful, you don't want to start anything new or apply just yet. Save that for September once the energy is more direct so you can be fully supported in your new path.
Best day: Sunday, August 4
August is when you want to try new things and take off in new directions. Although Mercury is retrograde for most of the month, you should still try to travel this month if you can, especially if it was planned prior to July. This desire to get out and explore the world is due to the influx of Leo's energy, which activates themes of luck, abundance, travel, and education. Suppose you are considering applying to an education program or college. In that case, this is a wonderful time to go and visit different programs as you learn more about what you want so that you can officially apply in September.
If you realized during Mercury's retrograde that you are craving a new career path, you can also use the second half of the month to reflect on what direction you want to go in. Research, find a mentor, explore different possibilities and make sure you are following what you really want for yourself rather than any paths that anyone else suggested. If you only ever follow the ideas of others, you'll never get to discover the treasure behind your own.
Best day: Sunday, September 22
September is the month to take all you've been reflecting on, gather research and start focusing on creating that new chapter in your life. This can positively affect applications to college, furthering education programs, as well as jobs. Mercury will now be direct and, along with the Virgo energy, highlight your sector of career and professional aspirations. This is a month to focus on what you genuinely want to do.
Venus will shift into Scorpio later in September, which can help you with determining what opportunity to seize as you will be more aware of your dreams and intuition. This can also help you understand with greater clarity if you're making a choice based on what others want for you or if it's something that you feel called to pursue. As much as you have relied on your inner circle to help you in the past, it's best to take time by yourself to ensure you are following your truth.
Best day: Sunday, October 27
You may find that some important decisions are necessary in October as the South Node and Libra energy highlight your work to create independence. The South Node in Libra has been working all year to ensure you see and understand the difference between those relationships that help versus drain you as you work to become more independent, which is essential to feel as if you're in the space to live life as expressively authentic as you can.
Asteroid Vesta will shift into Libra and help you regain your confidence so that you can also implement the important shifts that will allow you to end the year precisely as you set out to. Vesta governs your internal fire, home and personal desires and beliefs, which the South Node is strengthening. Don't be afraid to upset others in October if it means speaking your truth. Whether it's about choosing a college or career path you genuinely desire or ending a significant relationship, you are destined to upset others on the path to living your truth, so stop resisting it.
Best day: Sunday, November 3
Scorpio energy activates the twelfth house of your subconscious, dreams, intuition and healing. This can help you not only find a deeper sense of self-acceptance but also return to the dreams you decided were those you were meant to pursue. Asteroid Juno, ruler of agreements and contracts, will shift into Scorpio at the start of November, helping you to become more fixed in listening to your inner self, as well as bringing peace to any recent decisions to separate from the opinions of others in your life.
Mercury will station retrograde in Sagittarius in November, which means you may have to rethink how you are honoring or expressing yourself, along with checking in to see if you are honoring what you genuinely want for your life. This is the major theme of 2024, and as the year ends, you mustn't just follow your dreams but also allow them to shift as you grow and heal more deeply.
Best Day: Sunday, December 1
It's time to welcome Sagittarius season and your solar return as the sun returns to the specific position it was in at the time of your birth. This is a phase of gratitude, reflection, renewal and taking the best parts of last year into your new one while allowing the worst to help mold you for the better.
December begins with the Sagittarius new moon, which is a fabulous time to set an intention for the new lunar cycle ahead. You can consider using Tiger's Eye or Red Jasper in your practice, two crystals that are known for representing Sagittarius energy.
While Mercury stations direct midmonth, Mars will station retrograde in Leo, which represents luck, abundance, travel and education. This also will have you reflecting on your plans or desires for the future, which is also what Venus retrograde in Leo stirred up in 2023. Mars and Venus are known as celestial lovers, which means there is always an inner story at play with these two, so you may see similar themes arise now that you first dealt with them during the summer of 2023.
Now, though, you are in a completely different place, which means you should also be making different decisions. If you realize that not enough has changed, or not the areas you desired most, remember it's never too late to listen to your heart, follow your truth, and create a life that is right simply because it's what honors your authentic soul.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator.