What Aries Needs To Know About 2025, According To A Tarot Reader
For Aries, 2025 is marked with a need for growth in career and personal success.

Aries, your 2025 tarot card is the Two of Wands, revealing a year of significant changes in the future. This year will be marked with a need for growth in career and personal success. You may embark on a new project that transforms how you approach your professional life.
What Aries' 2025 tarot horoscope predicts for the year
You will explore your talents and desires at the start of the year. You may redefine your role at work or get a promotion.
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
From August to December, you'll learn how to navigate conflict and come out winning in December.
January 2025: Three of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
January is about setting the stage for success. During January, you'll want to do a complete overview of what you bring to the table career-wise. Update your resume and LinkedIn profile, and create a portfolio of your work or a website presence.
If you have friends or coworkers you lost touch with in 2024, reach out and reestablish your connection. The new year is an excellent excuse for picking up conversations you dropped in the past. List your resources. Who do you know? What can you barter or trade for work? How might you help others who help you?
You can also review what skills you lack professionally and what courses you need to take to get things up to speed. Set a few data-driven, small but measurable goals for the year with a plan on how you intend to reach them.
February 2025: Wheel of Fortune
Photo: Stacy M | Design: YourTango
February is about growing your career. Now that you have a clear picture of what you need to take things to a new level in your career, you can start to get to work. If you love your current role and want to climb the corporate ladder of success, look for opportunities at your company.
If you are ready to change companies or make a career change, this is the month to start looking. Ask your supervisor to review your skills to get feedback on areas for improvement. Set a goal with your team, including feedback on how you can be supportive. If you are ready to change jobs, enlist a recruiter or submit your resume to job boards.
March 2025: Two of Pentacles, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
March is about making smart financial decisions. Sometimes, you have to spend money to make money. Do you need a new computer, phone, or watch? Is upgrading a platform to access premium features that provide educational tools necessary?
How are you spending the money you make? Are you investing in your retirement and creating a budget? This month, prioritize the financial aspect of success so you have a clear vision of what you need to do and when.
April 2025: Nine of Swords, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
April is about the review and revision of your goals. At this point of the year, you're experiencing a solar return and birthday month, so it's time to see if anything you're doing needs to change. You may have obtained a new job or offers by now. You may see growth in your current job. A review allows you to tweak any strategy that isn't working and to double down on what is.
May 2025: Queen of Wands
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
May is about taking action. If you notice anything that needs to change in April, it may require you to do uncomfortable and hard things. So, this month, be brave. Push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Look for opportunities to make adjustments to your regular schedule.
If you struggle with taking action, use this month to hire a career coach or get an accountability partner. Avoid complaining at the workplace or home as it may undermind your potential success.
June 2025: The Magician
Photo: Stacy M | Design: YourTango
June is about purpose. A life purpose is the driving factor for compelling change. You may find having a goal that authentically connects with your big why inspires you to keep going. Use this month to visualize what you want as you do it and what it means beyond the action. Study manifestation techniques to apply those skills to your actions to get what you desire by the end of the year.
July 2025: Six of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
July is about paying it forward. This month, your wealth comes in positive relationships with others. It may be helpful to give your time, talent, or advice away in moments of crisis or when you see an opportunity to do so.
You may find the easiest way to share is to create a newsletter or to shoot an email or text to a colleague giving praise and tips. Schedule coffee chats and team brainstorming sessions. When you pay it forward, you build trust and increase your reputation as a helpful and supportive coworker, leader and colleague.
August 2025: Five of Swords
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
August is about getting along with others while remaining highly competitive. Whenever you are climbing the ladder of success, you'll meet conflict. Conflict is an opportunity to learn and grow from experience. So, embrace moments that feel overwhelming.
Delegate tasks. See who might be interested in bartering and trading skills with you. Aim to be around people who push you to grow and where you can compete in a friendly way.
September 2025: Justice, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
September is about paying your dues and taking a financial inventory. You may have to do some work that you feel isn't in your job description, but it promotes goodwill with others.
You may have a few financial areas that require some pruning; for example, are you paying for services you don't use? Are there features you would use but have not taken advantage of that provide certificates or training? Take a few hours this month to assess what you need to do that can maximize your return on investment and also save you money by canceling if needed.
October 2025: Page of Pentacles, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
October is about handling setbacks and using them as a springboard for future growth. You may have to cover shifts at work for others; you may get sick and need to miss a few days. A tech problem or budget issue may reveal itself and require a project to be stalled.
You may find these moments highly frustrating, but they also have their purpose in life. Setbacks are a normal part of work and are great opportunities to learn what you need to improve. Keep a positive outlook if things go a bit haywire this month.
November 2025: Nine of Wands
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
November is about mindset. October may have taught you to be grace-filled when facing challenges, and now you get to work on your mindset. Use this time to read books on the topic. Surround yourself with positive people. Start a morning page ritual to clear your mind and open your creativity.
Consider a morning workout routine or attending a seminar in person or online to hear how you can take your career to a new level. This month, be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Don't be afraid to ask for help or hire a mentor if it helps you improve how you think about success.
December 2025: The Devil
Photo: Stacy M | Design: YourTango
December is about taking all your lessons and using them to end the year on a high note. What obstacles or temptations did you overcome? How did you grow?
Take a personal inventory and celebrate your wins. Use this month to plan your future goals. You may find that you're ready for a new challenge. If you get invited to an office party, compliment others and share how meaningful your time together has been. Use the end of the year to network with others and to create a sense of goodwill that launches a successful 2026.
Aria Gmitter is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She graduated from the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a practical astrologer.