11 Odd Habits Of Someone With A High IQ That Simple-Minded People Don't Do

If you catch yourself doing these things, you may be absurdly intelligent.

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While intelligence is generally characterized as a mix of competency, complex thinking skills and sociability, in some cases, intellect can take many unique forms in different people. Although high intelligence and someone with a high IQ is generally envied, there are several drawbacks to being equally self-aware and competent, according to research published in Intelligence, that can encourage them into strange routines and odd habits.

By acknowledging the odd habits of someone with a high IQ that simple-minded people don't do, we can bridge the gap between the intelligent people we idolize and our own realities. Or, if we are also engaging in these habits, recognizing our intellect for what it is.

Here are 11 odd habits of someone with a high IQ that simple-minded people don't do

1. Thriving in a cluttered space

Woman smiling and playing video games in a messy room. PR Image Factory | Shutterstock.com

While being disorderly is typically demonized from a mental health perspective — especially with ideas that our space is a reflection of our mental space — people who thrive in clutter and typically live in messy spaces tend to be more creative and intelligent, according to a study published in Psychological Science.

They don't overwork themselves or clutter their brains with stress about their physical space; rather, they tend to overlook messiness to clear up space for more complex thinking and creativity.

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2. Talking to themselves often

Young man smiling and writing in his notebook. SarahMcEwan | Shutterstock.com

Despite negative connotations of people who tend to talk to themselves, labelled as outcasts or isolated in some way, it's also one of the odd habits of someone with a high IQ that simple-minded people don't do as often.

According to research published in The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, talking to yourself can actually have significant benefits for brain cognition, including boosting memory, enhancing focus and concentration, and helping promote clarity of thought.

Even when they're alone, intelligent people tend to indulge in hobbies and habits that improve their mental capacity, allowing them to invest more time into their decision-making, problem-solving, and creative skills.

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3. Staying up late

Woman smiling and working on her laptop late at night. Dusan Petkovic | Shutterstock.com

According to a study published by BMJ Public Health, "night owls" who tend to stay up later boast higher cognitive skills and critical thinking than people who thrive by waking up early. With more information to process and sift through mentally, highly intelligent people often sleep less than their simple-minded counterparts, even performing better on intelligence tests than "early birds."

Staying up late also cultivates more time for intelligent people to invest in their alone time, spending time doing unique hobbies, connecting with others online, or regulating and unpacking their thoughts, feelings, and emotions from the day.

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4. Prioritizing and enjoying alone time often

Woman smiling and drinking coffee alone at home. Prostock-studio | Shutterstock.com

Considering alone time allows for more critical thinking, promotes creativity, and allows intelligent people to decode and unpack their emotions and thoughts, they tend to enjoy solitude and make it a priority in their routines. While it might not necessarily be "odd" to spend time alone, their prioritization of it, in a culture fueled by constant connection and gratification, makes it a habit not all simple-minded people are capable of doing.

A study from the Journal of British Psychology even suggests that highly intelligent people tend to be more unhappy the more they socialize, outside of their typical routines and daily interactions. They are more fulfilled by alone time and solitude, spent self-reflecting and investing into hobbies and interests that also have the power to add value to their lives.

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5. Constantly questioning things

Couple smiling and having a conversation on a couch. Lightfield Studios | Shutterstock.com

The tendency to ask more questions in social situations is generally one of the odd habits of someone with a high IQ that simple-minded people don't do.

Not only are they active listeners, cognizant of the ways intentional engagement can add value to connections and social interactions, but they ask questions fueled by their own curiosity. They're always yearning to know more — whether it's about a specific subject, another person, or the thought process behind someone's identity.

While it might be uncomfortable occasionally for simple-minded people who aren't used to creativity and questioning in their conversations, the beauty of asking questions is that you gain a deeper understanding, which can help build trust and healthier relationships.

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6. Forgetting things occasionally

Woman looking confused and holding her head. Ekateryna Zubal | Shutterstock.com

According to research from the University of Toronto, because intelligent people are often better at sifting through unimportant and insignificant information in their brains to make space for more complex and intuitive problems, they tend to forget small details more often than a simple-minded person.

While it might be annoying or frustrating for a highly intelligent person, even disorienting at times, it's simply a measure of their brain's efficiency. While others overload their brains and sabotage their complex thinking processes with random information and overstimulation, intelligent people have the ability to sift, making space for challenge, excitement, and complexity.

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7. Using sarcasm

Woman smiling and talking with her hands. GaudiLab | Shutterstock.com

study published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes suggests that sarcasm is the "highest form of intelligence," increasing creativity and for both those using it and receiving it.

Of course, simply grasping the art of sarcasm in conversation takes a bit of mental agility and flexibility, in addition to certain social skills. So, not only are highly intelligent people often engaging in a social habit that adds value to their lives and conversations, they're exhibiting their intelligence in conversation by being entirely unserious and witty.

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8. Swearing a lot

Man smiling and talking to someone on the phone. PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock.com

According to a study published in Language Sciences, people who tend to swear more in conversations aren't just brainstorming this kind of language, but a sleuth of other phrases, words, and thoughts. They have both larger vocabularies and a range of language to connect with others.

In addition to being a sign of their linguistic abilities, swearing also helps people relieve emotional and physical pain, and is even a sign of integrity in intelligent people who swear often. 

So, while there might be a stigma around "offensive language" like swear words and incompetence, the truth is that someone's ability to brainstorm insults or swear often is actually a sign of their intellect, creativity, and general well-being.

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9. Doodling

Man doodling on a paper sitting at his work desk. Andrey_Popov | Shutterstock.com

Doodling, while focusing or even sitting in a meeting, is generally one of the odd habits of someone with a high IQ that simple-minded people don't do often. Of course, doodling helps intelligent people to focus, recall information, and be more creative, but it also has impactful benefits for anyone — regardless of their intellect — who picks up the tendency.

According to research published by Applied Cognitive Psychology, people who doodle while listening to someone or focusing on a project tend to recall more important information than those who don't, helping them to leverage their time, curiosity, and creativity in important ways.

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10. Procrastination

Man looking annoyed staring at his tablet. Krakenimages.com | Shutterstock.com

study from the Journal of Research in Psychology found that people with high IQs tend to procrastinate more in their everyday lives than those who don't. Just like anyone else, amid the chaos and distraction of life, highly intelligent people sometimes push their work off until the last second because they've been too busy or unmotivated.

However, generally, people with procrastination tendencies and a high IQ push work off because they haven't found the best solution, still brainstorming and creatively imagining their projects from an unconventional lens.

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11. Enjoying abstract art and instrumental music

Woman admiring a piece of art in a gallery. Krakenimages.com | Shutterstock.com

Abstract art tends to spark the parts of our brains associated with creativity, urging us to think outside the box and reimagine the information being fed to us by our senses. Generally, intelligent people with an open-mindedness to the beauty of abstract art find more joy and meaning in it, appreciating the challenge and engagement of a piece not explicitly explained.

The same idea goes for instrumental music; not only is it a vessel to a more productive and focused space, it's often more enjoyable for people with high IQs to unpack, understand, and listen to, according to a study from Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.

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Zayda Slabbekoorn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in social relations & policy and gender studies who focuses on psychology, relationships, self-help, and human interest stories. 
