11 Subtle Clues Of A Person With Exceptional Intelligence
Their intellect is much more than book-smarts.

Highly intelligent people are a rare species. The average score on IQ tests is 100, with 68% of scores lying between 85 and 115. However, approximately 65% of Americans think they have above average intelligence.
Though most people don't hit the mark for being considered highly intelligent, there are subtle clues of a person with exceptional intelligence. From being observant and a good listener to having great interpersonal relationships, there are many signs that indicate someone is much smarter than those around them.
Here are 11 subtle clues of a person with exceptional intelligence
1. They're open-minded and nonjudgmental
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Being open-minded is a huge indicator that someone is really smart. Open-minded people can listen to others and observe relevant information, determining if their viewpoint is on point or needs some deeper insight.
However, this isn't just a nonsensical view; in fact, it aligns with a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, which found that open-mindedness was associated with verbal intelligence. Knowing this, it doesn't hurt the average person to be a bit more nonjudgmental. Even if it's not for the other person, both parties would benefit from approaching a conversation with a slightly more forgiving mindset.
2. They're curious about the world around them
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Though many would like to believe that intelligent people are nonchalant, this couldn't be further from the truth. Intelligent people aren't intelligent because of their cool demeanor; rather, a subtle clue of a person with exceptional intelligence is their curious mind.
Intelligent people possess a burning curiosity that helps them move forward and conduct their own research, allowing their imagination to run wild as they explore the world around them.
According to professor of philosophy Michael W. Austin Ph.D., "The intellectually curious person has a deep and persistent desire to know. She asks and seeks answers to the 'why' questions. And she doesn't stop asking at a surface level, but instead asks probing questions in order to peel back layers of explanation to get at the foundational ideas concerning a particular issue."
This determination allows intellectuals to open their mind and readjust their ideologies as necessary. Moreover, this constant back and forth has great benefits, as it forces people to grow and constantly evolve.
3. They're comfortable in silences
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Highly intelligent people usually don't prefer the hustle and bustle of a busy city; rather, they enjoy the silence of a library or their bedroom to reevaluate, reflect, and process their thoughts. As such, they may have less friends. But according to a study published in the British Journal of Psychology, intelligent people tend to have fewer friends. Interestingly, intelligent people also reported feeling less life satisfaction the more they interacted with friends.
This can explain why a person with exceptional intelligence doesn't like to socialize or step outside their comfort zone for more than a few hours at a time. Though everyone needs a little connection, too much can quickly make them annoyed and frustrated.
4. They have a great sense of humor
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A person with exceptional intelligence has a great sense of humor, despite what some people may think. When they're in a tricky situation, they see the bright side of things and can find humor in any situation. Whether it's making a quick jest or chuckling softly to themselves, they show off their subtle intelligence without outright saying it.
According to a study published in Intelligence, people find humor attractive because humor correlates to intelligence. Researchers found that intelligence predicts someone's humor ability and, therefore, predicts mating success. As a result, people who have a great sense of humor win in life. Besides being well-liked and admired, their good sense of humor allows exceptionally intelligent people to draw others into their world.
5. They're self-critical, but push themselves to be better
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A subtle clue of a person with exceptional intelligence is if they're highly critical of themselves. They constantly push themselves to be better and never stop growing. As a result, they can be a bit too hard on themselves and criticize anything they do that doesn't reach their high standards.
Psychologist and an associate professor of psychology Allison Kelly Ph.D. says that self-criticism is extremely harmful to people and can have devastating impacts on a person's mental health. She added that the best thing to do is be more self-compassionate, as this has been shown to effectively help people change their behavior.
6. They have great interpersonal relationships
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People with exceptional intelligence tend to have strong interpersonal relationships, and are incredibly good at reading people. This means they can determine how their friends, family, or even work acquaintances are feeling at any given moment. But people with exceptional intelligence are also great at knowing what to say and how to say it.
A study published in Personality and Individual Differences found that men who were highly intelligent tended to report greater relationship satisfaction, likely because they had better self-regulation skills and greater commitment to the relationship. Having the emotional maturity to work through things is a must if people, especially exceptionally intelligent people, want to keep a relationship strong.
7. They're active listeners and ask insightful questions
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Using their quick mind and their observational skills, people with exceptional intelligence are able to easily tune in when someone else is speaking. Leaning in close and keeping their eyes locked in, they make those around them feel heard and understood.
Most people aren't so great at retaining information, but for those who are highly intelligent, it's not so difficult. Not only are they great at remembering, but they're great at connecting with others on a deeper level.
8. They have a wide range of passions
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Those who are blessed with exceptional intelligence have a wide range of passions. Though they are sometimes content with doing nothing but sitting in their own silence and relaxing, they are still incredibly curious. They like to try every activity they can think of, honing their skills until they've mastered that specific hobby.
It might seem a bit chaotic, but they're the type of people who can easily pick up random skills. From ballet to photography to surfing, highly intelligent people can't seem to take a break, asking questions and buying starter kits everywhere they go. But because their brains have a hard time relaxing, they are always in processing mode, engaging in multiple activities to quench their curiosity and relax their minds.
9. They retain information
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Intelligent people know how to make connections when they're going about their day-to-day lives. In the middle of class or during a work meeting, they may suddenly connect certain ideas to previous knowledge they picked up on. And because of their incredible ability to retain information, this becomes a helpful skill.
Most people will forget information soon after learning it, but for exceptionally intelligent people, they retain that information and use it to connect other complicated subjects together. A study about the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence found that intelligent people have greater connectivity between brain regions. The next time someone randomly connects two separate subjects together, it's a subtle clue that someone has high intelligence.
10. They make complicated ideas sound simple
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When explaining a complicated math problem or task at hand, intelligent people know just what to say to make it easily understood. They'll observe the other person, figuring out their needs and how they function. Then, they'll change their tone or language, effectively speaking in a way that helps the point come across in a clearer way.
For the average individual, this is a pretty cool talent to have, but a big drawback for intelligent people is the fact that they become the designated go-to person to pester with questions about everything. Still, there's no denying that the ability to simplify complex ideas is one of the subtle clues of a person with exceptional intelligence.
11. They're emotionally intelligent and empathetic
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Whether it's a complete stranger in need or a partner who's frustrated, those who possess exceptional intelligence will always be empathetic to everyone around them. But it's not only because they care deeply about others, it's that it's just in their nature to show compassion.
A 2019 study published in Intelligence found that smart people can't help but engage in prosocial behavior. Their higher levels of empathy encourage them to reach out to others. Though being empathetic comes with drawbacks like being easily drained by others' energy, true intellectuals can find the perfect balance that leads them feeling refreshed.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.