11 Odd Habits People Make Fun Of That Are Actually Good For You
Embrace your quirks and see how habits others mock can actually boost your well-being and make you happier.

Part of being human is recognizing that we all have inconsistencies. Our personalities aren't made up of perfectly straight lines that can be easily colored in. People tend to hide their quirks for fear that revealing the weird parts of their identity will lead to ridicule and rejection.
Celebrating our quirks connects us to other people. It lets us see that we're all weird because being a person is weird. When we talk openly about the odd habits people make fun of that suit us, we can see each other for who we are. We get to say, "Hey, that weird thing you do? I do it, too, and it improves my life."
So much of life leaves us feeling like we're the only ones who do strange things. Our odd habits are valid and valuable, bringing us glimmers of joy in a difficult world.
Here are 11 odd habits people make fun of that are actually good for you:
1.Talking to yourself out loud.
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There’s much to be said against main-character syndrome, but talking yourself through everyday activities is good for you — it boosts your mental clarity. Narrating your actions helps you stay present and focused, reduces stress, and enhances problem-solving skills. Whether giving yourself a pep talk while cooking or practicing self-compassion during your skincare routine, this simple habit can improve your mood and mindset.
Narrating what you're doing keeps you present in the moment and makes mundane activities a little more fun. You can pretend you're hosting a hit cooking show while chopping vegetables for dinner. You can boost your self-esteem as you do your skincare routine by telling your reflection how proud you are that you're taking care of yourself and how beautiful you are. It might be silly and feel weird, but giving you daily life, the documentary treatment can be really good for you.
2.Lying on the floor doing nothing.
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Do you ever feel so overwhelmed that lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling is the only thing you can do? Honestly, same.
It might seem lazy, but decompressing on the floor is a surprisingly beneficial habit. Known as "active rest," this practice realigns your spine, reduces stress, and helps you reconnect with your body.
We live in a world of constant motion, where we're always expected to be on, to keep grinding, to push our lives forward, fast. Sometimes, the most logical thing to do is sink onto the floor and let ourselves be. Taking a moment of stillness during the day is an effective form of mindfulness, allowing your mind and body to rest and recharge.
According to Alexander Technique practitioners, lying and doing nothing is good for you. Being in the semi-supine position is also known as "active rest." It's a restorative way to reconnect your body and mind. Lying on the ground realigns your spine and gives you some respite from the outside world. It's a moment to press pause, focus on how you feel in your body, and quiet your mind.
Lying on the ground is a grounding exercise. Mindfulness in action lets you recenter, stay present, and breathe.
3.Listening to your favorite song on repeat.
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Music is food for the soul. There's power in the experience of hearing a song express precisely what we're feeling, letting us know that we aren't alone. Listening to your favorite song over and over might seem like an odd habit, but there's scientific evidence that it's good for you.
Listening to a song on repeat isn't just comforting; it can deepen one's emotional connection to the music. A University of Michigan study found that people play songs on repeat more often than not: Around 86% of people listen to their favorite song at least once a day or a few times a week, and 60% listen to their favorite songs over and over in one sitting.
Frederick Conrad, a psychology professor and the study's lead author, pointed out that repeated listening enhances our emotional connection to the song, allowing us to recall it internally, even when it’s not playing.
"Niche listening may enable listeners to develop the kind of personally meaningful relationships with particular songs that allows their affection for those songs to persist across very large amounts of exposure," he explained.
Whether you’re into disco or death metal, letting yourself get swept away in your songs is a small thing that gives life deep meaning.
4.Obsessing over your pet.
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Being overly affectionate with your pet can boost your mental and physical well-being. Pet ownership is linked to reduced stress levels, improved mood, and increased physical activity, thanks to daily walks and cuddle sessions.
People might make fun of you for being obsessed with your pet, but it’s one kind of obsession that's good for you. Caring for a living creature takes you out of yourself and expands your capacity for love. And the bond you develop enhances your emotional health and creates joy and fulfillment in your life.
Owning a pet improves people's physical and mental health: Taking your beloved pup on daily sniffy walks gets you moving your body and breathing fresh air. Letting your weirdo cat snuggle up on your chest and listening to the rhythm of their purring calms you down and soothes you. Loving your pet healthily boosts your feel-good chemicals and reinforces your two's emotional connection.
Your dog might not need a crocheted hoodie with their face on it, but seeing them wear it makes you laugh. They might metaphorically roll their eyes when you wake them from a nap to kiss their perfect paws and bury your face in their fuzzy little belly, but that touch makes them feel as good as it makes you think.
Loving your pet hard keeps your heart open and fills your life with joy, which is reason enough to stay obsessed.
5.Collecting small treasures.
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From seashells to antique trinkets, collecting little treasures can be a therapeutic way to find joy in the everyday. These small items trigger happy memories and spark creativity, helping you take a break from life's stresses. Whether a leaf, a coin, or a stone, these simple treasures help cultivate gratitude and a sense of peace.
Collecting little treasures might be an odd habit that people make fun of, but keeping collections is usually associated with childhood: Kids keep trinkets they get in goodie bags, albums of Pokemon trading cards, and pebbles in their pockets. When we hit adulthood, we receive a clear message to take life seriously, which often means letting go of any whimsy from childhood.
For most of us, daily life means attending to the long list of things we must do, ranging from boring and vaguely annoying to challenging and distressing. While keeping ourselves afloat, taking time to gather tiny treasures is a way to make our joy.
Finding the perfect autumn leaf on your morning walk is a simple pleasure. Filling a mason jar with beach glass and setting it on the windowsill to catch the light gives you a moment of beauty. Your collection of driftwood won't make you rich, and it might make you seem odd, but it makes you happy, and that’s what matters most.
6.Skipping showers occasionally.
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While many people take daily showers, skipping one now and then might benefit their skin. Over-showering can strip the skin of natural oils, upsetting its balance and microbiome. Giving your body a break from daily washing helps maintain healthy skin and supports its natural defenses.
The way people shower is a contentious subject. For everyone who swears by washcloths, others live by their loofah. Everyone's shower ritual is different, and it's a live-and-let-live situation, yet the much-maligned odd habit of skipping showers might be better for you than you think.
While it's a commonly-held belief, at least in America, that showering daily is the thing to do, it can wash away the good bacteria that make up our skin’s delicate microbiome. The medical community sees skin as the "first line of defense against pathogens." New studies show that the microbes on our skin's surface provide the initial protection.
As many arguments as there are in favor of everything showers and nothing showers, using hot water or cold water, it all comes down to personal preference and whatever makes you feel good.
7.Drinking pickle juice.
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Pickle juice may seem strange, but it contains electrolytes, probiotics, and gut-health benefits. Natural pickle brine can aid digestion, support hydration after exercise, and improve overall gut health. It's a unique yet effective way to nourish your body with electrolytes and beneficial bacteria.
While pickle-back shots are seen as the most socially acceptable way to tame your craving for pickle brine, there's nothing wrong with standing at the fridge and taking a sip of pickle juice, or five sips of pickle juice, to boost your health.
Pickles naturally fermented in water, salt, and spices are chock-full of probiotics, those hard-working microorganisms that keep our gut health balanced. Drinking pickle juice is not only delicious, but it can provide a dose of probiotics, which support digestion and metabolism and help fight off sickness.
People at the gym might give you side-eye for swigging pickle juice after an intense workout, but you can tell them it's nature's Gatorade. Pickle juice is full of sodium, potassium, and magnesium electrolytes, making it a lip-smacking way to rehydrate after exercise.
8.Talking to trees (forest bathing).
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While it may sound odd, talking to trees or spending time in nature has many health benefits. Forest bathing has been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve immune function.
Talking to trees is a way to connect with nature on a deeper level, even if it seems like an odd habit people make fun of. It connects you to the outside world, reminding you that trees are living creatures like you. Engaging with nature helps restore mental balance and enhances overall well-being.
According to researchers worldwide, Shinrin-Yoku, or forest bathing — the Japanese practice of immersing yourself in a forest using all your senses — is good for you. Mindfully surrounding yourself with trees supports your immune system, helps with depression, lowers your blood pressure, and can even help your body fight cancer-causing cells.
Dr. Qing Li, a professor at Nippon Medical School, revealed that forest bathing can have benefits lasting up to one month. His research has shown that the longer a forest bathing session is, the more effective it will be. He recommends setting aside two to six hours to lose yourself amongst the trees so you can move slowly and truly take in the environment in a full-sensory way.
9.Making vision boards to visualize your goals.
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Making a vision board to manifest your dream life is a habit people make fun of as something witchy and woo-woo, but it's a scientifically-backed process to welcome what you want into your life. It isn't just a trendy hobby; it's to improve goal-setting and behavior.
According to neuroscientist Tara Swart, vision boards are good for your brain and help you implement thoughts and create actual behavioral change. Visualizing your goals through images activates your brain, helping to turn intentions into reality. This practice keeps your aspirations front and center, motivating you to take actionable steps toward them. Part of the power of making a vision board comes from the images you choose to represent your deepest wishes.
"The brain assigns a higher value to images than written words on a to-do list, and the more you look at those images, the more those images move up in importance," Dr. Swart explained.
Making a vision board draws on visualization and repetition: When you see your goals mapped out in front of you, they become less intimidating, making you more likely to do the work to get to where you want to go.
10.Playing with toys as an adult.
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As adults, reconnecting with toys or participating in playful activities can alleviate stress and ignite creativity. Although playing with toys is often seen as a children's pastime, dedicating time to play in adulthood may seem peculiar; however, it serves as a valuable method to relieve stress and reconnect with sources of joy.
Whether it's puzzles, action figures, or arts and crafts, playing fosters relaxation and allows you to reconnect with a sense of wonder, ultimately boosting productivity and mental clarity.
According to Uncover Mental Health Counseling, "adulthood often brings a set of societal pressures that make fun feel like an indulgence rather than a necessity." Reframing fun as an act of self-care, as something you need to do for your quality of life, can help reduce whatever guilt you might feel about making fun a priority.
Rediscovering childhood activities can bring back the sense of wonder and joy you had when you were young. When we were kids, there was no greater pleasure than riding bikes until sunset or devoting ourselves to finger-painting, tie-dyeing, or any other messy, immersive art project. Letting yourself be playful sparks creativity and productivity, but more than that, it's just fun.
Everyone deserves fun, no matter how old they are, because it's good for the mind, body, and soul.
11.Believing in magic or superstition.
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Whether wearing lucky socks on game day or believing in the Tooth Fairy, a touch of magic can bring comfort and a sense of wonder. Personal rituals or superstitions create meaning and structure, helping you appreciate the joy in life's mysteries.
While some may mock the belief in magic, it's a shared experience in different forms. A passionate football fan who claims their team won thanks to their lucky socks embodies this belief. Likewise, a parent who discreetly places money under their child's pillow while pretending to be the Tooth Fairy illustrates this magic.
You don't have to have an extensive crystal collection or monthly full moon ceremonies to let magic into your life. You get to define what magic means to you. Maybe it's the way your family passes traditions down through each generation. Perhaps it's in that feeling you get whenever you see someone you love walk across a crowded room to get to you. Every day, the sun rises and sets, and we can see a map of constellations in the night sky and the light of those stars used to guide people home.
There’s magic all around us. To find it, all we have to do is look.
Alexandra Blogier, MFA, is a staff writer who covers psychology, social issues, relationships, self-help topics, and human interest stories.