11 Tricks Brilliant People Use To Dominate Any Situation, According To Psychology
You don't have to get rough to stay on top.

Difficult situations are hard to avoid. Whether it's an argument with a spouse or a disagreement with a coworker, most people get stuck when they feel like they're losing control. Brilliant people, on the other hand, are well aware that there are tricks they can use to dominate any situation that they're in.
While others might struggle to find the right words, ultimately causing them to lose out in a variety of ways, brilliant people are able to find creative solutions that get things back on the track they wanted them to be on in the first place.
11 tricks brilliant people use to dominate any situation, according to psychology
1. Looking at the other person's shoes
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Let's face it: people won't always get along with everyone and may have mutual acquaintances or bosses who don't particularly like them. As a result, dirty looks or creepy stares might become all too common during work meetings or family gatherings.
That said, a trick brilliant people use to dominate any situation is looking at the other person’s shoes. Most people will feel uncomfortable having someone obviously analyze their appearance and as a result, unconsciously look away to feel less vulnerable.
A study published in the Journal of Research in Personality found that participants accurately predicted people's personalities based on the shoes they wore.
Knowing this, it doesn’t hurt to take a glance at someone's shoes. Believe it or not, they'll tell you a lot about a person.
2. Staying silent during an argument
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A trick brilliant people use to dominate any situation is staying silent during an argument. Many people wrongly assume that raising their voice is the best way to win an argument, but a study published in Communication Monographs found that silence helps people listen and discern what is happening.
That said, silence should be used strategically to create the best outcome. According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, silence can also make someone increasingly uncomfortable during a conversation, as it disrupts the natural flow of the conversation.
This means that people should only aim to use it when they want to make a point.
3. Chewing gum
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When tensions rise in an argument, it's easy for people to allow their nerves to get the better of them. So one trick brilliant people use to dominate any situation is chewing gum.
According to a research article published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, chewing gum has been found to reduce stress.
If someone's goal is to dominate any situation, chewing some gum is a great way to calm their nerves before their anxiety goes haywire and causes them to stumble over their words, or worse, chicken out of the conversation completely.
4. Making them laugh before asking them for the truth
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Most people can't help but let their guard down when others are cracking jokes and smiling brightly. And it's because of that little fact that brilliant people use this very trick to dominate any situation they're in.
When brilliant people want to dive deeper and discover what someone is hiding, they'll put on the charm to get the other person in the best state of mind. Afterward, they'll use this feel-good energy to catch the other person off guard by asking them a question.
In the moment, this might seem random and unimportant. However, it's a sneaky way to figure out how someone else is truly feeling.
Moreover, one could argue that this brilliant person is doing the other person a favor by making them laugh. The American Institute of Stress found that laughter is great for people's health and even lowers stress.
So, the next time someone wants to get the truth out of a friend or family member, try beginning with a joke first.
5. Imagining the other person as a good friend
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Another trick brilliant people use to dominate any situation is imagining the other person as a good friend. According to psychotherapist Kaytee Gillis, LCSW, a good friend helps people improve their mood and makes them feel good about themselves.
Because of this, treating others as a good friend will quickly turn someone's sour mood into a much more pleasant one. This is important, as feeling calm is essential to dominating any situation.
So, the next time you find yourself in a difficult situation, try to view the other person as a friend. It'll likely help you both calm down and allow you to take control of the situation.
6. Referring to them by their name
Helena Lopes | Pexels
A trick brilliant people use to dominate any situation is referring to others by their first name. Using someone's name emphasizes respect, recognition, and consideration during the discussion.
When someone is in the middle of a disagreement, they probably don't really care about keeping things respectful or cordial. In reality, they are more likely to be in it to win it regardless of how the other person feels.
It's important to remember that getting the upper hand doesn't need to be manipulative. Sometimes it only requires a gentle approach to get the job done.
The next time a person finds themselves in a difficult situation, try calmly saying the other person's name. This behavior, though small, will snap the other person out of their stubborn mentality enough to find a resolution.
7. Putting their hands on their hips
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Growing up, most people have probably seen their father or mother put their hands on their hips while discipling them, but they may not know the unconscious reason their parents did that.
Known as the Wonder Woman pose, this pose is specifically designed to make people look more confident.
According to a 2022 study, this pose helps people feel more powerful in themselves, which can give them the boost they need to take charge during difficult conversations, all without feeling too intimidated.
8. Notice their eye color
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It might sound strange to think about observing someone's eye color. However, eye color isn't the main focus here. Rather, it's the intent behind the action that matters most.
Many people have a bad habit of looking away during tense situations. And when you’re trying to dominate a situation, it's important to maintain eye contact.
A 2022 study found that extended eye contact leads to feelings of intimacy and intimidation, which in turn, causes people to feel embarrassed. So the next time you’re in a conversation you feel frustrated by, make sure you maintain eye contact.
9. Leaning forward while speaking
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Everyone wants to feel heard and understood. According to a 2023 study, feeling heard leads to greater self-esteem and well-being, as well as can closer ties in relationships.
And that's not all feeling heard and understood can do for people. When it comes to conflict resolution, feeling heard makes people more willing to listen and work cooperatively with others.
Therefore a trick brilliant people use to dominate any situation is leaning forward while speaking. This gives the impression that someone is in tune with what the other person is saying. As a result, it helps the other person lower their defenses and brings forth feelings of connection along the way.
10. Talking slowly while making a point
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When people talk slowly during a conversation, it can make others perceive them as more in control. A study published in 2022 found that when someone speaks slowly it reduces the amount of mental effort required to listen to what they have to say.
As a result, it’s easier for people to catch up and better understand what the other person is trying to convey.
Brilliant people know this and use slower speech to make themselves seem more logical, which makes it more likely for them to come out on top.
11. Taking a sip of water
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The quickest way to lose in a situation is to get tripped up or nervous. This is one reason people with anxiety are increasingly likely to avoid social interactions, according to a 2012 study.
If someone wants to dominate a situation, a good trick brilliant people use is taking a sip of water. According to a study in 2018, taking a sip of water was associated with low levels of depression and anxiety.
Feeling more calm will allow you to speak your mind without hesitancy. Because of this, people will be more likely to listen, causing you to win in any given situation.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help topics such as relationships, career, family, and astrology.