3 Zodiac Signs Have The 'Happiest' Weekly Horoscopes May 15 - 21. 2023

They got their lucky shoes on.

best weekly horoscope for may 15 - 21, 2023 jpfotograaf from Getty Images via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs have the best weekly horoscopes for May 15 - 21, 2023. Don't worry if you are not on the list. Here's the message of the week for everyone. Have more faith in yourself than arbitrary authority figures. They may or may not help you, depending on what they stand to benefit from the situation. Be your best friend, and you will tip the hand in your favor more times than you think. Sometimes, this can mean walking away from certain people because it's obvious no one will hold them accountable.


This week's main astrological events are: Jupiter finally moving into Taurus on May 16 and the New Moon in Taurus on May 19. That means the week will be quite blessed for earth signs — specifically Taurus.



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Of course, Jupiter will stay in Taurus for the next year, so Earth signs should make the most of this good fortune while it's here. You should start planning if you haven't planned a manifestation ritual for the New Moon. Now's the best time to manifest money, success and other Taurus-type things into your life. Now let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes for May 15 - 21, 2023.

Three zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes for May 15 - 21, 2023:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

Taurus being on this list of best horoscopes is a no-brainer. You have Jupiter, North Node, Uranus, Sun and Mercury in your corner this week. Let's not forget the transiting Moon. All this concentrated power in your zodiac sign makes this week perfect for progressing on your chosen path in life.

If you are ambitious, use this energy to further yourself and take yourself to the next level. If you are creative, break down the boundaries and boxes. Uranus will shut them up in the long run. If you are a romantic, don't hold your feelings back.


Of course, Taurus being Taurus, the best way to engage with all this energy is to take it steady and easy. No sweat is the mantra for you this week, and don't let anyone ruffle your feathers. Some of you are sitting on a gold mine business idea and can't afford to get distracted now. Taurus for the win!

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2. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

The Sun is in the last few degrees of Taurus this week. So its light is already boosting the energy of Geminis born in the first one-third of the Gemini season. That means those of you who have your birthdays between May 21 - 26 will feel the powerful energy this week. It will improve as the Sun inches towards Gemini over the next few days.


Moon will also transit through Gemini later this week, so expect to feel a little "drunk" even if you are not. Depending on your temperament, you may socialize more than usual and crack more silly jokes. Dad jokes included. Or, you will get into verbal arguments over everything and nothing, depending on the day and the angle of the sunlight.

Mars is in the last few degrees of Cancer, and Pallas in Leo will bestow their clear-sighted energy on you later this week. So even if the emotions are dubious, your mind will stay sharp. The mantra for you this week is to focus on what's important and not get distracted by grandeur or things that stroke your ego.

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3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)


You will feel in your element this week, Leo. Then again, when do you not? Your inner rebel has taken the world by storm for the last few weeks, and this week will be much the same. You don't like it when people tell you what to do and how to think, and you will never change that. Most people have already gotten the memo, but you may have to roar at a few people this week who think they are too cool for school.

Mars is on the verge of moving into your zodiac sign. So Leos, born between July 23 - 27, should already be feeling the heightened energy and powerful of Mars lighting up their life. It will keep getting better as the days go by. Be mindful of your love life this week, though.

You have a big heart and a lot of love to give and share, but romance will be fickle this week. It's frustrating, we know! It can't be helped. Saturn and Pluto are currently messing things up in the department of love, so you are more prone to bumping into manipulative or rigid types this week.


The mantra for you this week is to try to stay calm, and if that's impossible, find some positive outlets for your emotions. Gaming is a great option for some of you. Playing squash or foosball is too.

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Valeria Black is a tarot reader and astrology nerd with a dash of wicked humor. Follow her on Instagram for more.