The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Great things always take time.

zodiac signs best horoscopes tuesday april 26, 2022 Omar Lopez on Unsplash

After a quieter day yesterday, today determination returns as you are directed to start planning for your future.  

This is a time of transformation.  

You are entering a completely new phase of living and of yourself, but it is taking time, even more time than you had anticipated.  

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This is because what you are creating now is something that will become a major part of your life and in the process, you are letting go and shedding what is no longer needed.  

Although the Moon is still in Pisces today giving it a dreamy restful quality, Jupiter also in this water sign will connect with Mercury in Taurus. 

This is the main difference between the theme of yesterday to today.  


Jupiter has been one of the main catalysts for you to seek greater abundance and possibilities in your life so as it teams up with Mercury today it means that it is time to revisit some plans that you have for your future.  

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With Mercury in Taurus that means that you should have some solid ideas about what to do next even if Jupiter is continually pushing you to move beyond your previous comfort zone.  

All of this is still in preparation for the Eclipse in Taurus that is now just a few days away.  

It is important to pace yourself and remember that great things always take time and that if you have encountered delays, it is all part of a bigger purpose.  


For Sagittarius, Taurus, and Pisces, April 26, 2022 is going to be amazing.

Here's your horoscope explaining why you're one of the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes this Tuesday.

1. Sagittarius  

(November 22 - December 21) 

Today serves as an important one in your current process of changing or updating your home life. Jupiter, your ruling planet currently in Pisces, means that you are going to be expanding this area of your life so that you can bring in greater abundance and even freedom.

Mercury in Taurus today means that it is time to get settled on the plans and ideas that will help you get from where you are to where you want to be. You often can see so many possibilities that it can be challenging to narrow your focus to decide on one and then put a plan in place to help you achieve it. Today though this becomes easier as you can make a stable grounded plan for this next chapter of your life that is emerging.


Whether it is about a separation, divorce or even marriage or if it is more based in the moving of your physical home. Of course, it is always a possibility with you that it is all the above which makes today even more important.

For you, needing to quiet away from what is involved in the change is important, so make sure you create that space today and really get down to work with a pen and some paper to start helping you get focused. The changes that are meant to happen always will, but it is also a matter of making sure that you are going into it incorporating all that you have learned so that this time truly can be different.  

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2. Taurus  

(April 20 - May 20) 


Mercury has a few more days in your sign until it moves on into Gemini on April 29, so now is the time to take advantage of this energy especially as it connects with Jupiter today. Think about what you want to put into place that will help you create a more stable and solid structure within your life and even within yourself. But with Jupiter on the scene, it is also going to make sure that you are not holding yourself back from anything simply because you have never experienced it before or because there is fear.

Even though you tend to look at things from a more logical standpoint of what is possible and what is not, it would serve you well today to jot down some of your wildest dreams that you have no idea how they would come to fruition or not.

You can sell yourself short at times by not letting your current self stretch to meet your future self. But you are in a phase of transformation and empowerment so taking a risk is one that will have a reward attached to it.

The people that you surround yourself with become an important part of this and it is something you have been reflecting on recently. Make sure that those people who are closest to you and that you confide in are those who want to support you and allow them to be part of the process.  


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3. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20) 

You always have a lot of dreams but picking one and creating a plan to make it happen is something that can be challenging. Today though this will not be a problem as Jupiter, one of the many planets currently in your sign, relates to Mercury in Taurus.


Mercury is the planet that governs thoughts and communication so how you can process things today and then talk about it with others will become easier. You will feel as if you are able to see things from a multitude of different perspectives which will help you feel more confidence in the creation of a plan for what comes next. This allows you to not only be clearer with yourself but also with others when you are having conversations.

Today do not be afraid to open and talk not just about what you are envisioning for yourself, but also what those ideas mean to you. Because of astrology today it is not just your ideas that you will be able to communicate better but also your feelings. This should allow you to make the most of the energy today and feel like something was truly accomplished by the end of it.  

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website
