Astrology & Coronavirus Predictions: Where Your Zodiac Can Catch COVID-19

See where you need to be careful the most to avoid catching COVID-19.

Astrology & Coronavirus Predictions: Where Your Zodiac Can Catch COVID-19 cottonbro via @pexels

Even though you may or may not catch the coronavirus, you still want to avoid COVID-19, and astrology can help you know where you are most vulnerable.

Where might your zodiac sign catch COVID-19?

There are three planets to look at (Neptune, Mercury, and Saturn) to interpret where your zodiac sign is most vulnerable during this time of the Coronavirus.

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Our body is merely a symbol of the great Universal shift at large, and the higher than average mortality rate is a health crisis but it's also a spiritual crisis as well.

Mercury, Neptune in Pisces, and the Coronavirus

Neptune represents viruses, illnesses, and infections. So, where Neptune is located in your natal chart and what house it's placed in can reveal how your zodiac sign would catch the Coronavirus.

Mercury is in Pisces brings negative energy travel, fear, and panic, nervousness, and anxiety, even social depression because of fear.

Neptune conjunct Mercury in Pisces until June 28, 2020, and it can trigger health problems caused by negative fears.


Mercury rules the lungs, and so there's a belief that Mercury in Pisces is a symbol of lung and breathing problems caused by COVID-19.

(To find your natal chart and specific location for your Neptune, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto, you can get your natal report for free here.)

Here's where your zodiac sign is likely to catch the Coronavirus, according to astrology house:

Coronavirus and the first house of Aries

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: your personal items and your own body

Keep social distance. If you have Neptune in the first house, you are vulnerable to becoming a carrier.

You may not be someone who shows symptoms, so even if you feel great, you should still exercise caution and social isolation avoiding vulnerable persons.


You may have personal items that have been exposed to various things and

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Coronavirus and the second house of Taurus

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: Food and things you buy online

Clean what you buy from the grocery store and disinfect items after buying them.

If you have Neptune in the second house, be more careful with food, organic produce, at a grocery store, and where you receive items, including ordering products online that may be exposed to the virus during shipping.

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Coronavirus and the third astrology house

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: short trips around town and in your car, your computer and cell phone


If you have Neptune in the third house, you have to be sure to avoid being careless in your car, with your cell phone or your laptop.

Try not to touch your face while in the car. Be careful if you go through the drive-thru and sanitize your hands if you eat in the car.

Since germs can live for days at a time on the plastics in your vehicle, it is an enclosed space.

So, you may want to be careful if you're driving with other passengers and vulnerable to the spread of germs in such a small space.

You may tend to set your phone or computer down on tables, shopping carts and foreign locations. Be sure to disinfect these personal items so that you are safe.


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Coronavirus and the fourth astrology house

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: around family members

Don't become overly confident and careless when around your family members.

Especially, since people are prone to act comfortable around other family members because the trust with one another is there.

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Coronavirus and the fifth astrology house

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: Around children or socializing

Even though children are less susceptible to the virus, if you're a parent or teacher, you may perceive that yours isn't symptomatic.


But, they could be carriers or fighting off the virus without any signs at all.

So, don't share food with children and if you are out at a park or playground, still exercise caution and not take any chances.

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Coronavirus and the sixth astrology house

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: the gym and get plenty of rest

A strong immune system is supported by rest and lower stress levels.

You may find that you need to get more rest lately, so don't stay up too late scrolling social media.

When gyms open up or if you're doing alternative workout strategies, such as going to the park or running at a track in your community.


Be sure to be extra careful so you don't expose yourself believing that you're safe because you're in an area others don't frequent as often.

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Coronavirus and the seventh astrology house

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: dating or with a working partner

If your workplace brought you home, but your partner has to work outside of the house, be careful.

Your partner may be exposed to the virus inadvertently.

Encourage them to take a shower when they get home, don't let them sink into the bed or the sofa, even if there was a long day.

Do a few extra loads of laundry a week if you have to in order to keep your home safe.


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Coronavirus and the eighth astrology house

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: using cash money

If you are a person who refuses to use credit cards and must use cash and coin, realize that money goes through an extensive amount of hand changes.

While you may wonder how to sanitizer your dollars, be sure to wash your hands and clean your bags.

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Coronavirus and the ninth astrology house

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: schools and educational and religious institutions


If you're a teacher or have to participate in group courses, practice extra caution with desks, books, and shared food.

When in groups, practice decorum even if it means being socially awkward when you feel you must refuse a baked item that was homemade.

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Coronavirus and the tenth astrology house

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: work


At work, you have so much on your mind and likely will handle a variety of items.

People don't like to call out from work, especially under financial pressure.

So, when you're working in groups and notice that a colleague isn't feeling well, keep your distance.

Try to avoid taking things home with you accidentally in your pockets, if it can stay at the office, leave it there.

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Coronavirus and the eleventh astrology house

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: friends

While around friends, you may feel like you're with an extension of the family.

However, you don't really know where your friends have been or who they were exposed to when you're not around.


You may still want to ask your friends to wash their hands before handling things at your house.

You may want to ask friends to agree to avoid hugging or sharing food items, including double-dipping in foods that you ordinarily may enjoy while dining or cooking with each other.

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Coronavirus and the twelfth astrology house

How you might catch COVID-19, according to astrology: therapist office or your spiritual center

If you visit a therapist or attend church, sometimes you sit on a sofa or are in a small, enclosed space.

Be safe and don't worry if you think it's weird to disinfect the area or ask that they do so before you arrive.


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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.