Nick Cannon Explains How A ‘Vision' Years Ago Predicted His 12 Children With 6 Different Mothers
"I had the vision that my name will be great as, like, the Rockefeller name.”

It’s no secret that Nick Cannon is a father to many children, having 12 kids with six different women. But what may have been kept a secret is the reason behind it all, the “method to his madness,” if you will.
During a conversation with Dr. Laura Berman, a “NYT best-selling author/therapist/radio/TV host” according to her Instagram bio, Cannon reveals how he eventually knew he would end up fathering so many children.
Nick Cannon claims that a ‘vision’ predicted he would have 12 kids.
During a June 14, 2023 episode of Dr. Berman’s “The Language of Love” podcast, Nick Cannon “dispels myths, exposes us to some of the life and love lessons he’s learned along the way, and sets the record straight,” including a story about the vision he saw.
Berman had been asking Cannon about the visions he had seen, and asked if God had been the one to tell him to have “all those babies,” and his answer was fairly close. He claimed that there was one moment when he had actually communed with a spirit.
“It's almost like when you have these manifestations or even these visions, if that's what we want to call them, it's like, ‘Oh, that all makes sense now,’” Cannon told Berman. He explained that the visions weren’t quite like having a conversation with God or a holy spirit, but more like things he would hear or things that would come to him.
“I've never heard that clarity, but I heard that like, ‘Yo, you're gonna be a father of many. There's gonna be your great influence, your lineage, your offspring are gonna do great things,’” Cannon explained. “I had the vision that my name will be great as, like, the Rockefeller name.”
Nick Cannon also cleared some of the air surrounding his relationships with the mothers of his kids.
Cannon explained to Berman that some of the women he’s had children with are in monogamous relationships with him, but others just want to co-parent — he did not specify which women wanted what.
In the past, he’s stated how he lives a non-monogamous lifestyle, but during his conversation with Dr. Berman, he explained that he would prefer if the mothers wait a little while longer before seeing other people.
“I would hope it would happen a little bit later, once you've come into your own of what our parenting infrastructure looks like,” Cannon explained to Berman. He added that he would be “concerned” if the mothers of his children were out sowing their “wild oats” and “out in these streets.”
Cannon also revealed that he doesn’t enjoy being made fun of for the number of kids he has and that terms like “community d--k” are hurtful, he’s just trying to be a good father to his children.
He currently has 12 children split among six mothers — Mariah Carey, Abby De La Rosa, Alyssa Scott, Brittany Bell, Bre Tiesi, and Lanisha Cole. Back in February 2023, he claimed that only God would know when he’d stop having children, so there could be more on the way.
Isaac Serna-Diez is an Assistant Editor for YourTango who focuses on entertainment and news, social justice, and politics.