4 Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On January 16, 2025
The universe talks to us in mysterious ways.

We've got the Virgo Moon with us today, a sign from the universe telling us to keep on. Four zodiac signs receive the universe's signals, as Virgo's nature is one of persistence and perfection — this is a good day to complete a task that's in dire need of attention.
Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces zodiac signs will heed that hint and get on with it. Wednesday feels productive. Pay attention to the details. Consider mysterious workings a nudge that comes from the universe in the form of the Virgo Moon to see what's needed. We do not hesitate. Productivity rules today.
Four zodiac signs receive signs from the universe on January 16, 2025:
1. Taurus
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
It occurs to you that on January 16, you could be doing better. Now, that's not to say you aren't trying or that you've not been doing well, but it does mean that you are starting to notice where you're starting to slack off. That's good; you are conscious of what's happening.
It's very easy to relax, especially when you feel secure and at ease, and while it's nice to take time off, you're going to feel that during the Virgo Moon, the universe is trying to tell you to keep going. Don't stop now, and hold off before taking a break.
That's how the Virgo Moon works; it reminds us of our potential, and you'll pick up on the signs around you that let you know that if you put in just a tiny bit more effort, you'll be in for a big payoff. Stay with it, Taurus.
2. Libra
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
When the universe gets through to you, the sign will be easy to read: stay focused and be persistent. What's taking place up until now is you believing in your goal, and yet, you aren't quite sure if you're on autopilot or not.
You've got that January syndrome where you feel good and optimistic, but you're not quite sure if this new start has begun or not. OK, OK, what that means is that, basically, it's hard to get started in January, and the Virgo Moon is now here to put the pressure on.
The pressure isn't a bad thing, Libra. You need to grab the momentum now so that you can continue with energy and hope. Because of the Virgo Moon, you're not able to see that 'it's real' and that your best bet is to keep it going. You'll be OK.
3. Scorpio
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Whenever the Virgo Moon, Scorpio, hovers around you, you want more out of life. That's not to say you're dissatisfied with what you have, but it's more like you finding inspiration and wanting to act on it.
January 16 provides you with that inspiration; it almost feels like the universe is making room for you to dream. This sign is a good feeling, Scorpio, and while you feel like you need to put the pressure on yourself to act, you want to act. You crave action.
What happens today is when the Virgo Moon plants the seed of inspiration into your mind, and you end up following that dream through to the end. You are now at the beginning of an amazing journey.
4. Pisces
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Sometimes, your contentment irks you and makes you want to do something about it. While contentment doesn't seem like anything to complain about, the Virgo Moon brings you a feeling of restlessness. Yes, everything is good right now ... but you want more.
January 16 opens the door to the desire for more, and you'll see how this presents itself as a sign from the universe. You aren't just content ... you feel subdued by security. It's one thing to know you are safe and sound and another to find yourself bored by the idea.
Ah ha, that's the real issue; you are bored, and the Virgo Moon wakes you up from that dream and shows you that you can have more if you want more. And you do want more, which begins to manifest as action today. Good for you, Pisces.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.