Zodiac Signs That Fall In Love Quickly Vs. Those That Get Bored Easily In Relationships
Do you get attached for life, or are you ready for someone new?

Which type of lover are you? Do you fall in and out of love at the speed of light, or do you find yourself fatally attached to a person before the relationship has grown roots?
Astrology is a good indicator of how quickly we fall in love, and how easy it is to become bored.
Who are the zodiac signs that get bored easily vs. the zodiac signs that fall in love easily?
Zodiac signs who get emotionally attached to their partners as soon as they start dating are already thinking about their couple name, or who would take whose last name when they inevitably get married.
Even if the relationship doesn't last, they jump from one partner to the next, doing the exact same thing. Of course, those signs grieve the end of a relationship as if it was the only one they had ever had.
Then, there are the zodiac signs that get bored quite quickly in their relationship. Once they get what they want out of the relationship, they're ready to call it quits and find someone else to light their fire again.
We've ranked which zodiac signs get bored fast and fall out of love early on in the relationship vs. those who get attached way too quickly. Where do you fit in?
Zodiac Signs That Get Bored Easily in Their Relationships
1. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini runs very hot and cold, which means that they might be all over you one moment, and done with you the next. And once their feelings have faded for you, they’re usually gone for good.
Gemini is more interested in casual, fleeting crushes than long-term relationships, so expect them to always have a sort of detachment from what you have together. They can’t function properly when things get too complicated, so not only do they get bored in relationships easily, they prefer it that way.
Meaningless crushes that aren’t confusing or serious are best for Gemini because they can just move onto the next person when they lose interest.
2. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius is kind of robot-like when it comes to relationships. You’re never really sure if there are any deeper emotions under the surface, and the minute you think things are going well, Aquarius ends them.
Aquarius gets bored easily in relationships and ends things out of nowhere. This sign needs to have a strong emotional connection to someone for them to want to stay in a relationship long-term.
That’s not to say that it’s impossible for them, but it certainly doesn’t happen often, either. Aquarius can still have a physical relationship with someone they're bored with, but once they're totally done with you, that’s it.
3. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarius can get down with someone seriously, but that doesn’t change the fact that they will still end things if (and when) they get bored.
They need that excited feeling you get in your gut when you’re with someone all the time. Once that feeling goes away, so do they.
Sagittarius gets bored in relationships easily because they highly value their freedom and independence. Their worst fear is feeling restricted, so the minute they feel one of those things happening, they call it quits.
They want constant adventure with someone, which might sound impossible for one person to give, but to them, it can be interpreted as a long line of people, one right after the other.
4. Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Libra loves to fall in love, and will fall in love an average of five times a week. They have a hard time committing, while they enjoy all of the wonderful things that come with dating.
If Libra's not being wooed and swept off their feet every day, they're bound to get bored. They're also very independent partners, which means they don’t want to feel constricted.
One of their biggest fears is being in a relationship that doesn’t give them butterflies anymore. Libra is certainly able to find a relationship for a long time, but it’s also common to be in love with love and not an actual person.
5. Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries loves hard, but when you don’t give them exactly what they want, when they want it, they're going to get bored with the relationship.
Their boredom comes from their impatience with relationships. Aries doesn’t like any relationship that's drawn out or moving slow. In other words, if this isn’t a whirlwind romance from the beginning, it’s doomed to fail.
When Aries’ crazy, impulsive needs aren’t met right away, they will ghost you. But do they care? No. Aries is too busy on another adventure with someone who will thrill them for a while... before they ghost that person, too.
6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgo is not a clingy person. If you want to know if things are going well with them, you have to pay attention to their actions.
They're a “show me, don’t tell me” kind of lover, so you can expect them to be attentive and sensual when things are going well. If things are tanking and they're getting bored, you’ll only know after the fact.
Virgo will give you whiplash with how fast they can remove themselves from your life when they're bored. They don’t get bored as quickly as other zodiac signs do, but they would much rather just be single than stay with someone who isn’t interesting or exciting.
Zodiac Signs That Fall in Love and Get Attached Easily
7. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorn knows that you can’t reveal every single facet of yourself to someone new at first glance, which means you need to have patience before you can give up on someone. They don’t get bored easily because they know a new relationship is a learning process that requires work.
Once Capricorn gets comfortable in the relationship, they're smitten. They really only get bored if they think you’re wasting their time or if you two don’t have enough in common.
Even when they're in love, Capricorn isn't a clingy person, but they do appreciate a stable relationship with lots of affection.
8. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces is sort of an enigma when it comes to attachment. When Pisces finds someone they really like, cue the romantic music, because they want to feel this way forever! So much so that they can become a clingy, codependent person who can’t function without their lover.
This affection for their partner is even stronger when they reciprocate the feelings. But because Pisces’ symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions, you have to anticipate some pulling away from them.
Pisces can be hot and cold, so it’s not uncommon for them to be so in love one moment, and asking themselves how they could have possibly fallen for someone so quickly.
Think of it this way: When the relationship is toxic, they lose interest eventually; when it’s healthy, they're attached for life.
9. Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Leo loves being in a relationship, especially since it means they get to spend all of their time with someone they genuinely love and care about. That said, their relationship needs to feed Leo's fiery, passionate soul for them to be invested in it completely.
Leo doesn’t get bored easily, but they need to know that you’re constantly dedicated to this partnership, just like them. Their biggest deal breaker is a partner who is ambivalent or unenthusiastic.
If Leo starts feeling ignored or like a second thought, their interest will start to fade. They might even start looking for someone else to free them from their boredom before you two have broken up.
10. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus is one of those signs that gets attached to someone without even realizing it at first.
They're a firm believer in the slow and steady crawl to true love. So no matter how your relationship turns out, they're always willing to put in their best effort for you.
Taurus wants to woo you, sweep you off your feet, and prove to you why they're such a good fit for you. Before either of you know it, they're a permanent fixture in your life.
While they may not be a "love at first sight" kind of person in the traditional sense, they definitely move into your life emotionally very early on in a relationship. This is why it makes it so hard for Taurus to call it quits.
11. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer is always looking for their forever person, even if they don't realize it. Of course, while they get attached to people quickly, Cancer doesn't fall in love very fast. It can be hard for them to risk it all for one person at first.
Once Cancer is with you, though, they want to be with you forever. The Crab is the kind of person who can't see a future without the person they love, so when faced with heartbreak, it can take them months or years to get over that person.
Cancer has a lot of love to give, and rather than fault themselves for failed attempts at finding true love, they use their past as a way to learn from their mistakes and try again.
12. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
True love doesn't always come easy to Scorpio, but not for a lack of trying on their part. Scorpio might have to kiss a lot of frogs, but they would rather try harder than all the other zodiac signs than not try at all.
While Scorpio's mysterious nature might make it hard for them to open up, they feel that it's necessary to attach themselves quickly to everyone. Because Scorpio gets attached too quickly, it's easy for them to get their heart broken over someone who wasn't even worth it.
They have a habit of trying to turn casual partners into something more, and getting upset when it doesn't work out. An especially powerful and influential attraction to someone can even erase their common sense completely.
Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. She's passionate about the environment, astrology, and feminism, and plans to write a non-fiction book in the future.