Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs From August 12 - 18, 2024

Romance blooms for these Chinese zodiac signs.

Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs From August 12 - 18, 2024 icsilviu from pixabay, Vector Twins Images | Canva Pro

Beautiful love is a joy for the heart, whether it's rain or shine. That's the message and theme this week, between August 12-18, 2024, in matters of the heart! And five Chinese zodiac signs will have the best luck in love under its influence. They are Horse, Ox, Pig, Rabbit, and Rat.

This week's I Ching hexagram of love is Heaven over Earth (#12), changing to Fire over Fire (#30). It cautions against brushing things under the rug that should instead be discussed in the open. How will your love grow and become strong if all parties involved do not give each other the chance to show their care and support?


Whether you face trials from outside or communication problems within, only patience and the desire to be open and transparent with each other will unlock your luck in love. After all, the luckiest are those who find a partner willing to meet them halfway. That's why they say love is a verb and not just a one-off declaration.

Work with the crystal Rose Quartz this week if you feel called to. It will help you lean into the power of love and choose love. 

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Love horoscopes are luckiest for five Chinese zodiac signs the week of August 12 - 18, 2024:

1. Horse

horse weekly chinese zodiac lucky love horoscope august 12-18, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Horse, your luck in love this week has an introverted feel to it. Choose yourself and prioritize self-care, whether you are single or in a relationship.

This may sound counterintuitive, but it will help you find true love and/or deepen your relationship with your partner. After all, only those who are fulfilled within can engage fully and heartfully with another. Your well-being will lead to the well-being of your love life, too.

If you feel called, work with Rose Quartz this week or wear it as a pendant to attract more love and care wherever you go.

RELATED: Your Chinese Zodiac Sign's Lucky Number

2. Ox

ox weekly chinese zodiac lucky love horoscope august 12-18, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Ox, your luck in love this week demands that you write your own destiny. So pull out some pen and paper and start writing, literally! 

You can manifest what you want if you allow all your senses to be involved in this exercise. So think about how you want love to make you feel. The more you write, the easier it will be for your cosmic luck to bloom.

Also, now's an excellent time to have a tete-a-tete with your significant other about where you wish to be in the future, both as individuals and as a couple. Dreams become reality only once you lean into them and the magic they weave.

RELATED: Year Of The Ox Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


3. Pig

pig weekly chinese zodiac lucky love horoscope august 12-18, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Pig, your luck in love this week is all about community and camaraderie. If you are single, don't actively look for love. Instead, lean into your family and friends and just enjoy yourself. Luck will bring love to you effortlessly when you choose to glow and shine!

If you are in a relationship, now's an excellent time to throw a house party and bring your and your partner's loved ones together in a blended meet-and-greet.


Let the food and beverages forge new bonds. After all, if you are in it for the long haul, this will just be the starting point for many more adventures in the future. Your luck will bloom when you allow love to come to you from all directions.

RELATED: 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Predicted To Experience The Luckiest Love Horoscopes In August 2024

4. Rabbit

rabbit weekly chinese zodiac lucky love horoscope august 12-18, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Rabbit, your luck in love is young and beautiful this week. If you are single, you are encouraged not to let your inner spirit feel drained and too old to live life. No matter your actual age, you will find your luck when you explore and still feel excited about fresh adventures and hobbies.

If you are in a relationship, decide upon a day with your significant other this week when you just sit, face each other lovingly, and just talk about life. The facing each other part is crucial here. The chat doesn't even have to be about deep things in life. It can be fun. You will find your luck on this unexpected path.

RELATED: Year Of The Rabbit: Chinese Zodiac Traits And Dates


5. Rat

rat weekly chinese zodiac lucky love horoscope august 12-18, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Rat, your luck in love this week is sweet and savory, like a delicious bowl of ramen topped with extra ingredients! If you are single, look for adventure along with love. This will unlock your luck and help you find true companionship in life. That includes food adventures!

If you are in a relationship, you are urged not to let the spark die out through complacency. Instead, look for opportunities where you and your partner can bond. Whether that's drinking a cup of tea together to relax at the end of the day, bringing each other random snacks when you return home (just because it reminded you of them), or something else, you will unlock magic if you wish it truly. That's where you will find your luck, too.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
