4 Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On August 12, 2024
Hey there, it's me, the Universe. I've got a message for you. Can you hear me?

Hey there, it's me, the universe. I've got a message for you. Can you hear me? It's August 12, 2024, and four zodiac signs may not hear these exact words. Our astrology sure does tell us that something 'out there' is trying to wave us down and get our attention. This Monday, we've got ourselves the transit of Moon trine Saturn, and that's no joke.
In fact, this transit allows for the flow of information to get to us, and the Saturn part makes the message all the more specific and individual to our needs. The universe is trying to tell us something, and because Saturn is involved, we may find out that it has something to do with our not wanting to hear what we have to hear. Ah, this one's tricky, for sure.
Signs come from the universe to these four zodiac signs on August 12, 2024.
1. Taurus
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You've got something very positive going on in your world, Taurus. You may notice that on this day, Monday, August 12, it's almost as if the universe is trying to let you know that it's all going to be OK. You are shaky and unsteady. Things are just now starting to work out in your life, and you wonder if you can trust it.
That's very typical of how the transit of the Moon trine Saturn can work on a Taurus' nerves. While you may feel a bit wobbly at this time simply because you aren't quite sure where to turn, you'll see that the universe seems to be nudging you in the right direction.
So, if you see what you call a sign, pay attention to it. While signs aren't always crystal clear, you'll be able to get the hint very well, Taurus. These Saturn-influenced signs can help you get to the next place in life — in trust and in knowledge. Things are going to work out for you, so keep the faith.
2. Libra
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During this Moon trine Saturn transit, you'll find that whatever you were stuck on is finally clear enough to get past. This could be a literal problem or something related to an actual relationship. The point here is that the universe is giving you a sign, and this sign will be helpful.
On August 12, you won't have to wonder if this is something you'll be attached to for the rest of your life. This day marks the end of whatever you are going through. The problems will solve themselves, and whatever the outcome will be, it's up to you to make it happen.
That's why you have to pay attention to your surroundings and your environment on this day. When the universe wants you to pay attention, it's not to waste your time. You have secretly asked for help, so it's now up to you to stay open to the signs when they arrive, willing to help you.
3. Capricorn
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This day, August 12, brings you the answer to a question you asked so long ago that you might have forgotten that you did so. By means of a 'sign' that comes from the universe, you suddenly 'get it.' This day brings you a major 'a-ha' moment, and much of it is made possible due to the Moon trine Saturn transit.
Saturn's energy works well with your personality, Capricorn, as you like to know what you're doing and rarely leave things up to chance. The sign you'll receive from the universe on this day shows you that you can't plan it all but that this kind of spontaneity is good for you, too.
So, what you'll get out of this day is a relaxed feeling of trust, which is totally NOT you, and yet ... it could be. That's what Saturn is trying to convey: relax, take a load off, and stop being the boss all the time. If you pay attention to what's going on around you, rather than trying to control it all the time, you might end up having a much happier life.
4. Pisces
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You don't ordinarily give credit to the 'signs' of the universe because you get so many, and sometimes you don't know how to interpret them — or if they are even worthy of interpretation. That's the downside of being a highly psychic person. You get signs all the time.
However, on Monday, August 12, 2024, during the transit of Moon trine Saturn, you'll feel as though something is going on that is seriously demanding you pay attention to it. Saturn is not budging until you take notice, and when you do, meaning, when you catch the hint, you'll know exactly why this 'sign' is here.
You can use it to your benefit because the Moon trine Saturn tends to reveal the hidden and bring forth the essence of what we're looking for. If you've been missing something in your life, Pisces, the Moon trine Saturn, will show you what that is.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.