Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On August 2, 2024 — Venus Squares Uranus
Let calm heads prevail.

For August 2 horoscopes, Venus in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus. This can positively impact your relationships, shake things up if they’ve gotten stagnant, add more adventure, and infuse fresh energy into the meaning of your bond and connection.
At the same time, there could be some heated debates and conversations that alter your perspective, helping you break out of outdated attitudes or potentially causing a rift.
Your zodiac sign's horoscope on August 2, 2024.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
If you have a date lined up, expect to have a couple more! If your dating app has been quieter than usual, it’s likely to be more active today. You may feel more ‘seen’ than usual, so don’t shrink in front of your audience — embrace being in the spotlight.
If you feel a little too exposed, it may highlight some self-confidence wounds. Reflect on when and why you started feeling less confident. Understanding these stories can help you address them more effectively.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Don’t think you have to earn the right to feel good — Venus in Leo is reminding you to embrace luxury and decadence, in whatever form suits you. This could look like putting extra effort into how you make your food or buying new linens for your bed. Create an environment that helps you feel relaxed so you can feel lighter in your heart and body.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You may have some conversations today that spark a deep memory in your unconscious, making you look at yourself or the world differently. These inner awakenings can help you understand things about yourself that you didn’t have words for in the past, ushering in a new level of healing about who you are and your identity.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
What do you invest your time and energy into the most? Today you might renegotiate as you evaluate whether it’s worth the investment. You might pull back your energy because it’s no longer bringing you the fulfillment it once did, or you might let go of other obligations to pour yourself into things that bring you joy and are reciprocated.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
If there’s been any tension or inner conflict around how you show up in the workplace, this is the time to let go of those insecurities so you can be authentic. You could realize that you don’t need to hide your light or natural talents at work, and you may even get a promotion as you allow other people to witness the true ‘you.’
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You may think about someone from the past, and they call you at random. Or you may reflect on the wisdom and teachings that people you once knew gifted you. People who have come into our lives are all teachers in their own right, and we can integrate new skills as we observe how they direct their own lives. Ask yourself, ‘What core skills or teachings have people from the past taught you about how to go after the things you desire?’
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
This is a great day to visualize your biggest visions, as you may find a secret passageway that can quantum jump you into that reality. Sometimes an idea might not take as long as we think to manifest. So, when you close your eyes, what do you want the next 3-6 months of 2024 to look like? What experiences do you want to immerse yourself in?
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
You may connect with someone today who could play a pivotal role in your career. If you’ve been struggling to know what new job direction to go in or how to take your career to the next level, reach out to people in your network or connect with someone new on LinkedIn. The more you publicly talk about your career curiosities, the more you give the universe a chance to provide the wisdom you need.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
As a Sagittarius, you like the fast lane and it might not always be easy to keep up with your routine given your busy schedule. Perhaps it’s time to look at your habits and routines to see how you can fit them in without restricting your fun but still making you feel grounded.
What time do you currently feel most creative? Organize your most creative work around that. Check in with your body to see if you need high- or low-impact exercise. Keep it dynamic.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
You might have the urge to start over on a creative project or give birth to a new one. You may even feel a velocity of creative energy that you don’t know what to do with. Take some time out of your day to sit with these feelings and decide the best course of action. Creative energy is incredibly exciting and can also frighten us if we’re not used to flexing our creative muscles.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
You may feel the need to either break free from relationships to explore the world more independently, or these energies can renew long-term relationships that might have gotten too comfortable and no longer feel expansive and growth-oriented as they once did. Whether it’s a friend or a lover that comes to mind, ask each other, ‘How can we improve our communication to better understand each other's desires and needs?’
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
You might reflect on the ways you make money and how it feels empowering or disempowering. Making money in an empowering way means your ethics and values align with the establishment you work for, or you feel respected and honored by those you make money with collaboratively. If you feel like you can’t share your truths because you’re afraid of tampering with your security, you might decide to make a pivot.
Sade Jackson is a psychological astrologer, writer and energy healer. She writes about Jungian lore, creativity, feminine mysticism and astrology on Substack.