What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know Before The April 8 Solar Eclipse, Per A Tarot Card Reader
We've got big changes coming our way.

Having thrown the cards down, we can see that the days before the solar eclipse does, indeed, bring challenges.
We are not so weak that a challenge will throw us off course for too long. This is life. We get knocked down, and we get up again, just like the song.
We see that this reading brings us many cards in their reversed position. Each zodiac sign receives a card.
What becomes obvious as we go over each tarot card, from its archaic and original interpretation to our 'present and modern' take on it, is that we've got a big week coming our way.
If we've been 'on a roll' as of late, we know innately that sooner or later, that 'roll' may contain a bump.
Many of us will show us that if there's an obstacle in the way of our happiness, then we will deal with it promptly and make it a thing of the past as soon as we can.
This is a world of duality; we have to expect that there will be good days and not such good days. Either way, we live to tell! Onwards, brave soldiers!
Intuitive tarot card reading for each zodiac sign before the April 8 solar eclipse:
(March 21 - April 19)
Tarot Card: The World, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Inertia, boredom, inability to move forward, feeling stuck, stagnation, wanting more than you have, feeling trapped, permanence, anti-climactic response to something you expected would be much better.
Real-Life Insight: This tarot card clearly shows that the World, as you know it, feels upside down. That's the thing about the Tarot: It's all image and symbol interpretation, and what you're looking at here is how your world has been turned upside down. That leaves you with a few decisions to make. You will wonder if this is what you really want after all.
Positive Light: The newness of whatever is going on in your life might not feel super comfortable right now, but it's a learning curve for you, Aries. Yes, significant changes have occurred, and all of them are positive. So why don't you feel chuffed by all the great stuff around you? Simply because you haven't gotten used to the change yet. Hang in there. It's just about time. Time will get you where you want to be.
(April 20 - May 20)
Tarot Card: Death, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Incredible tiredness, too much sleep, sleep deprivation, laziness, desire for a vacation, need for a break, need relaxation, feeling like you can't go on because life is just too demanding and you need a serious rest.
Real-Life Insight: Death on its head is definitely somewhat of a humorous card. We automatically know this has nothing to do with actual death, so that's a relief. What you are dealing with, however, Taurus, is pure exhaustion. You could 'sleep the sleep of the dead,' and while you might not get that opportunity, boy oh boy, you sure could use some serious shut-eye.
Positive Light: On one hand, it shows that you work hard and that this isn't just a desire to be lazy but a need for some well-deserved rest, as you've exceeded your expectations. You're doing very well. You have great, ambitious goals, which seem to be all coming through for you, as exhausting as they may be.
(May 21 - June 20)
Tarot Card: Judgment, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Weakness, backing out of a decision, disappointing others, taking too long to think something out, simplicity, deliberation, decision, taking your sweet time coming up with an answer, brattyness, acting privileged or entitled.
Real-Life Insight: At first glance, you might think that something you've been counting on will not come through for you, as this card looks like everything is on its head, in complete reversal. What's really going on is that you are unsure of where you are in life or what you should be doing. You may react in defense of yourself simply because you feel confused and unable to give a definitive answer.
Positive Light: The light here is obvious; you must get to this step to the next one. This shows you that your life is progressing and that your journey continues. If you are held up this week, then next week paves the way to success. There's nothing unrealistic about this card, Gemini. Life goes on, and it's got its ups and downs, that's all.
(June 21 - July 22)
Tarot Card: Queen of Wands
Traditional Meaning: This is a positive energy card that represents goodness, making ends meet, doing the best with the resources at hand, being there for someone, helping out, making money, loving money, and a person you know who is kind and very helpful.
Real-Life Insight: This is either you or someone else, but this person is super nice to people and helpful to the point of altruism. If this is you, you might find yourself in a position of being someone's helpful guide during a hard time in their lives. If this is someone in your life, you can expect to trust them with a secret, knowing it's safe in their heart.
Positive Light: This tarot card, Cancer, is all positive light, as you feel quite balanced and restored. You've got all you need right now, even down to the cat by your feet, which could also mean a love of animals or the rescue of a pet.
(July 23 - August 22)
Tarot Card: King of Swords, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Cruelty, evil intentions, bad mojo, being intentionally awful to someone, breaking a promise, this could be you or someone who you know, going ahead and doing the wrong thing intentionally so that someone else gets hurt. Bad news.
Real-Life Insight: While the old interpretation really sounds like a bummer and a half, we don't necessarily have to go by that interpretation. What's being shown here is that you may have to double down on your discipline this week, Leo. If you feel the need to 'go strict' on someone, then you have good reasons for it.
Positive Light: First of all, forget the 'cruelty' part. There's no cruelty going on unless, of course, you interpret some action as cruel. The way to see this card in a positive light is to know that in order for you to advance, you may have to give up some bad habits. All of this is for your good. It may be hard to let go of something that isn't quite good for you, but in doing so, you'll end up the victor in this case.
(August 23 - September 22)
Tarot Card: Two of Swords, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, faking it, pretending to be 'more' than you are, feeling foolish, fraud, tricking someone, intentionally lying to someone, showing that you can't be trusted, disloyalty, duplicity, false identity.
Real-Life Insight: While this card tends to imply something very intense, there's a modern way to look at it, and it's in the way that 'sometimes, we make mistakes.' You might have made a mistake in the past, and for some reason, you're obsessing over it and feeling guilty. This, too, shall be behind you shortly.
Positive Light: This card shows you that, while you're not perfect, you can most certainly deal with the consequences of being less than perfect. It shows you that choice-making really affects one's whole life, and this gives you insight into how to make a better choice in the future. In other words, this card represents the idea of learning from one's mistakes, which you will definitely do.
(September 23 - October 22)
Tarot Card: Six of Cups
Traditional Meaning: Renewal, fresh new start, feeling good about life, knowing you have a chance, optimism, guesswork, dealing with a situation while knowing it will move forward, trust in the universe, knowing that 'everything will turn out right in the end.'
Real-Life Insight: This is a kindly card that shows us that we're not alone and that if we wish to give love, we can do so without being depleted. There's always someone there to receive the best we have to give, and that should encourage you to get out there and give that love, Libra.
Positive Light: Share the wealth and be happy with what you have. That's the essence of this card, Libra. Life is quite simple if you let it be that way. This week, you'll delight in simple pleasures, so much so that you'll come to know simplicity as the best path for you if peace is what you want in life.
(October 23 - November 21)
Tarot Card: Five of Swords
Traditional Meaning: Degradation, taking it down a notch, dishonor, doing the wrong thing, reversal of fortune, taking on too many responsibilities, resenting authority, picking up the pieces, resenting others around you, destroying something precious and then being mad at yourself for doing so.
Real-Life Insight: You are not happy at work and are starting to act out. Others are starting to notice. Whatever your problem is, you need to stand up for yourself, or you will continue to feel badly about what you have.
Positive Light: The positive light here is all about taking stock of what's really going on and getting up the nerve to do something about it. If you are unhappy with your job, your love life, or your appearance, for instance. Then, you're the only one who can make the change. This is a great time for you to search your soul for what you really want and then act on it.
(November 22 - December 21)
Tarot Card: Queen of Swords, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Malice, meanness, being intentionally 'superior,' faking something to trick them into thinking differently about you, lying, knowing you're lying, being deliberately troublesome, not taking responsibility, wanting to take a stand but going about it the wrong way.
Real-Life Insight: Sometimes, you must act so strictly that you intimidate everyone around you. You don't intend to be mean or harsh, but in order to reach your goal or to teach someone else that you are not here to be trodden upon, you let loose your temper. It scares people.
Positive Light: What's great about this card is that it shows you that you really are respected. Now, it's about understanding the whole concept of 'with great power comes great responsibility.' You are a very respected person, Sagittarius. You have the opportunity to live up to that respect without taking it for granted.
(December 22 - January 19)
Tarot Card: Four of Wands, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Riches, embellishment, exclusive items, wealth, showing off, being proud of what you have, beauty, the love of beauty, creative acts, art, building, structure and architecture, a keen eye.
Real-Life Insight: What's apparent this week is that you are taking pride in what you've accomplished, and yet, you may not see it as finished. You are both inspired and a tiny bit dissatisfied by what you see, and while you know you can take it all a step further, you are quite content to enjoy the view.
Positive Light: You are in a permanent state of improvement, and that's how you perceive your world, as well. What is beautiful and serene is something that you appreciate but one that you know you can add to over time. You are perpetually inspired in this area, and you feel as though there's much to look forward to, Capricorn.
(January 20 - February 18)
Tarot Card: Eight of Wands, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Jealousy, envy, not feeling right about your situation, internal dispute, overthinking, wondering if someone is lying to you, starting fights out of nervousness, being on edge, thinking you've been jilted, finding out someone cheated on you.
Real-Life Insight: One thing you really dislike is feeling as though you've been shut out of something, and this week may have you wondering if it was done intentionally or not. This card brings you a feeling of not being sure and being troubled by the idea that you just don't know.
Positive Light: What's positive about this card is that, for you, Aquarius, all this means is a day of consternation and observation. You are used to investigating things to their core, and what may, at first, seem like you've been 'kept out' will eventually show you that there was a very good and legitimate reason for that.
(February 19 - March 20)
Tarot Card: Ten of Swords
Traditional Meaning: Pain, illness, paranoia, not feeling right about anything, sadness, mourning, loss of thought, desolation, tears, crying, and overthinking things to the point where everything eventually feels wrong. The sadness is overwhelming. (Yikes!)
Real-Life Insight: Looking at this card never really inspires feelings of delight. Still, there's a method to the madness here, and what you'll be experiencing this week is acceptance. Acceptance automatically leads you to the next phase, which is new life, new movement, and progress. What may end in tears begins again in experience, stamina, and the pursuit of goodness.
Positive Light: Well, the best part about this tarot card is that it's over. Once you get this card, there's nowhere to go but up. That's how it is with you. For you, Pisces, it's just another day on Planet Earth, and you'll take your lesson of the week. You'll reinvent yourself as someone stronger, braver, and bolder than you've ever been before.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.