What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About This Week's Horoscopes
Gratitude and positivity are slated for February 26 - March 3.

This week, between February 26 - March 3, 2024, it's time to acknowledge the things in your life that bring you joy and comfort. Chronic dissatisfaction will make you overlook all the wonder and blessings already existing in your life and take them for granted.
Of course, this message will apply differently to every Chinese zodiac sign all week, depending on your life situation. The overarching message is not to compare oneself to others, especially when you don't know the details of their life and what's truly happening to them behind the scenes.
The I Ching hexagram of this week — Earth over Mountain (#15) — emphasizes this, too, by reminding us that humility is not a lack of self-confidence or crippling low self-esteem.
True humility is the acknowledgment of all the things one needs to be grateful for that have contributed to one's greatness and progress.
After all, no one knows everything. We can definitely learn a lot from each other every step of the way. Now, let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for February 26 - March 3.
What each Chinese zodiac sign needs to know about this week's horoscopes:
(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)
General Overview:
Rat, the energy this week urges you to be patient. The time is not right to make big moves and a big splash on the scene. You will benefit more from a conservative approach.
Lucky Day in Love: March 2
In love, find the strength to be your best friend even if you are surrounded by people trying to convince you to stay with the wrong person because they don't want the status quo to mess up their lives. It's not about them.
Lucky Day in Friendship: February 28
If you feel called to, go on a pilgrimage, even if it's just an overnight trip to the next city or a camping ground where you can find peace and silence.
Lucky Day for Career: February 27
The energy is picking up speed in your career! So expect positive changes here, like a raise, a new opportunity, or even a performance reward.
(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)
General Overview:
Ox, the options are endless, but your priorities are few. Know the latter so you don't get distracted by anything and everything that's not for you.
Lucky Day in Love: February 29
In love, you will benefit from abstinence this week to figure out if you are truly with the right person or if your body is convincing you that they are. Self-care is the way to go now.
Lucky Day in Friendship: March 3
Most of you will be the life of the party this week, whether you do it consciously or not. Some of you may be budding comedians, for all you know!
Lucky Day for Career: February 26
It's time to lay the groundwork for something big in your career. Journaling can help you narrow your vision and shoot forward like an arrow.
(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)
General Overview:
Tiger, your fate is tied to a Horse zodiac sign this week. They can be a friend or colleague. Just make sure it's teamwork, and one person is not unduly burdened like a mule.
Lucky Day in Love: February 27
In love, you may have to wait a while longer for your true soulmate. The cosmic forces are helping you create something big in some other aspect of life right now, so all the focus is on that.
Lucky Day in Friendship: March 2
If you don't like the state of your friendships or social network, now's the time to do something different or suggest new plans to breathe the spark back into the stale and stagnant. What will it be?
Lucky Day for Career: February 27
In your career, a face-off is in store for you with someone who cannot differentiate between healthy competition and all-out war. Keep your senses alert at this time!
(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)
General Overview:
Rabbit, you are beautiful, strong, confident and brave. Do you doubt this? If yes, you need to include daily affirmations in your life. Your potential will get wasted otherwise.
Lucky Day in Love: March 3
In love, if someone refuses to take a stand for you against bullying at the hands of family or friends or gives you unfair ultimatums, take it as them doing you a favor by showing you their true colors. They don't deserve you, no matter what they may say.
Lucky Day in Friendship: February 26
In your social life this week, you will have a lot of options — make new friends, come up with new ideas, or try something wild and different. It's your choice and your free will.
Lucky Day for Career: February 27
You are an extremely talented professional. Don't let the competition convince you otherwise. They are just scared of your potential and growth.
(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)
General Overview:
Dragon, one chapter is coming to an end right now, and another will begin soon. Be kind with yourself as you wade through this transitional period. Everybody deals with situations of this kind differently, and so can you.
Lucky Day in Love: March 3
In love, don't let the right person slip through your fingers because of fear! You will regret it terribly afterward. Now's the time to be brave and bold, no matter the result.
Lucky Day in Friendship: February 26
You may or may not know this, but people genuinely value your thoughts and wisdom. They don't admit it because it hurts their pride, and they are scared you will think they are less than you.
Lucky Day for Career: February 28
Be bold and forthright in your career this week. Also, being open to new ideas and feedback will help you take something from good to great.
(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)
General Overview:
Snake, if you find it difficult to push through to the finish line even after starting something with great enthusiasm, now's the time to address that internal issue. What's blocking you?
Lucky Day in Love: March 2
In love, strike a balance between us-time and you-time this week. That's the shortcut to not getting annoyed by your partner. Plus, it will help you retain your individuality and not become enmeshed.
Lucky Day in Friendship: March 3
Your social life will be eclectic this week and surprising in many ways. Let the flow take you to intriguing shores and new adventures!
Lucky Day for Career: February 27
If you have been thinking of trying something new in your career, now's the time to do so. In fact, the energy is fated for new beginnings of all kinds.
(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)
General Overview:
Horse, the energy is really sweet and beautiful for you this week. Let it bring joy and camaraderie into your life. Don't hide away and miss out on the fun.
Lucky Day in Love: March 3
In love, do a manifestation ritual this week if you haven't found your soulmate yet. The energy is strong now for such a venture. Just make sure you are focused on your desires and not your fears!
Lucky Day in Friendship: February 27
Your friends will take you to interesting places this week, even if it's metaphorical and just some gossip that sparks an idea in you. So listen carefully and be observant.
Lucky Day for Career: February 29
Your work life will be really strong this week, too. It's time to let joy be your guiding light and turn the mundane into something incredible.
(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
General Overview:
Goat, it's time to expand to new horizons and let the joy of life infuse your being. The cosmic forces are on your side and rooting for your success.
Lucky Day in Love: March 2
In love, make a checklist of what you truly want in a romantic partnership and what you don't. Is there something lacking in your life based on this? What can you do to create positive change here?
Lucky Day in Friendship: February 29
Some of you may spiral into over-indulgence this week while in the company of friends. Don't let peer pressure lead you down the slippery slope.
Lucky Day for Career: March 3
Your manifestation powers are strong this week with respect to your career. Take advantage of this up-draft and let it be the wind beneath your wings.
(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)
General Overview:
Monkey, the energy this week urges you to be thoughtful about who you connect with and who you tell your secrets to. The wrong person may throw a spanner in your projects.
Lucky Day in Love: February 28
In love, you will benefit from focusing on old wounds that need healing. They are holding you back from happiness and connecting with the right person. Therapy can definitely help with this.
Lucky Day in Friendship: March 1
Also, if your intuition alerts you to possible mischief in your inner circle or the presence of fake friends, don't ignore that alarm. Sit and figure out what's at the heart of that message.
Lucky Day for Career: February 29
As for your career, now's a good time to expand your operations and add travel and exploration to the mix. A whole world of opportunities awaits!
(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)
General Overview:
Rooster, the energy this week has a stillness about it for you. Pay attention to your intuition and let it guide you to the good places and away from toxic ones.
Lucky Day in Love: March 2 & 3
In love, try to listen more than you speak this week. It will open your eyes and mind to the experiences of others, especially if they belong to a different cultural background or had an unconventional upbringing.
Lucky Day in Friendship: February 29
You will benefit more from being introverted this week than extroverted. Let silence and introspection bring you insights and awareness.
Lucky Day for Career: February 27
In your career, the pace will continue as usual. Be on top of your responsibilities, and you will be fine.
(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)
General Overview:
Dog, the energy this week urges you to turn inward and pay more attention to the world around you through that lens. Once the distractions fade away, intriguing insights will take their place.
Lucky Day in Love: February 26
Some of you are not so keen on love and romance at this time. Don't let anyone guilt you about it or make you feel abnormal. Such conditioning goes against the principle of consent and free will.
Lucky Day in Friendship: March 2
In your social life, you will benefit from being more open to new experiences this week. Let the world wow you and then show you something beautiful.
Lucky Day for Career: March 3
Beware of workplace romances, though! Some of you may have an unsavory character in your vicinity who can't keep the professional and personal separate.
(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)
General Overview:
Pig, the energy this week urges you to be more introspective than usual. You will unearth your strengths and talents this way. Maybe even a fresh idea or two!
Lucky Day in Love: February 26
In love, don't chase after anyone even if you are in a relationship with them and they refuse to honor the commitment. The right person will never be so wishy-washy or hot and cold.
Lucky Day in Friendship: March 2
If you feel called to, add a health drink to your daily morning routine as an energy and body cleanse. Just remember: it's a myth that healthy things taste bad. That's just bad marketing or a bad product.
Lucky Day for Career: March 3
Some of you may be invited to become a partner in your place of work this week, especially if you are a lawyer or part of a start-up. Let your heart guide you on this next (and important) step!
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.