What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest On October 15, 2023

In the hazy aftermath of the Eclipse, explore the darkness of your desires as the Libra Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn.

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Take time to pause and reflect before making big decisions or taking immediate action, as sometimes it is enough to focus on this day. There will always be opportunities for growth and distraction, but rather than seeking them out today, hold space for what arrives while you allow yourself the time and space to honor your inner desires.  

Although the Moon shifts into Scorpio later today, as you are still integrating the energies of the New Moon Solar Eclipse, which rose on October 14, finding time for stillness is essential. Eclipses always bring new realizations or surprise events, so while the momentum in your life can feel relatively fast, you always have a choice to pace yourself.


Creating moments of stillness, especially in the morning today, allows you to set the tone for the day. New Moons often bring a greater desire to sleep or rest, as you can feel groggy. However, the Solar Eclipse can make you feel edgy, so you may have an odd combination of energy as you wake up today.  



You are now within the window of time between eclipses where things tend to happen unexpectedly but to help constantly shift things in your favor, take time this morning to reflect on any darkness that the Libra Moon and Pluto in Capricorn may bring up. This might reflect whether you are still upholding routines or structures in your life that you’ve already outgrown.


And if, by doing so, you are ignoring the call of your soul. To make the most of this eclipse window, you must know that you are committed to doing things differently if it means honoring your inner desires. The more you embrace your inner truth and what calls to you, the more you can co-create with the universe.  

Elements for your rituals on October 15, 2023 

Leading Energy: Capricorn, Earth 

Best Time For Your Ritual: Morning 

Chakra Point: Root  


Herbs: Cinnamon, Sage and Nutmeg 

Essential Oils: Cypress, Frankincense and Ginger 

Crystals: Tiger’s Eye for truth, Garnet for determination and Obsidian for protection 

Incense: Wild Orange 

What each zodiac sign can manifest on October 15, 2023 

Aries: Professional Focus 

(March 21 - April 19)  

Daily Affirmation: I am focused on this day as I embrace everything with a sense of success.  

As you begin the day with the energy of the Libra Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, direct your thoughts to your professional success. Anoint your throat chakra with frankincense essential oil, and while you’re looking in the mirror getting ready, repeat your affirmation ten times.  


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Taurus: Opportunities 

(April 20 - May 20) 

Daily Affirmation: I am ready to seize new opportunities that will cross my path today.  

Let yourself maximize the energy of the Libra Moon and Pluto in Capricorn as you intend to embrace new opportunities. Make opportunity tea in the morning using lemon verbena and cinnamon. Repeat your affirmation as you enjoy your tea.  

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Gemini: Connection 

(May 21 - June 20) 

Daily Affirmation: I am working to develop a deeper connection within my relationships.  

Focus all your energy on improving the connections in your life today as the Libra Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. Begin by sitting quietly as you draw it up to your heart chakra. When you’re ready, repeat your affirmation as you tie a blue string around your right ring finger to help improve your relationships today.  


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Cancer: Love 

(June 21 - July 22) 

Daily Affirmation: I am attracting more love into my life.  

Today is about looking at everything through a lens of love as the Libra Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. Begin a morning practice of sitting on the edge of your bed and taking three deep breaths. Repeat your affirmation as you anoint the soles of your feet with rose essential oil, helping you walk with love.  

RELATED: How To Manifest Real, True Love

Leo: Relaxation 

(July 23 - August 22) 

Daily Affirmation: I am allowed to take days off from life and relax.  

Make it a priority to honor each need you have today as the Libra Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. Begin by brewing a cup of ceremonial cacao and adding a sprinkle of cinnamon to it. Repeat your affirmation as you find a quiet place to enjoy your cacao.


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Virgo: Happiness 

(August 23 - September 22) 

Daily Affirmation: I am embracing every moment of happiness today.  

Let your gaze be set on happiness today as the Libra Moon and Pluto in Capricorn help remind you of what is most important in life. Upon waking, position yourself where you can get direct sunlight on your face for about fifteen minutes. Repeat your affirmation as you allow the sun to transfer energy and settle your breath.  

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Libra: Comfort 

(September 23 - October 22) 


Daily Affirmation: I am creating a space of comfort and love in my home.  

Focus on creating greater joy in your home as the Libra Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. Start by sprinkling some cinnamon into your left palm, then stand in your doorway. Repeat your affirmation as you blow the cinnamon out your front door.  

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Scorpio: Truth 

(October 23 - November 21) 

Daily Affirmation: I use a lens of truth for all my interactions today.  

Let everything be done and seen through a lens of truth today as the Libra Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. Begin by slicing an orange and then add it to your water bottle for the day. Repeat your affirmation as you drink from it throughout the day.  


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Sagittarius: Value 

(November 22 - December 21) 

Daily Affirmation: I am focused on giving my energy to what brings the most value into my life.  

Let yourself honor what brings the greatest value to your life as the Libra Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. Begin by placing three coins in your hand, sending the energy of your affirmation into them. When ready, please put them in your pocket before leaving the day.  


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Capricorn: Stability 

(December 22 - January 19) 

Daily Affirmation: I am creating a solid and stable foundation in my life today, which will bring success and abundance.  

As the Libra Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, take advantage of the opportunity to create greater stability in your life. Begin by brewing a cup of peppermint tea, and then place a piece of garnet inside your mug. Repeat your affirmation as you enjoy your tea before embarking upon your day.  

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Aquarius: Intuition 

(January 20 - February 18) 

Daily Affirmation: I am a deeply intuition soul, and I am connected to the universe.  


Let yourself create a divine practice to honor your soul as the Libra Moon connects with Pluto in Capricorn. Begin by sitting cross-legged in the sunlight of your home and place your hands on your knees. Once your breath is settled, anoint your third eye with frankincense essential oil and repeat your affirmation twelve times.  

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Pisces: Wishes 

(February 19 - March 20) 

Daily Affirmation: The universe is helping bring my wishes to fruition.  

Let yourself believe that the universe is already working to bring each one of your wishes to fruition as the Libra Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. Begin by collecting a sprig of basil and stand on your front steps. Repeat your affirmation as you tear up the basil and let the wind carry each piece away as a wish about to manifest.  


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website
