Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Tarot Horoscope For August 21-27, 2023

Get your zodiac sign's tarot card reading and horoscope for the week of August 21-27, 2023.

tarot imagery and old photo of women The Everett Collection, Chikovnaya, kefkenadasi from Getty Images | Canva Pro

To look at the tarot cards picked for each zodiac sign for the week of August 21-27, 2023, we might at first be frightened off. There are many cards in reverse placement and some tell tales of woe. Though we have come to know better at this point, haven't we, zodiac signs?

While it's always a good idea to take the cards seriously, we also know that so much about the meaning of these cards is up for interpretation. After all, we live out these interpreted meanings and have a say. We are people of free will, and we can take any situation and make the best of it if that's what we want. Am I right?


By the looks of things, this week will come with its up and downs, allowing us to find the light in the dark of whatever situation we find ourselves in. There are no 'bad' cards in the deck. There are only hints at what's to come and alerts on how to use all situations and conditions to our benefit.

Weekly tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign

During the week of August 21-27, 2023, we will see how strong we can be and how serious we need to be — or need not be. This week gives us a great perspective. We can navigate choppy waters.


Every zodiac sign will receive one card, and it is suggested that we pay close attention to detail. The cards don't seal out fate. They merely indicate a path of action or a way of looking at things. It's up to us to choose the right path to rise above all and any obstacles that may come into view. Once again, as we all know: we can do this.

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Aries: Nine of Swords

(March 21 - April 19)

aries weekly tarot card nine of swordsPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva


Keywords for the week: sleeplessness, anxiety, excess

Bad dreams may have you looking a little too closely for meaning as to why you've been entertaining such negative thoughts while you sleep. There is such a thing as psychic garbage, Aries, and what you may find during the week of August 21-27, 2023, is that not everything is as serious as your mind makes it out to be. You may be stressed and anxious during the evening. Shake it off, as this is only worry taking the form of a nightmare.

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Taurus: The High Priestess reversed

(April 20 - May 20)


taurus weekly tarot horoscope the high priestess reversedPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva

Keywords for the week: wisdom, advice, silence

Your plans may not go according to your wishes during the week of August 21-27, 2023. However, that doesn't mean they're all lost. What's going on is that your timing is off, not necessarily your intention. You feel intuitive and keen, and you're able to pick up on the feelings of others. What you may have to do, however, is back off from advising so that they can learn their lessons themselves.


RELATED: The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning, Explained

Gemini: Three of Wands reversed

(May 21 - June 20)

gemini weekly tarot horoscope three of wands reversedPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva

Keywords for the week: memory, sadness, melancholy

Once again, you will find yourself looking back in time for reasons why today doesn't feel as complete as you believe it should. Your world is topsy-turvy. You aren't in the place you wish to be, and while you haven't given up hope, you are still attached to the past, even though you know better than to keep resisting that place of hurt.


RELATED: The Meaning Of Each Suit Of Wand Tarot Card

Cancer: Six of Pentacles

(June 21 - July 22)

cancer weekly tarot horoscope six of pentacesPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva

Keywords for the week: charity, sharing, generosity

You're in a charitable situation this week, Cancer, as you feel lucky enough to be in a position where you can help someone else. You will. There are people in your life right now who will come to you for guidance and assistance, and their gratitude for whatever you share with them will be sincere and honest. You feel good about helping people during August 21- 27, 2023.


RELATED: Suit Of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings In The Minor Arcana Deck

Leo: Three of Swords reversed

(July 23 - August 22)

leo weekly tarot horoscope three of swords reversedPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva

Keywords for the week:  heartache, healing, decision

A broken heart will certainly not keep you down, although you will be smarting a bit after you and a loved one come to terms with something that may promise an ending to the relationship. What you know now cannot be unknown, and while this card will set you on the road to healing, you will still have to go through the motions during the week of August 21- 27, 2023.


RELATED: List Of Tarot Cards And The Meaning Of Major & Minor Arcana

Virgo: Ten of Swords

(August 23 - September 22)

virgo weekly tarot horoscope ten of swordsPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva

Keywords for the week: patience, hopelessness, defeat

While hope is always on the horizon, this week, August 21-27, 2023, has you wondering if you'll ever get there. Hang in there, Virgo, you will feel better after you get past this hump, but for now, this week has you losing faith and doubting yourself to the point of depression. Nothing has changed but your attitude. You're in the middle of a slow healing process. Stay with it, and know it will work out. Just a little more time.


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Libra: Knight of Wands

(September 23 - October 22)

libra weekly tarot horoscope knight of wandsPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva

Keywords for the week: determination, travel, maintenance

Ah, finally, some good news! You'll be delivering it and receiving it during the week of August 21-27, 2023, Libra, and what you learn is what you'll share with others. You are unperturbed by the events of the world. This week is your chance to make things right, even on a small scale. Your confidence is inspiring to others. Expect to travel soon.


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Scorpio: Four of Swords reversed

(October 23 - November 21)

scorpio weekly tarot horoscope four of swords reversedPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva

Keywords for the week: balance, condition, stamina

You may feel as though you are in a very uncomfortable place during the week of August 21-27, 2023, and the good part is that you know it's temporary. This week has you knowing that to get to the good stuff, you need to pay for it a certain way, and that way is not pleasing. Scorpio, you just have to hang in there longer, and everything will pan out for you.


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Sagittarius: Queen of Cups reversed

(November 22 - December 21)

sagittarius tarot horoscope queen of cups reversedPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva

Keywords for the week: introspection, warmth, security

You may feel as though you are alone in the world. In a good way, as this card has you feeling. You feel very in touch with love while knowing that the love you feel is the love of self. You can answer your deepest questions during the week of August 21-27, 2023, and while others may perceive you as a loner, you are happy to be solitary. This also supplies you with the strength to give others love.


RELATED: Why It Matters What Time Of Day You Pull A Tarot Card

Capricorn: Five of Cups reversed

(December 22 - January 19)

capricorn weekly tarot horoscope five of cups reversedPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva


Keywords for the week: choice, ferocity, acceptance

This week has you taking stock of what you have and what you need to let go of, and for you, Capricorn, this is a job you can do with your eyes closed. You may look cold outside, but you are passionate about living in the truth inside. During the week of August 21-27, 2023, you will make intense decisions that guarantee you will be emotionally happier.

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Aquarius: Ace of Wands reversed

(January 20 - February 18)

aquarius weekly tarot horoscope ace of wands reversedPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva


Keywords for the week: resignation, expectation, vision

A solid rejection notice comes your way during the week of August 21-27, 2023, and you will take it with a grain of salt because you saw it coming on some level. You were waiting on something or someone to go through for you, but you had it in the back of your mind that this would never happen, so in a way, this week brings you the relief of knowing you need not count on this thing to happen in the future.

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Pisces: Six of Wands

(February 19 - March 20)

pisces weekly tarot horoscope six of wandsPhoto: Designer Candies / Canva


Keywords for the week: happiness, success, hope

You seem to be the one zodiac sign here this week that comes in with brilliant news and great feelings of success. During the week of August 21-27, 2023, you can flaunt that success and be recognized for the good you've done to earn it. You see a beautiful future for yourself due to something you've done well, and you are so happy to know that you did it on your own, with no one else's help.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
