3 Zodiac Signs Are Courageously Lucky In Love May 22 - 28, 2023

Dig into our hearts and we are often surprised by what we find when it comes to love.

zodiac signs luckiest love Ahsanjaya from AhsanjayaCorp and Ivanko_Brnjakovic from Getty Images both via Canva Pro/wikiimages from pixabay via Canva

What we have going for us and the three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love during the week of May 22 - 28, 2023, is that while there is much Mars energy to cause disruption, sure signs of the zodiac will be more interested in being constructive and loving than not. There's a lot to work with here, as many 'hostile forces' are at play.

However, love saves the day or the week, and we can thank transits like the Leo Moon, Moon conjunct Venus, Venus sextile Uranus, and Moon trine Jupiter for what positive energy we get to work with. Those who simply refuse to 'go down' will find a reason to 'rise.' If we are strong enough, we will feel all the love in the world. We are the unsinkable ones.


We have a few rare Node transits coming our way, which implies that we will have much to work with regarding how we heal our lives ... our 'love lives' most specifically. Jupiter conjunct Node, on the 27th, will bring good news to couples struggling with their feelings, and intimate relations will definitely become the focus. Success is inherent in this department during Jupiter conjunct Node.



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Since our weekends with Moon sextile Venus, we can take stock of the idea that we will end on a kinder, softer note no matter what we encounter during the week of May 22 - 28. It will be quite noticeable that 'kind and soft' do not play much of a role during this week's drama. However, the three zodiac signs will not back down. For Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces that simply 'won't play,' we will see love, romance and sweetness rise to the challenge. These three zodiac signs will ride the storm like pros.

Three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on May 22 - 28, 2023:

1. Libra

(September 23 - October 22)

You will prove this week, May 22 - 28, that you are the well-balanced Libra you know yourself to be. There will be challenges. However, these disruptions will not have anything to do with your love life. Still, we know that half of our relationship problems erupt because of external forces, such as financial troubles or job situations.

You may experience a few bad tempers at work, but that won't get you down where it counts. This week happens to be one that really counts for both you and your partner, as you have plans, and you don't want anything getting in the way of those plans. This week brings you good luck in love simply because you know yourselves very well, and if you recognize something as troublesome, you walk away. You are the one who steers your love life in the right direction.


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2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

Mars energy threatens to ruin your peace, but you don't let it; doing so makes you feel all the stronger because of it. You'll start to catch on very quickly to the antics and possibilities this week, May 22 - 28, has in store for you, and you will be able to control your reaction to the challenges that come your way. You are not about to let something petty get between you and your love, and that petty thing will try ... and fail.

You are in control during this week, as you are one with the energy that comes with Gemini. You are meticulous and detail-oriented, which works for you when balancing your home/love life with business. If you need to separate the two, you will, as you have a clear vision of what works and what doesn't. You will choose the path of clarity, focus, and succeed.


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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

You could go any number of ways during the week of May 22 - 28, because Gemini season is here, and that tends to put you on the right track. You feel clearheaded and decisive. One of the decisions you will be making this week is the one that takes you and your loved one out of the line of fire. This means that you and your partner 'feel' the tension in the air because of the many Mars transits. You know there are hostile forces out there, so you both decide to avoid them at all costs.


You may be pulled into a drama during the week and will walk away as planned. This gives you and your partner a 'safe space.' Nobody will bother you and your mate this week because you will ensure it. You feel strong and alive, and all is well in your world, Pisces.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
