
3 Zodiac Signs Have The Best Horoscopes On May 4, 2023, During The Moon In Scorpio

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zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on may 4, 2023

Three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on May 4, 2023, because the Moon in Libra gradually moves into Scorpio over the day. First, here's the day's message for everyone: The waxing Moon is nearly complete now, and combined with the beautiful energy of Libra, the energy is perfect for sharing love, expressing love, and doing something loving for yourself. Some of you may benefit from drinking Full Moon water if you feel called.

Here's how you make Full Moon water: Take a transparent glass of water (the glass should also be made of glass) and set it on a spot where it can soak up the moonlight. Cover the top with a coaster so insects and dust cannot enter the water. Let the water sit in the moonlight for at least eight hours, and then you can drink it in the morning or use it to brew some hot tea. Do the latter if you easily catch a cold and flu. Now, let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for May 4, 2023.

Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on May 4, 2023:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

Today is a great day for practicing self-care and being more contemplative. With Jupiter in Aries, you are protected from the harmful effects of Mercury retrograde and Chiron. The transiting Moon is adding to this good energy. That's why now's the perfect time to do some soul-searching, especially about yourself and what's hidden in your subconscious. If you are in school or university, don't waste this time. The protective cocoon is perfect for figuring out what you want to accomplish in life.

Also, with Venus and Jupiter forming a sextile, you may idolize somebody you can never have. Or, someone might be doing it to you (a secret admirer). Love will not manifest today, though. You may be content just looking at them from afar. If this is a K-pop idol or TV drama actor, you don't realize this, but this subtly influences what you want to pursue in life, career and love.

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Manifest The Week Of May 1 - 7, 2023

2. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

Today is perfect for pursuing love. It doesn't matter if it's an ex you want back or someone new. The energy is flowing beautifully in this area of life. Just be careful of idolizing the one you are attracted to, as you may be attaching qualities to this person that they don't possess. Also, make sure you are not trying to nurture your love interest like a parent. It's kinda icky when people do that anyway.

With Venus squaring Ceres and Neptune, this approach will backfire on you eventually or make your love interest/significant other's actual parent develop hostile feelings towards you. Either way, don't use romance to fulfill a parental void or allow anyone else to do that with you.

For the single Geminis, Juno is bringing your soulmate towards you. They may not be here today, but they are on the way, and if you already have a significant other, your relationship will suddenly make you feel like you have found the one. Don't force it to happen too soon, though. This energy needs to build up organically.

RELATED: How To Flirt From Your Soul (To Attract Your Soulmate)

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

If you are interacting with someone romantically and cannot explain why you feel such a strong pull towards them despite only knowing them briefly, the two of you are soulmates or have known each other in a past life. There's a life lesson attached to this interaction, but at this point, the energy is good and not conflict-ridden. Just be careful of delusional thinking and escapism. Neptune is forming many easy aspects with relationship-focused planets and asteroids right now. It will be easy to overthink your relationship's reality and pretend it's something it is not.

Also, Saturn in Pisces demands you look at your subconscious and start the healing process or figure out why you behave the way you do. This energy will stay focused for many months, so buckle your seatbelts. The best thing you can do today is talk less and listen more.

RELATED: The Best Healing Rituals For Each Zodiac Sign

Valeria Black is a tarot reader and astrology nerd with a dash of wicked humor. Follow her on Instagram for more.