How To Find Your Neptune Sign And What It Means In Astrology

Neptune is the planet of idealism, intuition, dreams and fantasies.

Last updated on Dec 18, 2022

neptune planet NASA images / Shutterstock

There are 10 planets that appear in our natal charts, and Neptune is one of them.

Neptune is considered an "outer planet," or generational planets (along with Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus), which represent life circumstances and the way worldly situations affect you from an external standpoint.

The "personal planets," on the other hand (which includes the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars), represent who you are and your unique personality. For example, your Sun sign describes your ego, your Moon sign describes how you feel, and your Mercury sign is the way you think.


Discovered in the 19th century in 1846, Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun and is invisible to the naked eye. It's a gaseous planet, called the “blue planet” because of its bluish, foggy and cloudy surface. Neptune is named after the God of the Sea in Roman mythology.

Neptune takes 165 years to revolve around the Sun and pass through each zodiac sign, spending 14 years in each sign and making it a big factor in a critical chunk of our lives. Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces.

Unlike other planets in your birth chart, your Neptune sign meaning is dependent on the year you were born, not your zodiac sign.


But you do need a birth chart calculator to determine which house it is in.

Determining your Neptune sign not only helps to explain your psychic intuition and how you dream, but this generational planet gives insight into what was going on in the world during your time of birth.

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The meaning of Neptune in astrology

Neptune rules intuition, idealism, evolutions, illusion, dreams and fantasy. Neptune is all about evolving, changing, and using spirituality to better ourselves.

Neptune is not all dreams and fun fantasy; on the negative side, it is also linked with lethargy, addiction, chaos, confusion, escapism, and being easily influenced. Neptune also has a strong influence on whether an individual has a tendency to struggle with addiction, and this planet is connected to alcoholism and drug use, and those affected trying to escape reality.

neptune astrology factsPhoto: Nikiko, Atiq, and Jessica Aceret via Canva


Neptune can inspire but can also cause confusion and upset. Idealism is great, but sometimes reality setting in is harsh reality, which can be disappointing.

Neptune is connected to everything unseen; the planet is all about the forces at play in life and subconscious desires. In charge of our dreams, hopes, and creativity, logic and reality are the antithesis of Neptune. Neptune encourages empathy and intuition, as well as sacrificing for the greater good.

The meaning of Neptune can be interpreted in dance, music, and poetry as well as theater, television, movies, and fashion. Any profession that relates to spirituality, creativity, devotion, and fantasy is related to Neptune. Priests, artists, actors/actresses, poets, dancers, nuns, and tarot readers are just a few Neptune-related jobs and occupations.

When Neptune is in one of your houses, you need to have trust and hope in this aspect of your life. Additionally, it means you may face deceit and confusion in this area.


Neptune can have positive and negative effects in astrology; it can be a catalyst for great inspiration and creativity.

A time of energy and connection to the unseen, Neptune is a turn-away from the logical and corporal world, and a step into dreams, aspirations, hopes, and idealism. It makes sense that Neptune, with its cloudy and hazy appearance, is tied so closely to all that is mysterious and hidden.

Neptune can indicate a desire to remove yourself from the world around you; it can be ideal for creative inspiration, but can also cause melodrama and discontentment with the life you currently have.

Neptune encourages you to remove barriers and strive for what you want with no thought for limitations. Everyday routines are rejected.


For better or worse, Neptune is a dynamic planet that has a monumental effect on our lives; its slow rotation around the Sun makes its impact profound and easy to distinguish.

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What your Neptune sign means

Neptune in Aries (1862-1875 and 2025-2039)

Energetic and fiery, those with Neptune in Aries are imaginative people who break down barriers and go after what they want. However, they can struggle at deciphering the truth in areas they are passionate about.

They tend to be spiritual and religious, and want to bring peace to those around them.

Neptune in Taurus (1875-1888 and 2039-2052)

People with Neptune in Taurus are all about possessions and having the next new thing. It can be hard to motivate them, but once they start something there’s no holding them back.


They are typically practical about what they want and how they will achieve their dreams.

Neptune in Gemini (1988-1902 and 2052-2065)

Those with Neptune in Gemini tend to see the best in everyone around them and love spending time with people. They are expert communicators and excel in education and deep thinking.

Neptune in Cancer (1902-1915 and 2065-2078)

People with Neptune in Cancer are very protective of their loved ones and enjoy having their people around them at all times. They are deeply emotional when it comes to their friends and family, and will do anything for them.

Neptune in Leo (1915-1928 and 2078-2092)

People with Neptune in Leo are fun-loving individuals with tons of natural charisma, which draws people to them constantly. They have a love of drama and entertainment, and can be impulsive as opposed to intellectual.


Neptune in Virgo (1928-1942 and 2092-2105)

Those with Neptune in Virgo are all about healing others and protecting the world. These are naturally caring people who love nothing more than to serve others. Idealistic and empathetic, they are very detail-oriented as well.

Neptune in Libra (1942-1956)

People with Neptune in Libra love being diplomats and have strong opinions on freedom and equality. They tend to stand up for what they believe in just as often as they try to defuse tensions.

Neptune in Scorpio (1956-1970)

Those with Neptune in Scorpio tend to be very intense and passionate individuals who become interested in different things. They are talented and ambitious people who are focused on the secrets of the world around them.


Neptune in Sagittarius (1970-1984)

Those with Neptune in Sagittarius believe in freedom for all and are typically very tolerant of those around them. They dream of a better world where everyone is in harmony and respects one another.

Neptune in Capricorn (1984-1998)

People with Neptune in Capricorn tend to be interested in money and success. They want to be wealthy and powerful, and will work hard to make this happen.

The road to this point can be confusing and difficult to manage, but they have a knack for both inventive ideas and practical planning.

Neptune in Aquarius (1998-2012)

Those with Neptune in Aquarius are loyal people who march to the beat of their own drum. They can seem a little different to those around them, but they are idealistic, passionate people when it comes to their dreams and passions.


Neptune in Pisces (2012-2026)

Those with Neptune in Pisces are typically spiritual and religious. They want to serve others and create the best possible world for everyone. They are selfless, empathetic individuals who take this quest seriously and want nothing more than peace.

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Erin Watson is a writer who focuses on relationships, astrology, pop culture, and entertainment topics.
