The Weekly Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign For March 6 - 12, 2023
This week has us standing tall in the face of adversity.

Your weekly tarot card horoscope for March 6 - 12, 2023 starts with a bang, and each zodiac sign can trust the tarot cards to give insight into how this great start will sustain itself.
No tarot cards in this week's reading suggest we will fail or falter. We may have harsher moments, but there is no evidence that we will not let our hardships roll off our backs. Resilience and stamina seem to play a large role in the lives of the astrological signs mentioned here today.
The leaders will rise this week, and we will know who they are. We will be turning to the smart people in our lives for love and guidance, and as far as our finances go, some of us will learn the lesson of diligence and honesty; it's time to pay those taxes and do the right thing — even if we are kicking and screaming while doing so.
Love reaches new peaks this week as we are loving towards our romantic partners and willing to extend our love to the entire world.
Families come together at this time to share meals and good times, and for those of us who may see nightmares or bad memories rise, we will get to trust in our interpretations of those events. The affirmation of the week is "I will endure."
Each zodiac sign's weekly tarot card horoscope for March 6 - 12, 2023:
Tarot card: Page of Swords
Quick decisions put your opinion on the map this week, Aries, as it will be up to you to choose what is best for more than just yourself but for certain important people in your life. You will act quickly and with intelligence. Those depending on you will feel safe and sound thanks to your insight and ability to act fast.
Tarot card: Knight of Swords
If there's anyone who can be relied upon this week, it's you, Taurus. You are a no-nonsense player in the game of life, and this week will put you on your feet and ready for action. You make the right moves at the right time because you are conscious and aware. It may be left to you to do the heavy lifting in an unfamiliar situation, but leave it to you, Taurus, to get the job done.
Tarot card: The High Priestess, reversed
This week may humble you to a degree, as you might have thought you had the power to control something that cannot be controlled. You had it in mind that because you were so driven and focused, you might be able to manipulate something to go your way, and as this tarot card points out, your 'magic' may not be on point. It's OK; it's not a tragedy; it's simply 'life' telling you you cannot control the outcome.
Tarot card: Ten of Cups, reversed
While everything in your world seems to be heading in the right direction, you may want to spend a little extra time healing your heart before plunging into the next big endeavor. This implies that you are on the verge of great success, but if you want it to last, you must tidy up the loose ends. Perhaps healing plays a large role in the longevity of your desired success.
Tarot card: Knight of Cups
If you had to apologize to someone, then this is the week you will do so. It's hard for you to take responsibility for breaking someone's heart, and while you have done such a thing, you are also quite willing to make it up to them. You enjoy being humble, as it gives you perspective; prepare to reap the rewards of delivering an apology. Making amends works in your favor, Leo.
Tarot card: Four of Swords
This week has you resting and reflecting on some things you know have to end in your life. Bad habits must be eradicated once and for all, but not impulsively. As this card suggests, you will take time off to heal, reflect, and mentally prepare yourself for whatever comes your way. It's a week of silence and strength. In a way, this appeals to you very much.
Tarot card: Ace of Cups
It's always great to receive this tarot card as this is the tarot card of ultimate happiness. That also makes sense in your life, as this week feels completely balanced.
You are finally at the right place and ready to let off your harsh defenses; you've come to realize that you've kept love away by being too critical, and it will be during this week you finally give yourself a chance to trust others.
Tarot card: King of Cups
Love is the only thing on your mind, and it extends to all those you know and perhaps many of you don't know. You are gregarious and generous during this week, and you can not only trust in your judgment, but you are a reliable source of judgment for others too.
Those who love you will turn to you for comfort, all of which you will be too happy to give. You are magnanimous and kind during the week of March 5 - 11, 2023.
Tarot card: Five of Pentacles, reversed
You have decided to live your life diligently. So now you are getting to experience the give and take of the financial world. While it's not exactly 'business as usual,' there is a vibe that comes with this week, as this tarot card suggests, where you will readily do what you need to do.
If that means paying an outstanding bill, then you will accept that this is your responsibility and tend to it. You have no problems because you accept that this is how life is.
Tarot card: Eight of Swords
You feel as though people are laughing at you or perceiving you as a fool; however, this is a projection of your thoughts. You feel you've put yourself in a prison and cannot remove yourself from this self-built chamber of fear.
You will realize that this prison is something you gave yourself and that you are the only one who can free yourself. You will not free yourself, Capricorn, and only sign on for more.
Tarot card: Nine of Swords, reversed
Nightmares plague you this week, and if you suffer from anxiety, you may want to brace yourself, as this tarot card suggests that mental illness rules supreme during this time. You can't escape your negative thoughts, and every time you try, you feel worse.
Sleeplessness and worry overtake your world, Aquarius, which will push you to find relief. You will be OK, don't feed worry too much.
Tarot card: Five of Cups
Half way done and almost there. That's how this week looks for you, Pisces. You are on the right track, but you are far from finished. You may notice that whatever you are doing brings up old memories, and you may waste time reflecting on these reminiscences.
This week goes to time-wasting and memory-reliving, but next week will have you back on the block again. You are doing well, don't stop. Keep it up, Pisces.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.