The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Worst Fears Come True During The Pisces Moon, January 23 - 25, 2023

Three zodiac signs have their worst fears come true during the Moon in Pisces, January 23 - 25, 2023.
The idea of manifesting our worst fears sounds atrocious, doesn't it? What exactly does this mean? Will the world come to an end on this day, during the Pisces Moon, or are our worst fears something altogether different?
One thing you can take comfort in is that the world is going nowhere, so as far as one's 'worst fears' becoming some kind of science fiction epic masterpiece of doom, our 'worst fear' may be the fear of rejection.
Pisces brings in the sensitive element; with the Moon entering Pisces on January 23, we can expect the usual suspects: fear, the anticipation of rejection, nervousness, and a few moments of melancholy.
This day doesn't necessarily have to turn out to be a bad day, but it will be up to us to watch just how far we let our minds run because on this day, our minds are running straight over the edge of the cliff, and it would be best to stop before we start.
So then, how is it that certain zodiac signs will be manifesting their worst fears on this date? It works like this: certain zodiac signs — and you know who you are — have been doing some extra hard thinking these days, and the more you think about your life, the more you think about all the things you don't have.
Yes, today brings a bit of a pity party, but some of us won't be happy until we see the true destruction in action. During the Pisces Moon, we will ensure that we are in the right place at the right time to cause crucial damage to ourselves and our lives.
The three zodiac signs whose worst fears come true during the Moon in Pisces, January 23 - 25, 2023:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
Your worst fears have already come true for you, Aries, and the weird part about it is that it has to do with the past. During the Pisces Moon, you will, indeed, be feeling a little more sensitive than usual. You will get around to thinking about your life right now, and these thoughts will become the downward spiral that leads you to a past situation.
This situation isn't actively present today, so why would you be afraid, and yet, you can't help but think that this old pain would ever let you go? That's how it gets you, today.
You are snagged by the past, and you won't let it let you go. You are the one in charge here, Aries, and yet, it seems like all you are doing with that warrior energy of yours is ganging up on yourself with bad memories. You are living in the past, and your past regrets are returning to haunt you.
2. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
On January 23, during the Pisces Moon, you will find yourself reminiscing over the good old days. Of course, those good old days were filled with danger, excitement and carelessness, yet they seem so warm and fuzzy to you. In an attempt to get back some of that good old warm and fuzzy feeling, you might go out and attempt to get some, and that is where you go wrong.
There is no 'going back,' Taurus, and while this might make you sad, you also know that it's the truth. You were once a reckless beast of a party animal, and it terrifies you to think that you had this trait in you; in fact, it scares you so much that it simultaneously tempts you to try and recapture that feeling. And if there's one thing you fear, it's becoming the person you used to be. You could risk that today, during the Pisces Moon. Is it worth it? NEVER.
3. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
Your worst fear is more than likely having to look at yourself in the mirror to check for honesty. Sure, you are a fine, upstanding citizen and do all the right things, but there are a few 'secrets' that you keep, and some might even come off as incredibly anti-social. During the Pisces Moon, you'll be tempted to take a peek at everything that makes you unique.
You know this is a dangerous road and that you may end up despising what you see, but, nonetheless, you will go for it. There's 'something in the air' that pushes you to do some heavy self-reflection.
When you really grasp what you've been hiding from yourself and the world, you may want to grab a nice cuppa chamomile tea because Gemini, your secrets, should never be exposed.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.