3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day January 24, 2022
The greatest balance we’ll ever find is between our head and our heart.

While the energy feels like it’s improving, it benefits three zodiac signs who will have a great day on January 24, 2022.
The day brings an evening square between the Moon and Mercury will make us aware of the battle between both our head and our heart.
The day starts off feeling like there is more at stake when Mars shifts into Capricorn during the early morning hours.
This makes us more determined about what it is we want to create but in a very slow and diligent way.
Mars in Capricorn gets things done, but not impulsively or without thought.
This is part of a strategy in which we’re playing the long game versus the short.
However, our trine between Venus and Uranus is encouraging us to keep shedding the old so that we can make more space for the new, especially in terms of our relationships and those paths that feel purposeful in our lives.
For most of the day, we will feel energized about moving forward, however, it may seem that we can’t quite figure out what is getting in the way of feeling that we actually are.
We know that we don’t want to just rush in.
We know that in order to get where we want to go, we’re going to have to do things differently, yet none of those realizations seem to bring peace.
Not until the evening hours will we realize that what we’ve been moving through is trying to find a balance between our head and our heart.
It’s not a battle, as they’re not at war with each other, but it is about finding a way in which it feels like we’re honoring both parts of ourselves.
Part of this energy is that a square between the Moon and Pluto will bring up buried feelings and desires.
As we’re just a few days from Venus turning retrograde, now is the time to try to come to terms with the truth this period in our lives has revealed.
And remember that in order to truly feel fulfilled, to feel as if we’re living as our authentic selves, we need to find a balance between both our head and our heart.
Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day January 24, 2022
(September 23 - October 22)
Today is a checkpoint for you to make sure that you’ve actually healed from all you’ve been through and not just buried it. Balance is something that is always important for you, more so than any other sign. But at times you feel out of control when you surrender to your emotions, so you often choose not to.
But this is part of that work you’ve been doing yourself so that you can learn you are safe to feel everything and still remain balanced within yourself.
As the Moon squares Pluto and Mercury later today, this is a chance to deal with any buried feelings once and for all so that as we’re reborn into this new astrological cycle you can do so feeling like you’re actually ready for the future.
Your fifth house of pleasure is activated during Aqua Season, so this is a time to think more deeply about what brings you true happiness and make the choice to receive more of that into your life. Even with this checkpoint today, the energy is positive and supportive and should serve as a beautiful reminder of just how far you’ve come.
(December 22 - January 19)
Even though it’s not your season anymore, with Venus, Mercury, and Mars all meeting up in your zodiac sign, today it’s a powerful time to embrace your inner power.
Venus has been helping you think about your sense of self-worth and ego while Mercury has been asking you to think about if you’ve been avoiding any hard conversations or building that solid foundation that you’re seeking.
But with Mars moving in, it’s time to take what you’ve learned and now start making an action plan for moving forward.
This is where many are, but for you, this represents something deeper about yourself and your journey. Often you have no problem accomplishing anything that you set your mind to, but you struggle to make sure that what you’re working towards is actually something that you’re passionate about.
This is your chance to discover just that and to make sure that you’re putting that at the center of your life moving forward. There is no space for just okay anymore, now you are realizing that if it doesn’t set you on fire, then it just might not be your path. Trust your passion and learn to follow it.
(June 21 - July 22)
For you, this Capricorn energy is going to hit you strong as it activates your seventh house of relationships. This isn’t always welcomed energy as you normally seek peace in these areas but together with the planetary alignment, it is inspiring you to look at life in new and exciting ways.
Today, especially as all three planets, Venus, Mercury, and Mars, all align here you will come to a new and powerful realization about what you value but also what you deserve within relationships. This will kickstart an intense portal for you to start making plans for the next part of your life.
It’s likely that you are going to have to say goodbye to certain situations or even partners in the coming months as it’s clear that what has been no longer being sustainable. But this is different than before. This is a time when you are seeing things clearly and are able to take your time working through the uncomfortable parts of life that great change brings.
There is no time limit you have to rush things on but instead, this is the slow unveiling of truly making space for all that you desire in your life because you’ve finally reached the space of knowing that it was never too much, but that others were just offering too little.
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.