Love Horoscope For Monday, October 18, 2021
We survived. Now the good stuff can begin.

For Monday's love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer, and YourTango's Senior Editor, Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on October 18, 2021.
With Mercury retrograde coming to an end, we have an improvement taking place in our relationships.
Miscommunication and problems with getting together due to scheduling conflicts can start to come to a close, and this opens the door to fresh opportunities in love.
What does astrology have in store for your love horoscope this Monday? Find out.
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Monday, October 18, 2021:
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of friendships.
This has been a tough month in regards to finding people you can truly trust to be on your team. You may have given more information than you wanted to a friend with regards to a personal relationship.
But now that you realize not all people can be trusted with your heart fully, and you are wiser and smarter. Jupiter direct helps you to grow new relationships in wiser ways, and perhaps this may include allowing a friendship to bloom into something more.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of respect.
You didn't really get much of what it is that you wanted from your partner during the last few months. There could have been conflicts and battles over power and many of them you may feel like you lost.
Now is the time for you to rebuild the areas in your life where your ego took a bruising. This time it's up to you to restore your sense of confidence to good health, free from the need to be approved by others, especially when it comes to a partner who appears to not have the ability to do so at all.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of beliefs.
In love, it is nice to think that you could be with someone who doesn't necessarily believe the same thing that you do, but you have learned otherwise and this has been a difficult lesson to learn.
It can be one of those things where it's difficult to feel close to someone with who you cannot connect on a spiritual level. During Jupiter direct, you may start to evaluate whether or not this relationship is going to be sustainable for you. It can be tough on your heart, but overall you may find that the benefit of moving things into a friendship is worth your while.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of secrets.
You have had a strong feeling that someone is holding back from you, and even though you have tried as much as possible to get your partner to open up it was to no avail.
Now that Jupiter is direct you will start to see things manifest on their own without any nudging of your part. You may find some things aren't really all that bad, but there could be a very big reveal that can cause you to put things in a new light and give you a strong sense of doom when it comes to your overall relationship. It's important not to sweep things under the rug at this time.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of commitment.
When two people love each other some people may think that it's natural to want to get married, but that may not have been your aim in this particular relationship.
Now that Jupiter is direct, you see the status of your partnership as something that doesn't necessarily need to be defined in legal terms. You may feel a strong sense of relief that things are as they are and there's no need to change them further.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of health.
It's been hard to take good care of yourself during Jupiter retrograde and now that things are starting to change you may feel a sense of energy and vitality that was lacking before.
This can be quite a bit of a shock to a partner who has started to wonder whether or not you would ever get your groove back. It's a wonderful time for you to initiate any activities that you've been missing during this time of sedentary and lethargic feelings.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of romance.
When you want something so badly and your fear has you wondering whether or not you will ever get it it's easy to sabotage your opportunities.
The toxic behavior that you have been exhibiting can start to clarify for you.
You may feel more able to pull back where you have once experienced desperate emotions. This is a great time for you to start focusing on yourself and doing things that you enjoy without the need to be around another person.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of the home.
There have been quite a bit of tense moments in your household causing a lot of distance between you and your mate.
Children, bills, and drama from relatives can have created quite a toxic storm. However, now it's time for you to work on the hurricane that has hit through the summer. It's important for you to focus on the meaning of your relationship. As you focus on what it is that matters most to you both, things may start to work out before the end of this year.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of communication.
The lack of communication between someone who you cared for deeply but has ghosted you will come back around again. You may hear from an ex or a person whom you wondered what happened?
However, this also could be where you start to see things for what they are and not be on the begging end of the relationship stick. Even though it's nice that they reached out to you, it's also better that you do not engage or decide to go forward in a dating relationship.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of money.
Finances continue to be an area of tension even though there are many ways for you to work things out. It can be mind-boggling how controlling both of you feel when it comes to how to divide assets and financial responsibilities.
This could be where a stalemate just occurs and it's impossible to work things out. Perhaps having separate checking accounts and not trying to blend ownership of all items is a smart idea.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of identity.
Self-doubt, lack of confidence, and fear have been very challenging through the last few months, but now that Jupiter is direct you will start to regain your sense of self.
This is a wonderful time to work on creating a strong internal foundation so that when you are in a relationship someone's mood or difficulties don't crumble you inside.
This is a great time for you to work on whatever you realized during Jupiter retrograde was hindering you from having a healthy bond with another person.
Jupiter retrograde ends in your sector of hidden enemies.
Individuals who were not really having their best interest at heart may start to reveal their true colors during this time.
This can be a sad realization for you especially if you have invested a lot of time into the relationship. But, Pisces, aren't you glad to know someone for who they really are?
This may be a difficult lesson and patience as rushing into something before it's right could have been your weakness. But you live and learn and become a stronger and more resilient person as a result
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.