Horoscope For The Week Of February 8-14, 2021

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Horoscope For The Week Of February 8-14, 2021

Your horoscope for the week is here for all zodiac signs in astrology starting on February 8-14, 2021.

What does your horoscope for the week have in store for your zodiac sign?

Welcome to the second week of February. Right now, we're in Aquarius season, and during this week, we will experience the effects of the Aquarius New Moon, on Thursday, the 11th.

We are also feeling the influence of Venus, as it has just entered Aquarius earlier this month.


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Venus is associated with the heart, love, creativity, and artistry. We shouldn't be surprised if we have a sudden urge to either hug someone or create a thing of beauty.


The New Moon brings momentum as well; many of us have been craving change, and this transit will feel like a fresh inspiration.

This week we will all be feeling a sense of renewal and a calling to both improve upon our lives and the knowledge of the effort we must put into that change.

Monday, February 8th, will be significantly positive for us all, as it's the day where the Sun conjuncts Mercury, allowing for the positive flow of information, and proper, respectful communication.

Saturday the 13th gives us Mercury Conjunct Venus, which may ignite our love lives to a favorable degree, and on Sunday the 14th, we should be feeling somewhat spiritual and reflective.


Aquarius prompts us to change and to strive for freedom.

"Harmony and understanding" are not just lyrics to a cool, old hippie song - they really are the backbone of the Age of Aquarius, and we will experience some of that togetherness and good intention during this week.

Here's your horoscope for the week by zodiac sign starting on Monday, February 8, and ending on Sunday, February 14, 2021, per astrology:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

You will feel an immediate change for the better come Monday, the 8th, as the Sun conjuncts Mercury and gives you a second chance at expressing something you've failed at before.

It's almost as if you've been given a door that opens to an entirely new outlook, and it's one where you finally have the vision of your own success.


You might not have been able to voice your opinion before, or you may have held back due to circumstance - fortunately, you are now to see clearly and with this clarity, you are also able to get your point across, and it will free you.

Try to hold on to this clarity and use it as the weeks go by.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

It would make sense, according to the stars and the planets, if you've been feeling anxiety lately - and it is during this week that you will discover certain things about yourself, one being that you have been pushing yourself too hard.

What's interesting about the New Moon is that it will reveal to you an insight: You're a hard worker - you've just been working either the wrong angle or the wrong job altogether.


You tend to race through things to get there faster - no matter what the destination is, and yet, it will be during this week that you'll take into consideration the idea of slowing your pace and doing your tasks the right way, as opposed to the fast way.

Trust that you can express what's on your mind without fear of rejection - sometimes the truth really can set you free, especially if that truth is about uncovering who you really are.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

As a Gemini, you already experience the world as an intricate map of detailed plans and more choices than you prefer.

It's hard for you to commit to anything, though it will be during this week that you may give yourself a break from the constant overthinking and negative projection.


You haven't given up on love, and that's a good thing, as love is about to wake up, some time during the weekend.

You've been taking everything way too seriously and you're tired of it. You want some fun, something light - something that doesn't come with a blood contract and the promise of a migraine.

As the week presses on, things will become lighter and lighter for you, because your consciousness will be changing; you will be applying the Law of Attraction - unconsciously. There's tired, and then there's tired with a need for change; you will be part of the latter.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

This week is going to wake you up to the idea of boundaries - you've let people trample on your space for way too long, but you also realize that you enable them.


Your personal space needs to be known as your own and not something others can readily intrude upon. This will become obvious this week, especially after the New Moon transits.

You are a very dependable person and people in your life tend to love you unconditionally; that's all wonderful news, but you also have to know when to say "no" and when to demand privacy.

Loved ones tend to think they own you, and while you understand that to be completely true, you have to protect your psyche from invasion, meaning, you can't be everyone's shoulder to cry on. You need to set boundaries and think about your own sense of self.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

You may notice that this week, in particular, you will be feeling a sense of lack - in so much as you might think you are not doing enough to either make your own life better or for a loved one whom you believe needs you in order to make their life better.


What the charts show here is that you might overcompensate for your inability to show your love by spending too much money - money you do not have. This week is going to bring forth a financial aspect, a learning lesson for you.

You need to understand that you are loved even if you do not bring gifts. You must learn that you are enough, as is, and that you don't have to overdo your displays of affection in order to prove to those you love that you love them.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You may feel like you are at your wit's end when it comes to your job; you can only just take so much and everyone involved is seriously on your last nerve.

What frustrates you most is that you feel you've been getting better, more tolerant - more able to just get through the day without being reduced to stressful tears and resigned anxiety.


Things should ease up for you by Thursday, but not after a good rethinking takes place.

You need to start thinking of yourself first, and you certainly do not need to take a backseat to a person who apparently has little to no respect for you.

While it's not easy to 'just let go', that is exactly what is in order for you this week.

Try not to give away your power, especially to those who could care less about your well being.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

On Monday, the 8th, the Moon trines Mars, which affects you directly, Libra.

This means that during the week, you personally will be experiencing great power - you will feel courageous, willful, and resourceful. It's almost as if this week is giving you a fresh new start.


You will feel active, alive - ready to take on the world.

Perhaps this has come to be because you've confronted yourself with a truth that you hadn't considered before, and perhaps that truth is that you are stronger than you thought you were.

Truth and honesty will play a large role in the momentum of the week, and by week's end, you may find yourself completely engaged in something new and positive. You are ready, willing, and able to tackle whatever comes your way.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Love is definitely in the air for you, this week, Scorpio, and that should kick in on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd as the Moon connects with both the Sun and Jupiter, a notorious transit for bringing about good feelings and amorous relationships.


This week brings with it the concept of good luck - which you will be experiencing in abundance.

As the week progresses, you'll feel not only more secure in your moves but utterly supported by the universe, as if you've made a wish that has nowhere to go but to be granted.

If you are someone who gambles or takes financial chances, you'll be looking at Tuesday for your best bet. What you do this week has the potential to change your life for the best, as everything positive, this week, tends to flourish and multiply for you.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

It's funny, because for you, Sagittarius, this week is really going to come off as a truly 'hippie' experience. You're going to feel more conscious about the planet than usual; you want to help, you want to be a part of the world community.


Communications will open for you, as Mercury conjuncts Venus on Saturday, but all through the week, you'll have a burning need to both voice your opinion and help others with kind words and optimistic suggestions.

And while you do feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, know that it's not entirely up to you to change the world. Do your part and play it well.

Your universal compassion will take you where you need to go, but do not worry about saving everyone and everything; it's not your job. Just take care of yourself, do the best by yourself, and set an example for others.


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

It's a week where you may learn a valuable lesson the hard way. You are a very self-sufficient person, it's true, but sometimes this kind of autonomy acts like a wall or a fortress that protects you from the outside world.

You don't let people in, and there are too many transits happening this week to think this won't be noticeable, in a big way to those around you.

The week will start off with a bang; someone in your life wants more out of you - it could be in communication, in intimacy - they just want in, and you tend to shut down when things get too, too close for your comfort.

You may want to consider faking it until you make it, as they say, just to see if being open and loving is worth all the fuss.


There's a very good chance you'll get a warm reception if you allow those who love you to actually love you, without you getting in the way.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Well, if hope springs eternal, then this is the week that you will entertain hope once again. It hasn't been easy for you, and you've been feeling especially burdened by the weight of personal issues.

You've spent too much time undecided on matters that need attention, and hopelessly depressed over the idea that maybe things haven't worked out as you might have wanted them to.

Wednesday should open the floodgates for you, and you'll be experiencing both extreme highs and degrading lows.


You will, however, pick yourself up and get on that positivity train, because you know that it's now or never; and if ever there were a week to emphasize self-effort and renewal of spirit, it's this one.

Pisces (February 19 - March 10)

This week brings with it friction and adversity for you, Pisces, but in just enough of a dose that it jolts you and sets you on your own new, refreshed path. Mercury retrogrades Aquarius on the 10th, and that's when things will begin to change noticeably for you.

Expect an argument that feels harsh, but will end up being one of those great moments of revelation.

If you are in a romantic relationship, you may just end up having a 'make-up' session by Saturday, as the relationship will have gone through a few eye-opening changes during this very week.


If you've got something on your mind, then say it. Don't return to repression, it never works for you and it always takes a mental and emotional toll on your psyche. Try to work out all arguments and set a course for an open and honest future.

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Ruby Miranda is a New Yorker who learned astrology, I Ching and all types of cartomancy and numerology from her crazy, gypsy mother. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications.
