50 Best Scorpio Memes That Describe This Zodiac Sign

This water sign can get fiery in a split second.

scorpio memes someecards

How many Scorpio memes can one sign provide? Well, when it comes to this passionate, distrustful, volatile creature, the meme content is never-ending.

This complex water sign is a hard nut to crack. They’re cutthroat and unforgiving, which can be pretty terrifying at times. But it's also kind of hilarious in that dark, “if I don’t laugh I’ll cry” kind of way.

With their hard exterior and soft, sensitive interior, Scorpios are a walking paradox swinging between emotional extremes. If they’re your friend, they’re your most loyal friend; if they’re your enemy, you're in for a rocky ride.


RELATED: Why Is Scorpio So Magnetic?

50 Best Scorpio Memes

Despite their secretive nature, Scorpios love to hear the truth. And the truth is that these 50 Scorpio memes are hilarious. Ruthless, but hilarious.

Whether you have a Scorpio Sun, Moon or Rising sign, or just have a Scorpio in your life, you’ll certainly resonate with these. 


1. Scorpios are independent and needy in equal measure.

Best Scorpio Memes

Scorpio: I’m alone and I love it!

Also Scorpio: (sobs)

2. Keep yourself to yourself.

Best Scorpio Memes


3. Got that heart under lock and key.

Best Scorpio Memes

Them: You’ve got to start opening up.

Me: ...

4. You can’t suppress the sass. 

Best Scorpio Memes


Scorpio: I hate my own attitude sometimes like WTF you mad about now.

5. The floor is lava.

Best Scorpio Memes

6. Scorpios have more issues than Vogue.

Best Scorpio Memes


Scorpio Season begins: Who do I trust? Me!

7. No second chances.

Best Scorpio Memes

Don’t piss a Scorpio off and then try to carry a conversation after.

8. Feeling cagey?

Best Scorpio Memes


Exciting summer plans vs. canceling plans solely because you’re not feeling good about yourself on a particular day. 

9. Back off, okay?

Best Scorpio Memes

Scorpio to anyone trying to control them ever...

10. The outside doesn't always match the inside.

Best Scorpio Memes


RELATED: What Does The Scorpio Symbol & Glyph Mean In Astrology?

11. All of those issues are trust issues.

Best Scorpio Memes

What have people done to make you so cold and not trust anybody?

Scorpio: B**** everything!

12. The struggle is real.

Best Scorpio Memes


13. An actual image of a Scorpio's brain.

Best Scorpio Memes

14. Now that's a sneaky Scorpio.

Best Scorpio Memes


15. Quite the cliffhanger, wouldn't you say?

Best Scorpio Memes

16. A silent Scorpio is always scheming.

Best Scorpio Memes


When you’re being yelled at and you’re waiting for them to finish so you can hit them with the facts. 

17. This is how Scorpios show love. 

Best Scorpio Memes

Scorpio: Being overly possessive of people they love and fearing to let them go.

18. Scorpio's love language is sarcasm.

Best Scorpio Memes


“I’m trying to show love but it keeps coming out as sarcasm.”

19. Scorpio Moon getting into a relationship.

Best Scorpio Memes

20. Time to recharge your social batteries.

Best Scorpio Memes


Me ignoring text messages until I gain enough energy to be social again.

21. Scorpio runs on...

Best Scorpio Memes

22. Keep your headphones on or people might learn that you have feelings.

Best Scorpio Memes


Scorpio playing sad music while being sad.

23. This is what moving on looks like.

Best Scorpio Memes

24. There is no in-between.

Best Scorpio Memes


Caring too much vs. not caring at all

25. Harsh is Scorpio’s middle name.

Best Scorpio Memes

Speaking of funerals. Why don’t you go ahead and go die?

RELATED: Why Are Scorpios So Hard To Understand?

26. Trust? Don’t be ridiculous. Scorpios don’t trust.

Best Scorpio Memes


Scorpio Totally Trusts You and Other Hilarious Jokes You Can Tell Yourself

27. They are the drama kings and queens of astrology.

Best Scorpio Memes

28. What's trust?

Best Scorpio Memes


I don’t have trust issues, because I don’t trust at all. 

29. Unfortunately, Scorpios don’t come with instructions.

Best Scorpio Memes

How To Understand A Scorpio: All the pages are blank WTF

30. Me thinking about my ex.

Best Scorpio Memes


31. Don’t get on a Scorpio's bad side.

Best Scorpio Memes

32. Emotions coming out of nowhere to ruin your day.

Best Scorpio Memes


33. Scorpios have twisted minds.

Best Scorpio Memes

34. Weighed down by their issues.

Best Scorpio Memes


35. Cute but deadly.

Best Scorpio Memes

What a Scorpio is actually like vs. what they want you to believe

36. This is life as a water sign.

Best Scorpio Memes


37. Don't give away the secret.

Best Scorpio Memes

38. Get it together.

Best Scorpio Memes


When Scorpio is too honest with someone: Are you crying?

39. Scorpios in their emotional prison.

Best Scorpio Memes

RELATED: 55 Celebrities Born With A Scorpio Zodiac Sign


40. Someone who would kill for you > Someone who would die for you.

Best Scorpio Memes

41. Nope, don’t want to hear it.

Best Scorpio Memes


Me when someone gives “constructive criticism”: Let’s move on to something that really matters.

42. It’s our time to shine.

Best Scorpio Memes

Scorpios during Scorpio season vs. the rest of the world

43. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Best Scorpio Memes


Scorpios when phase 3 of the revenge plot they made four years ago starts kicking into gear

44. Explosion pending.

Best Scorpio Memes

45. It’s been 43 seconds!

Best Scorpio Memes


46. The paranoia is real.

Best Scorpio Memes

47. The RBF face is a known Scorpio trait.

Best Scorpio Memes


I’m not in a bad mood, this is just how I look. 

48. Soft inside, hard outside.

Best Scorpio Memes

49. You asked for it.

Best Scorpio Memes


Scorpios be like: If you don’t want a sarcastic answer, then don’t ask a stupid question. 

50. You can’t apologize if you’re never wrong.

Best Scorpio Memes

This is how Scorpio apologizes:

RELATED: The Detailed Truth About The Scorpio Zodiac Sign's Unique Personality Traits & Characteristics In A Relationship


Alice Kelly is a writer and storyteller with a passion for love, relationships, astrology, and all things related to the soul. Follow her on Twitter for more.