What It's Really Like To Have Sex With A Libra

Think you have what it takes to tip the scales in your favor?

man and woman libra in bed 4 PM production / Shutterstock

When it comes to having great sex with Libra men and women, a Sun sign born between September 23 and October 23, their pleasure really is your pleasure.

Libra is constantly on a never-ending quest for balance again, as their true personality traits even carry over into the bedroom for these children of Venus.

They're the most prone of all zodiac signs to seek perfection in their relationships, and they are often disappointed... at least, until the right one comes along. The right match is likely to be either a Gemini or a Leo, as both signs are sexually compatible with the Scales!


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But there's so much more to a Libra in bed — and if you're lucky enough to have sex with one, you won't be disappointed.

Here's what it's like to have sex with a Libra.

Libras are incredibly erotic.

When Libra is happy in love, all is well with their world, because love is clearly the center of their universe.


This sign is extremely amorous and erotic. They are quietly seductive in and out of the bedroom.

Just one look from Libra is usually enough to send even the most stone-hearted person into a tailspin.

Libra prefers to give rather than receive.

Libras are givers, which is also good news for their mates or potential sexual partners.

But Libras aren't above balancing out the genital generosity with a little something for themselves, too. That means they need a partner who isn't afraid to reciprocate pleasure.


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Libras are creative sexual partners.

With a Libra lover, you will have a tremendously creative sex partner. They like to catch you off-guard, so expect the unexpected.

Afternoon delights are a favorite of theirs, and so is waking up their partner in the middle of the night with an oral surprise.

Libras will tell you what they want in bed.

Yes, they are very oral-oriented, so Libras don't usually have a problem telling you exactly what they want and need in bed.

These scales weigh either one way or the other — either they're hopeless romantics, or it's all about the sex. Your job is finding out which side you're bedding.


Libras can also be offbeat lovers.

They aren't averse to role-playing games, as long as they are balanced and don't go overboard.

A little hair-pulling, a bit of spanking, a touch of dirty talk, but nothing too over the top. Variety is the spice of their lust fires, but not too much variety.

They like it slightly rough, but fair. Cross that line and get too nasty, and they can fold up like a Venus flytrap.

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Libra's dominant body parts are their lower back and buttocks.

Libra women tend to have especially elegant lumbar regions and curvy behinds. Males typically have nicely muscled, well-shaped, strapping backs.


Yes, Libra ladies usually have prominent, curvaceous nether cheeks that beg for a little swat now and again.

Want an insider's tip? Give your Libra a backrub down where the base of their spine meets their bottom. Not only will they melt in your hands but they'll be yours forever. But not if the sheets are mussed.

Libras can be almost as fussy as their Virgo zodiac neighbors.

They like to flop into a nicely-made bed, and have been known not to be able to orgasm if the linens aren't perfectly straight beneath their bodies.


If the mood and atmosphere aren't just right, it could be a dealbreaker. But if Libra's happy, then everyone's happy... especially between the sheets.

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Ariella Moonstone has been a sought-after astrologer for several decades, counting many recognizable names among her private clientele. Vivian Woodley, MA/MFT, has been a licensed therapist for more than 20 years, specializing in issues related to sexuality. Their book, The Astrology Sex Diet, is available on Amazon.
