Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Cheat, Ranked
Some of these signs just can't seem to help themselves.

First things first: while the zodiac signs most likely to cheat may have traits that make them more prone to straying, that doesn't mean they're going to. Cheating is ultimately a choice, one that some people make regardless of their zodiac sign, so it's important not to judge anyone based on their zodiac sign alone.
That said, people cheat for a variety of reasons — unhappiness in the relationship, seeking out new experiences, having insecurity issues, wanting revenge or falling out of love. To prepare or the real possibility that this could happen in your own relationship, it's important to learn the common red flags that someone is likely to be a cheater ahead of time. And one of the telltale signs that someone is likely to cheat might be their zodiac sign.
Which zodiac sign is most likely to cheat?
The results of a study found Libra, Gemini and Capricorn to be the zodiac signs most likely to cheat in relationships, while Scorpio proved to be the most faithful.
Now, not everyone who belongs to these zodiac signs is going to cheat, nor are people born under different zodiac signs never going to cheat. However, there do seem to be some zodiac signs that are more prone to temptations, and taking a closer look at the stars can help us better understand why.
1. Libra
Libras are huge flirts, which is why so many people are hesitant to enter into relationships with them. And maybe they are right to be hesitant! While you would think the flirting would stop once Libra is in a committed relationship, it doesn’t. And even though it's usually harmless, the flirting sometimes does go too far.
2. Gemini
Gemini is very needy in a relationship, so if you can’t give them around-the-clock attention, they'll find someone who can. Geminis can be pretty indecisive so they like to have options, and if there's still something you’re giving them that they want to keep around, they'll keep you around to get it. Gemini is most likely to cheat if they want it all — and if one or two partners can’t give them that, who is to say they won't go out to find a third?
3. Capricorn
Capricorn looks for something very specific in their relationships: to gain as much as they can. This means they're looking for happiness, support, stability and maybe even status. Because all of this can be hard to find in one partner, when Capricorn does find it, they will not be one to risk losing it.
4. Pisces
Normally sensitive and super-emotional, Pisces can’t help but act upon the smallest mood swing. If they're mad at you and out for the night, there’s no saying what might happen. At the same time, they're less likely to leave a relationship even if they're unhappy due to their fear of hurting the one they're with. Ironically, they may instead choose to stray.
5. Leo
Not only is Leo dramatic, but they need to be the center of attention at all times. If you’re not treating your Leo like the royalty they believe they are (and especially if they feel like you're beginning to ignore them), they will do everything they can think of to make sure you start paying attention again.
6. Aquarius
Aquarius might not physically cheat, but may start sending flirty texts to an old fling or lead someone on during a night out to see how many free drinks they can get out of it. And while it’s never physical, some people consider this to be emotional infidelity, so it's most likely that their partner wouldn't be too happy if they knew this was going on.
7. Sagittarius
Sagittarius has some pretty high moral standards and would never want to do anything that would ruin their reputation — but don’t be surprised if, early on in a relationship, Sagittarius suggests an open relationship and makes it clear that they plan on seeing other people. When they're open and honest about what they're doing and what they're expecting from your relationship at this point, is that really cheating?
8. Scorpio
Scorpio can be the most loving and committed partner you ever have, and stay that way forever — as long as you do the same for them. The moment they find out that you have been unfaithful, even in the smallest way possible, all bets are off. Once you've lost Scorpio's loyalty, they aren't opposed to revenge. Watch out!
9. Virgo
Virgo has never even thought of straying from the person they're with. Maybe it’s because with they're already busy plate, they can’t even think about sneaking around with someone else. Virgo is a loyal sign you can trust and, in the end, if they're unhappy, they would rather tell you and end the relationship rather than cheat on you. They're not fans of drama and aresn't about to be the source of it in their own lives.
10. Aries
Aries commit to their partner without a doubt. Sometimes they may come off as rude and harsh as they're not the best when it comes to expressing their love and commitment to their partner — but that doesn't mean they're off somewhere having an affair. Aries is loyal through and through. Plus, they know how horrible they would feel if they were the one being cheated on, and they could never put another person through that — ever.
11. Cancer
Cancer is by far one of the most faithful zodiac signs, and is the second least likely of all the zodiac signs to cheat. Family is the most important thing to Cancer and they're always looking for steady emotional support. They like feeling comfortable and secure and cheating would make them feel anxious and on edge all the time. Because some of these reasons also come off as benefiting only them, Cancer doesn't take the final spot on the list, but rest assured knowing Cancer will most likely not cheat.
12. Taurus
Taurus won't cheat because staying faithful to their partner benefits them the most. Having one relationship means only having to make an effort with one person, and there's no extra energy being spent sneaking around and coming up with excuses on the spot. Yes, Taurus is honestly too lazy to even think about cheating. But that’s a good thing, right? Selfish, maybe, but good.
Kelcey Connors is a writer who works primarily on quotes, entertainment, and zodiac articles. She's a graduate of Quinnipiac University.