The Luckiest Day Of Each Month In 2024 For Virgo, According To Astrology
Virgo's lucky day horoscope for every month of 2024.

As much as you have a natural skill for planning, it's important to put it to beneficial use. Virgo's 2024 lucky day horoscope can help guide you to make a long-term plan for your success.
The newest eclipse cycle in Aries and Libra brings the South Node into your second house of finances, which means that saving and living within your means for the time being may be the way to achieve the wealth you desire later on.
This is emphasized as Jupiter shifts into Gemini, ruler of your house of career, for the second half of the year. You are on the right path, but just make sure you also ground yourself in what you need to do now to ensure you can later live the life you dream of. Jupiter is the planet of luck and abundance and has been working its way through Taurus since 2023. During that time, it has been helping open you to new experiences and ways of life as this planet can't help but expand whatever it touches. Now, as it shifts from Taurus into Gemini, it will light up your career sector, bringing in new opportunities and advancement.
Financial rewards will be possible, but you are going to have to play the long game to achieve them, as they won't be the ruling decision for any career move you make this year. With the South Node in Libra, it means you are going to be directed to save, learn to live within what you already have and will receive more validation from seeing your bank account grow than spending it on luxury items.
With the North Node in Aries representing shared resources, transformation and life partners, you may also find yourself developing a new business or a marriage that will end up benefiting you financially in the year ahead. The key this year is to take each moment knowing it's going to add up to a greater benefit as the year ends.
The life you dream of living requires that you take the time to plan for it, and lucky for you, that is one of your strongest qualities.
Virgo's lucky day horoscope for every month of 2024
Luckiest day in January 2024: Saturday, January 27
Once Uranus stations direct in Taurus, you are being given the green light from now until the end of May to make the most of any new opportunities. Taurus rules your sector of luck, abundance, expansion and travel. While Jupiter has been in Taurus since May of 2023, with both planets now direct, it's time to set your sights on what you want to create. This creates a burst of energy at the start of the year, but it's important to lay the groundwork for what you want to reap later.
Uranus rules unexpected opportunities, which aren't always those that you're prepared to take, so make sure that you allow yourself to deviate a bit from the norm if it means making a dream come true. When it comes to planning for your success, allow yourself to reflect on how you want to feel rather than a step-by-step process to help you be more open to whatever direction the universe guides you in.
Luckiest day in February 2024: Saturday, February 24
Asteroid Vesta governs over the internal flame that inspires you to be motivated in whatever area of your life it affects. In February, Vesta will station direct in Gemini, which is your house of career and will serve as the warmup for when Jupiter shifts into this air sign later in the year. It's important to take this energy as it will help you expand your career and make positive changes.
You may have to become more flexible and entertain things turning out differently than you had first thought. Vesta wants to create professional success in your life by having you expand on what you're passionate about. Spend time reflecting on what you love to do, what it feels like is part of your soul's purpose, and what is so enjoyable it doesn't even feel like work. This will help you not just use the energy of Vesta in Gemini but also make the most of Jupiter once it shifts into this air sign in May.
Luckiest day in March 2024: Tuesday, March 19
This is going to be an intense month for you as the full moon lunar eclipse in Libra rises. Libra is in your second house of finances, so this may be a time when you are more focused on saving and building up your financial stability rather than making any big purchases. Lunar eclipses represent an internal or emotional shift, so you may also realize that you've been underselling yourself or not honoring what you are worth. Take everything as it comes, and remember, this is part of the process of becoming better.
The Libra eclipse this year will be potent as there will be two: a full moon this month, followed by a new moon solar eclipse in October. You are on a path to creating the financial wealth you desire. Don't get disheartened because it will take time. Instead, see it as a divine opportunity.
Luckiest day in April 2024: Monday, April 8
April brings an interesting mix of energy as Taurus season activates your house of luck and the Aries eclipse brings about a new beneficial partnership into your life. While Taurus energy always helps to bring about lucky new opportunities, with Jupiter preparing to shift into Gemini next month, it's important to take full advantage of whatever this month brings. While you are more focused on creating stability in your life around this time, travel would be encouraged as well, especially if it was career-related.
With Taurus and Aries energy being heightened, you may find yourself agreeing to partner with someone you currently know or even someone you meet on your travels to help bring about the new career expansion that is headed your way. Contracts can be signed and agreements made, as you are in a period of immense growth, as well as preparing to bring to fruition what Jupiter was destined to create in your life since it first entered Taurus in May of 2023.
Luckiest day in May 2024: Wednesday, May 15
While Jupiter shifts out of your luck sector in May, the great news is that it moves into your house of career. In this case, you get two years of back-to-back, abundant, expansive energy to help change your life in the most positive of ways.
As Jupiter prepares to shift into Gemini, it's important to remember this is an air sign, so communication, travel and flexibility will be important themes. You may also find that you must socialize more for your job through fundraising or community outreach. This unto itself introduces new energy into your life, so try to see it all happening for your highest good.
Jupiter will remain in Gemini until May of 2025, so reflect on what begins to surface around this time so that you can have a hint at where you will direct your energy for the next year. Jupiter guarantees abundance and luck, so also know that no matter what else you have going on in your life, this is an area of your life where you are guaranteed to have a win.
Luckiest day in June 2024: Sunday, June 9
The focus in your career sector continues into June as Mercury shifts into Gemini. This will help with any new projects at work, as well as applying for new jobs or even interviewing, as Mercury will help you have a gift with your words. When you're embracing your Gemini energy toward your career, you're allowing yourself to shine in the ways that you do best. Play up your organizational and planning skills. Let yourself be celebrated for being contentious and dedicated to your job.
Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini together may also bring news of jobs you've applied for in the past, especially in terms of new partnerships, as the North Node in Aries will be activated all this year. If you have to break away from working more independently or in the ways you've previously had, try to let yourself surrender a bit and go with the flow so you don't miss one ounce of this amazing energy.
Luckiest day in July 2024: Thursday, July 25
Mars is the planet that rules passion and determination, and in July, it shifts into Gemini, once again drawing the focus on your career. This energy also highly supports you in creating your own business, with the help, of course, as you will be in the planning stages in June and then ready to implement in July.
Mars can make you incredibly busy but in all the best ways possible. Allow yourself to remember that this is just a phase, and whether you're trying to get a new job or get your own business off the ground; success takes time.
Try to start anything new in the first half of the month, as Mercury will be in pre-shadow for its retrograde in August, and that may complicate new ventures, especially those that involve a contract. This shouldn't necessarily affect your career or finances, but you also don't want to take any chances at creating the success you deserve.
Luckiest day in August 2024: Sunday, August 4
Asteroid Juno, ruler of contracts, shifts into Libra, ruler of your financial sector, at the beginning of August. However, Mercury also stations retrograde until the end of the month. While this warns against signing new contracts or making agreements that you'll need to amend later, it does support you in reflecting on anything you've previously done. With the work you've been doing to honor your inner self, desire to expand your life and make more of your dreams a reality, it may be time to review your contract with your current company or even take a second look at one you've recently signed with a business partner.
No matter how good something seems, there is always room for adjustments and to make them better. By allowing yourself to focus on whatever you've previously signed or agreed to, you can also ensure you are doing the work of the South Node in Libra that will encourage greater growth in this area of your life.
Luckiest day in September 2024: Monday, September 2
When September arrives, you'll be in the place to negotiate. Whether this is a contact or even your pay grade, Mercury shifts into Libra and helps you talk, communicate, and strategize over whatever you were reflecting on in August. During this month, you are encouraged to honor what you've recently realized while also remaining fixed on the expansion of your professional life.
The Sun, one of the luckiest planets in the cosmos, will also shift into Libra, making this a powerful time to work on making changes and adjustments that can help your bottom line. September may feel like more work than reward, but that's because what you're building is something that will take time to bring to fruition. Trust that you are on the right path, and focus on the details this month.
Luckiest day in October 2024: Thursday, October 17
The beginning of October brings the second Libra eclipse of the year, this one a new moon solar eclipse. While the lunar eclipse in March brought a reflection or new awareness regarding your finances, the solar eclipse will help bring about the positive changes you've been seeking. You've been preparing, reflecting and starting to honor your worth more deeply, allowing you not to negotiate for the bonus or raise you deserve.
Eclipses work in partnerships with one another, so although it's not an eclipse, the full moon in Aries in your house of transformation suggests positive changes in your financial house. October could bring the big turnaround that you've been seeking, especially if you've been doing the work to ensure your stability and abundance.
Luckiest day in November 2024: Friday, November 15
The full moon in Taurus rises in your sector of luck and new opportunities, suggesting travel or a new educational class may be in the cards for you. You may also be able to see the fruits of the efforts that you put in around the new moon in Taurus at the end of May, right around the time that Jupiter shifted into Gemini. There is an ongoing story here that ties so closely together you do not doubt that it's meant for you.
Allow life to change, change your routine, and, most of all, seize the opportunities that are meant for you. The Taurus full moon will confirm that you're on the right path, along with seeing the efforts of this first phase of Jupiter in Gemini and what you've been able to accomplish so far. Don't worry; you still have plenty of opportunities to make the most of this era of expansion and luck, but it's also okay to start enjoying the rewards of it.
Luckiest day in December 2024: Sunday, December 29
The year ends on a positive and lucky note as the full moon in Gemini rises in your house of career. While August and September may have felt like a lot of work for you, once October arrived, it began to change everything around for the positive. Now, it's just about creating space to enjoy it. As much as you are skilled at planning and focusing on the details, you also need to learn when to relax into what you've created and enjoy it.
Let yourself settle into this new chapter of your life where you are finding greater success and fulfillment in your career. You don't need to worry about backsliding or being pushed back to where you are because what you've built now is the solidity and security of a foundation that is meant only to keep growing.
As you end this year, know that next year is going to be even better, especially as the eclipse cycle begins to shift into your sign of Virgo and Pisces. You truly have made it through some of the more challenging phases of your life, and now, it's time for you to enjoy it.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator.