3 Zodiac Signs End A Controlling Relationship On May 12 During Mercury Sextile Saturn

Today freedom begins.

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Three zodiac signs end a controlling relationship on May 12, 2023, thanks to Mercury sextile Saturn, and here's why. Have you ever come to that place in your relationship where you simply cannot go on as you've been doing, and it hits you so hard that it has to stop? As in, 'none shall pass.' You may feel as though you're no longer in an actual romance but in some kind of employee-employer situation, where you are continuously being told what to do, and you're getting really sick of it.


This happens more often than not as we start to take advantage of the people we've become very familiar with, and the closer we get, the weirder the romance gets. It's as if it's not just about the honeymoon being over; it's about the dynamic becoming unreasonable. We didn't sign up for this. We don't want to be controlled! It's not cute; it's on the verge of becoming 'over.'

If there's anything that can bring out this kind of realization in a person, it's having a transit like Mercury sextile Saturn hanging around, and that's exactly the transit that will run the show on May 12, 2023. There might have been a time when we felt like, 'Well, this is just par for the course,' and 'That's what you get in a relationship ... blah, blah, blah.' 




Mercury sextile Saturn wakes us up. We can tell that it is getting worse, and know it doesn't have to continue. If need be, we're going to have to be the ones who put an end to the whole shebang. Love is love, but it is NOT control. There are people in this world who are so controlling and neurotic that we have to let them go ... because who needs that in their lives?

RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Handles The Control Freak In Their Life, According To Astrology

So, for three zodiac signs on May 12, 2023, the odds of ending a controlling relationship are pretty high during the transit of Mercury sextile Saturn. There is a moment where we know we don't need to go on with this, that we owe nobody anything, and that we're not obligated to fulfill some contract that promises us only pain. Today, we do as Saturn does, and we say NO. Who's on board?


Three zodiac signs end a controlling relationship on May 12, 2023:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

You've been practicing for this one for a long time, Taurus, and what's implied here is that you learned your lesson a while back; you are not here to be controlled by anyone. That includes parents, employers, and most certainly romantic partners. There's a big difference between letting someone have their way or following their advice and finding that it's always their way or the highway. You aren't here for that; in fact, the whole relationship is starting to look like the person you put your trust in has now decided they are your boss. They are taking over everything, and NONE of it is cool.

During the transit of Mercury sextile Saturn on May 12, 2023, you will see this very clearly, and you will recognize this as the time to act. You're not here to be controlled. You are a free person who chooses what and how to live your own life. This affair has come to an end.

RELATED: 6 Possessive Zodiac Signs Who Are Controlling In Relationships


2. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

At first, you thought that your partner's tendency to want to control everything would die down to a low simmer, but as time goes on, you've noticed that it's only getting worse. It doesn't matter if their controlling nature is due to some deep insecurity because knowing it doesn't stop them. They continue to control what you do, and it's gone from annoying to outright wrong. You can no longer tolerate this, and it seems to be escalating daily.

Where does it stop? Well, Mercury sextile Saturn, on May 12, 2023, stops today because you are starting to realize tomorrow will only be worse, making the day after tomorrow a shoo-in for a truly terrible experience. There is no more laughter when it comes to this conversation. All you can foresee is your own body walking out the door. It is done.

RELATED: The Most Controlling Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked


3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

As a Leo, you know your share of control, but you like to keep it to a minimum as you are also quite fond of being liked. You've learned all about what being an overbearing control freak can do to a relationship, but the last thing you expected was to be a victim in one. And here you are, the person being told what to do, day in and day out, and it does not feel good or hopeful. This is starting to look like a failed relationship, and you've also come to see that this person is not about to change any time too soon.

During Mercury sextile Saturn, you'll wonder if your 'job' is to save the day and show them the error of their ways, but the truth is ... you're not here to keep them. You ARE here to support you, Leo, and the only way you can do that successfully is by telling your partner that things have to end now, as in ... yesterday.


RELATED: 10 Signs A Leo Man Wants To Break Up With You

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.