These 3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love On April 24 - 30, 2023

Are you one of them? Don't fret though if you aren't. We have a special message for everybody regardless.

chinese zodiac signs luckiest in love april 24 - 30, 2023 ofjd125gk87 from pixabay via Canva/Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni via Canva Pro

Your Chinese zodiac signs who are luckiest in love April 24 - 30, 2023 is here. If you have been single for a really long time, maybe your soulmate is not in the same hemisphere as you. Time to go traveling! And if you don't want a global romance, then maybe it's time to compromise on the list of things you want in a partner.

Keep the stuff that's essential for your self-esteem and self-respect, but toss the superficial rest. Better still, choose to love yourself and embrace your singlehood. It's a lie when they say everybody needs a partner. Those people need one, you may not.


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Also, keep an eye out for signs from the universe, like fallen bird feathers that aren't regular pigeon gray, or a penny sticking out of the pavement crack. Someone wants to send you a message. Now, let's focus on the 3 Chinese zodiac signs who are luckiest in love in the week of April 24 - 30, 2023.


Three Chinese zodiac signs who are luckiest in love April 24 - 30, 2023:

1. Snake

(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

If you are single, go drinking with your friends on the weekend. It doesn't have to be a bar though. It can also be a coffee shop or an ice cream booth. You won't realize it, but socialization makes you look healthy and bright. Suddenly you will have a guy (or girl) trying to hand you their phone number. Also, pin a flower to your hair or lapel (it can even be an enamel pin of a rose) to heighten your luck in love.

If you are in a relationship, either you are getting tired of your significant other's lackadaisical attitude, or you have checked out of the relationship and don't want to be the villain by breaking up first. Perhaps you needed to hear this message to make you do that which your heart (and gut) has been trying to make you do for a while, and that's going to be the lucky thing for you.

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2. Ox

(1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

If you are single, you are going to be incredibly lucky in love this week. Carry a rose with you for good luck, but don't tell anyone why you have one. Of course, some will think you have a secret boo, but there will be those who will suddenly start to notice you and wonder if they should give you a rose too.

If you are in a relationship, things are unfolding at a snail's pace. You don't want to speed things up though. You are afraid it will break things or make the other person pull away. The luckiest thing you can do this week is bring home some pie and eat it with your significant other. It's the best time to have long conversations, even serious ones while keeping things somewhat light. If they walk away, perhaps they are freeloading off of your resources.

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3. Rabbit

(1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

If you are single, don't give anyone your phone number this week (in non-work-related situations). Be patient. More so if you have a crush on someone in your workplace and want to ask them out on a casual non-date date. We see what you are doing! Drink some water like you are sipping wine or champagne ... and then see what happens.

If you are in a relationship, a lot of hugs and cuddles are in store for you this week. Yay! Also, if your S.O. has a favorite sweet, surprise them with one randomly one day. Just make sure you have one for yourself too. It's not fun when you are snacking alone.


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Valeria Black is a tarot reader and astrology nerd with a dash of wicked humor on the side. Follow her on Instagram for more.